The Australian halal export meat trade is in a strong position, currently valued at $1.6 billion per year and growing. This has a positive impact on the meat processing sector as whole.To work in halal meat processing, individuals currently undertake a meat processing qualification as well as attaining certification from one of a number of individual organisations. However, this provides a challenge in maintaining a consistent standard of what it means for meat to be halal. There is currently a push towards a single Australian certification system, presenting a need for a unified approach to training. As such, industry is supportive of addressing the skills required for halal meat processing through nationally endorsed training.
The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) approved this project via a Case for Change submitted by Skills Impact in 2019 on behalf of the
Meat IRC.Skills Impact and the Meat Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will manage this project, consistent with the
2012 Standards for Training Package Development.
Download Project Proposal (see pages 36-39)
Australia has been processing meat for halal markets for many years and demand is increasing, with Australian halal export trade currently valued at $1.6 billion annually (
Parliament of Australia). This strong position in the halal market increases farm gate returns, opening up opportunities in international markets.“Halal certification is required for exports to Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. These are significant markets for the meat industry and third party certification is instrumental in providing exporters access to these markets.” (
Parliament of Australia)
Despite Australia’s strong position, variation in halal market requirements is a major challenge. Halal certification provides consumers peace of mind that they know where meat is coming from, how it has been handled and whether it matches their religious beliefs. It’s vital that halal procedures are consistent in order for meat to pass halal market audits and become available on the market. Traditionally, employees working in halal processing have needed to obtain certification from one of a number of Islamic organisations in addition to holding an existing meat processing qualification. However, there is a push from industry to move towards a single Australian halal certification system to support consistency in halal meat products.Consultation with the meat processing industry will continue throughout the life of this project to review and develop skills standards in halal meat processing, across all relevant parts of the supply chain. This will allow the industry to support skills in line with Australian certification standards and to demonstrate halal compliance to international markets.
Project Scope
The project will address the need for a unified training approach to halal meat processing, considering units of competency included in the Certificate III in Meat Processing (Slaughtering) and (Quality Assurance) and Certificate IV in Meat Processing (Quality Assurance) and developing new units of competency and skill sets as necessary. Transferability to other livestock and food sectors will be considered during the review and development.
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Meat Processing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Relevant Occupations
Project Team
August – September 2019
Initial scopingSeptember – October 2019
Development of draft skill sets and unitsOctober – November 2019
Drafts available for broad consultationDecember 2019 – February 2020
Validation of final draftsFebruary – May 2020
Finalisation of Training Package componentsMay – June 2020
Submission for endorsement
- a unit to cover slaughtering in accordance with Halal requirements (to be delivered by Authorised Islamic Organisations)
- a unit to address the specific requirements of conducting a Halal audit
- a unit for Quality Assurance managers to identify and address different Halal market requirements, including certification
- a unit for involved non-Muslims covering the need to understand Halal requirements, and the Halal production process.
Subject Matter Experts
Subject Matter Experts will be drawn on throughout this project to help review and draft the revised units and qualifications.If you are interested in applying to be a subject matter expert and are able to volunteer your time to this project, please email details of your expertise to
[email protected]Opportunities for stakeholder input
Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. The documents will be drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback on first drafts will occur in
October and November 2019, and for the validation of final drafts between
December 2019 and February 2020. The qualifications and units need to reflect real work experience in order to ensure training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. As such, your feedback is welcome at any time, to assist in the development of appropriate draft documents.If you work in the sector, Skills Impact would appreciate your input. Register your interest to receive project updates and information about consultation opportunities by following the newsletter subscription link below. Alternatively, please feel free to contact the project manager,
Sharon Fitzgerald on
0408 612 883 or
[email protected]Stakeholder Consultation Process
A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified for this project based on their industry role, size or specialty. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations to seek their involvement and views on all draft skill sets and units. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list, they have simply been identified as the most likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this projectIf you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.
