Skills Impact recently surveyed registered training organisations (RTOs) on their experiences transitioning to the new baking qualifications. The information from this survey supported the next step of a teleconference to connect training providers to share their ideas and challenges. It also helped inform our submission to the Government about a nationally consistent approach to the development of delivery and assessment materials.
Retail baking qualifications, skill sets and units were reviewed as part of a national project in 2016. The revised documents were endorsed in 2017 and over the past two years RTOs have been transitioning to these new versions.
Key findings of the survey included:
- The greatest number of respondents’ organisations deliver baking qualifications in Victoria, followed by New South Wales and Western Australia.
- Most of the respondents’ RTOs delivered three or four baking qualifications, but only one delivers the Certificate IV in Baking.
- Most qualifications held on scope by respondents have already been transitioned to the new versions. Around one-quarter of the qualifications being delivered have yet to be transitioned (but the intention is mainly to do so).
- There are a few RTOs that do not intend to transition from a superseded qualification due to ‘thin market’ viability issues.
- Challenges for RTOs in the transition process include a lack of Credit Transfer opportunities, ‘business as usual’ being affected by increased administration, learners’ gap training and the delivery of updated content.
- During transitions, RTOs most value the support of their Compliance Manager/Officer and peer networks.
- Recommendations for transition process improvements include fewer units being superseded by non-equivalent units at the same time, clearer sign-posting of mapping changes, the creation of national, standardised resources and procedures, and access to a centralised source of advice and training.
- In spite of the extensive consultation in the development process, RTOs raised general concerns, including perceived shortcomings in the applicability of updated qualifications across all bakery operations and a lack of transparency in the design of new content.
Thank you to all that responded.