Those with experience in the forest, timber and wood related industries are encouraged to provide input on issues impacting skills and training. A draft Industry Skills Report has been compiled to provide in-depth information about industry-specific skills themes and issues at the request of the Forest Management and Harvesting Industry Reference Committee (IRC), Timber and Wood Processing IRC and Timber Building Solutions IRC. This is in addition to content covered in the Agribusiness, Food and Fibre Industries Skills Report which was produced earlier this year.
This document is designed to identify industry-specific issues that will need to be considered as part of collaboration across industries, support VET and skills reform, and provide insights for consideration during the next round of industry skills projects.
We are seeking your feedback on the report and whether there are areas of the report that can be improved. Comments are sought on the accuracy of information, alternate approaches, improved structure, or further examples or information sources.
Feedback is being collected up until 31 July 2022.
Your input is encouraged and appreciated.