Despite Australia’s strong position, variation in halal market requirements is a major challenge. Halal certification provides consumers peace of mind that they know where meat is coming from, how it has been handled and whether it matches their religious beliefs. It’s vital that halal procedures are consistent in order for meat to meet halal market requirements.The project will address the need for a unified training approach to halal meat processing, considering units of competency included in the Certificate III in Meat Processing and Certificate IV in Meat Processing and developing new units of competency and skill sets as necessary.
Initial drafting of the units and skill set has been guided by the Department of Agriculture Halal Consultative Committee – Halal Training Sub-committee. The Committee will approve the draft materials before they are released for public consultation.The project has been discussed at a number of meat industry network meetings and promoted through email broadcasts and MINTRAC’s newsletter. As a result a number of industry stakeholders have contacted the project team to register their interest in being part of the broader general consultation process as the project progresses.
Development outcomes and next steps
Development outcomes so far have included:
- Initial drafting of two units of competency for performing animal slaughter in accordance with halal requirements and overseeing a meat processing establishment’s halal certification requirements
- Initial drafting of a Meat Processing Halal Slaughter Skill Set
Broad stakeholder consultation is scheduled to commence in mid-October, when draft units and skill set will be made available for comment on this webpage. Your input is welcome, please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft materials are available for feedback.
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Meat Processing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Traditionally, employees working in halal processing have needed to obtain certification from one of a number of organisations in addition to holding an existing meat processing qualification. However, the Australian meat processing industry is supporting a move towards a single Australian halal certification system. This would support consistency in halal meat products, providing consumers peace of mind that they know where meat is coming from, how it has been handled and whether it matches their religious beliefs. It would also promote the ongoing success of Australian halal meat products in international markets.Thank you to those who provided feedback on the draft units of competency and skill set that were available on this wepage for feedback from 14 October – 8 November 2019.
During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, by phone and email. The drafts, including any comments made on the feedback hub, are still available for viewing below.Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts which are expected to be available for industry validation between December 2019 and February 2020. A summary of the feedback and how it was addressed in the final drafts will also be available.
This new skill set has been developed to cover the skills and knowledge required to undertake Halal slaughter in an approved export meat processing establishment. The skills covered include sticking and bleeding, assessing effective stunning and bleeding, performing animal slaughter according to Halal requirements, following safe work policies and procedures and maintaining sharp knives.
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking here.
Two new units have been drafted, one at operator level and the second aimed at supervisors. The first unit covers the skills and knowledge required to slaughter animals in accordance with halal requirements, and the second unit covers skills and knowledge required to oversee the procedures and personnel required to gain and/or maintain halal approvals.
AMPX3105 Perform animal slaughter in accordance with Halal certification requirements | View draft unit |
AMPX431 Meat processing establishment’s Halal compliance | View draft unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking here.
Summary of consultation to date
The draft skill set and units have been drafted in consultation with the Department of Agriculture Halal Consultative Committee – Halal Training Sub-committee. This committee has provided information about the key requirements of the job roles covered by the skill set and units. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Meat Processing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
The meat processing industry supported a move towards a single Australian halal certification system. This would lift the consistency and reputation of Australian halal products, promoting their ongoing success to international markets. It also provides consumers with reassurance that they know where their meat is coming from, how it has been handled and that it matches their religious beliefs.Thank you to those who provided feedback on the final draft skill set and units of competency that were made available on this webpage for feedback from 4 December 2019 – 2 February 2020.Validation means checking and confirming that the documents are logical, factual and accurate. Final drafts of the skills set and units can be viewed in the lists below.
Summary of consultation to date
The units were drafted in consultation with the Department of Agriculture Halal Consultative Committee – Halal Training Sub-committee. This committee has provided information about the key requirements of the job roles covered by the skill sets and units. Thank you to those stakeholders who provided feedback on the drafts that were made available from 14 October to 18 November, under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, face-to-face consultation and, and via phone call and email. Feedback that was received on the initial drafts was considered to redraft versions of these final drafts.A description of how feedback has been considered and applied in these final drafts can be downloaded below. Please click the ‘Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions’ button.
