Our Role Establishing Skills Insight JSC
Skills Impact held a Skills Service Organisation (SSO) role between 2016 and 2022. In 2023 we established one of ten Job and Skills Councils (JSCs), after a submission to move into the role was backed by over 200 letters of support from a broad range of industry stakeholders. This new JSC, Skills Insight, has a broader scope to deliver outcomes that support a responsive VET system and a skilled and resilient national workforce. The industry coverage of Skills Insight is similar to our past coverage as a Skills Service Organisation.
Home » News » AISC Servicing Industry to Provide the Skills it Needs AISC Servicing Industry to Provide the Skills it Needs
All six Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) came together on 19 April in Canberra with representatives from the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) Secretariat to collaborate on how they can better support industry’s skills needs – now and in the future.