Skill Set code and name | Proposed changes | Link |
AMPSS00065 Meat Processing Halal Slaughter Skill Set | A minor wording change was made to the Licensing/Regulatory Information in the draft skill set. One issue is still undecided, whether the word ‘export’ should be removed. | View final draft skill set |
AMPX431 Oversee meat processing establishment’s Halal compliance has had changes made to PCs in Element 1 and the Knowledge Evidence. AMPA3105 Perform animal slaughter in accordance with Halal certification requirements has had changes made to PCs in Element 1, Element 2 and the Knowledge Evidence.
Skill Set code and name | Proposed changes | Link |
AMPX3105 Perform animal slaughter in accordance with Halal certification requirements | Changes made to Performance Criteria in Element 1, Element 2 and the Knowledge Evidence. | View final draft unit |
AMPX431 Meat processing establishment’s Halal compliance | Changes made to Performance Criteria in Element 1 and the Knowledge Evidence. | View final draft unit |
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Meat Processing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Halal certification is required to access many international halal export markets, providing consumers around the world with peace of mind that they know where meat is coming from, how it has been handled and whether it matches their religious beliefs. Traditionally, employees working in halal processing have needed to obtain certification from one of a number of organisations in addition to holding an existing meat processing qualification. This project was developed to support the Australian meat processing industry move towards a single Australian halal certification system, and the need for a unified training approach to halal meat processing.Industry representatives have volunteered their time and expertise to this project to identify and describe the specialist skills required for halal meat processing. They have helped to develop a national skill set and two new units of competency. These national skills standards will support industry as it moves towards a single consistent certification system.The skill set and units were published on the training.gov.au website on 18 December 2020, within the
AMP Australian Meat Processing Training Package. They are available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs).
Summary of consultation
The units were drafted in consultation with the Department of Agriculture Halal Consultative Committee – Halal Training Sub-committee.
This committee was established under the auspices of the Export Meat Industry Advisory Committee, with a membership made up of three peak meat industry organisations, the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment as well as representatives from Approved Islamic Organisations. In addition to the committee 28 other stakeholders registered their interest in the project either as a SME or wanting to be kept informed of the project’s progress. The broader industry were then consulted on the draft documents at two different stages – the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages.
Feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, face-to-face consultation and, and via phone call and email. The project was also discussed at AMPC Network Meetings held between July 2019 and February 2020. Notifications regarding the project and opportunities for feedback were sent out to MINTRAC and Skills Impact networks on a regular basis. A summary of feedback and how it was been considered and applied at the ‘Drafts Available’ and 'Validation' stages can be downloaded below.
Initially up to four new units of competency and three skill sets were proposed to be developed as part of this project, to address the need for a unified approach to halal meat processing. The skill sets had intended to cover:
- Halal Slaughter
- Halal Auditing
- Halal Processing Requirements
The proposed new units of competency originally considered for development were:
- A unit of competency to cover slaughtering in accordance with halal requirements (to be delivered by Authorised Islamic Organisations)
- A unit of competency to address the specific requirements of conducting a halal audit
- A unit of competency for Quality Assurance managers to identify and address different Halal market requirements, including certification
- A unit of competency for involved non-Muslims covering the need to understand Halal and Tayyib, and the Halal production process.
However, during consultation with SMEs it became apparent that only one skill set and two units of competency were necessary. The units of competency and skill set were endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (
read the communique) and State and Territory Ministers after undergoing an edit and equity and independent quality assurance process and consideration by the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs). A Case for Endorsement was submitted alongside the draft units and skill set, including a rationale of why these changes are needed and evidence of industry support.
Click here to download the Case for EndorsementPlease find below links to the final documents, that are published on the
training.gov.au website.
Companion Volume Implementation GuideA Companion Volume Implementation Guide has also been produced to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the units and skill set.
It contains key information to help trainers adapt to any new changes, as well as additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.
Click here to download the Companion Volume Implementation Guide Part 1
Click here to download the Companion Volume Implementation Guide Part 2
Skill Set