Respect for Country Job Skills Project
Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.Case for change
The units of competency in the AHC Training Package related to Aboriginal Site Works (ASW) and Indigenous Land Management (ILM) have not been reviewed for content for some time. During this period, job roles have grown in importance and more opportunities exist for Aboriginal and Islander people to take up occupations related to the skills and knowledge covered by the unit sectors.
It is important to retain the integrity of the units and protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights to be able to utilise these knowledge and skills for their communities and for personal vocations. It is also important to ensure that these critical knowledge and skills can be recognised by employers for job opportunities, and that any skills gaps are identified and addressed.
The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) approved this project, out of the 2021 Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast (see pages 63-68).
The Agriculture and Production Horticulture IRC and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management IRC will oversee this project as part of their responsibility to support engagement with the industry, and to ensure the project meets industry stakeholder needs.
Skills Impact will manage this project, consistent with the 2012 Standards for Training Package Development.
Project Plan
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures possess skills and knowledge for respecting Country that have been developed over thousands of years. Some of these skills and knowledge are used in jobs connected to managing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land and reporting on important sites. These are described in nationally endorsed qualifications, skill sets and units that are used by registered training organisations (RTOs) to equip leaners for jobs in ecosystem management, conservation, environmental and cultural analysis, and ranger occupations, as well as roles preparing government, legislative or regulatory reports.
Skills Impact is seeking to connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about whether these qualifications and skills standards still describe the skills and knowledge required of this work, and to hear about any improvements that can be made.
The project team of Michelle Ingley-Smith and Cathy Beven are here to talk about the current qualifications, skill sets and units and are seeking guidance on whether they can better support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners and communities.
| Michelle Ingley-Smith, Industry Engagement Manager Michelle is a proud Maori woman descending from the Ngati Korokoro hapu (subtribe) of the Ngapuhi iwi (tribe). Her ancestors traditionally inhabited the area around Hokianga on the North-West coast of Northland, Aotearoa. She currently lives on Country of the Kaurna people in the Adelaide Plains of South Australia. 0438 632 439 |
| Cathy Beven, Industry Skills Standards Specialist Cathy has experience training and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Far North Queensland, specifically in and around Cape York and Thursday Island. She has also worked with members of a not-for-profit organisation designing a holistic healthy living program for school students in Aboriginal communities in Northern Territory and Northern Western Australia. She currently lives on Boon Wurrung Country. 03 9321 3526 |
Feedback about this project is welcomed at any time by contacting Michelle or Cathy by email or phone.
If you would like to receive updates on the project, you can register your interest by following the newsletter subscription link below.
Relevant Occupations
- Rangers Land & Sea
- Conservation Field Officers
- Cultural & Heritage Officers
- Land Council Site Officers
- ILM Assistants
- Mine Workers
- Surveyors
- Forestry Workers
- Tourism Operators / Guides
Project Scope
As part of this project, we are seeking feedback on two qualifications, 14 skill sets and 35 units of competency that relate to skills and knowledge for respecting Country.
Qualifications and Units
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been maintaining and caring for Country over thousands of years. Their skills and knowledge are critical to land and sea management activities including conservation and cultural heritage roles.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are leading and guiding the review and development work of national skills standards for Indigenous Land Management and Aboriginal Sites Work. A Project Working group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and representatives have met to discuss the job roles and functions required for this work. They have looked at existing units of competency and qualifications and discussed skill requirements. Some key considerations have included:
- appropriate language and consistent terminology
- protection of cultural IP and the sharing of knowledge
- clarifying the target cohort and job outcomes
- qualification structures and pathways connected to conservation and ecosystems management
- foundational skills are considered and incorporated in the qualification
- awareness and understanding of the different legislation, regulations, local laws and community lores.
The collaboration of the Project Working Group will support the work of those who play an important role in protecting, maintaining the caring for Country, such as Indigenous Rangers, Conservation Field Officer, Cultural and Heritage Officers, Land Council Site Officers and Tourism Operators and Guides. The group is reviewing and developing units of competency and to co-designing two qualifications that support the unique skills requirements for Indigenous land and sea management, so that the skill standards are appropriate and reflective of the needs for Indigenous and Torres Strait people in these important roles.
Development outcomes and next steps
The Project Working Group is providing input into two qualifications and thirty-five units of competency. The draft skill standards will be made available on this webpage for broad stakeholder consultation and feedback in early January, under the ‘Drafts Available’ menu above. Your input is welcome, please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft materials are available for feedback.
Drafts Available
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures possess skills and knowledge that are crucial to land and sea management activities, including conservation and cultural heritage roles. Some of these skills are described in nationally endorsed qualifications, skill sets and units that are used by registered training organisations (RTOs) to equip leaners for jobs as Indigenous rangers, conservation field officers, cultural and heritage officers, land council site officers and tourism operators and guides. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are leading and guiding the review of national qualifications and skills standards, so that they reflect current skill needs and terminology.
Thank you to those who provided feedback on the draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency that were made available for feedback from 21 February until 4 April 2022. The drafts and any comments made are still available to view below.
Feedback was sought on two qualifications and their units that were revised and renamed to incorporate inclusive language and current terminology. Changes were also made so that the qualifications are more focused and relevant and support career pathways. Packaging rules were restructured to support flexible and appropriate training delivery. Feedback was also sought on revised skill sets.
Thirty five existing units of competency were revised to improve their relevance and clarity, cover foundation skills and remove barriers to assessment. A number of units were updated to incorporate Indigenous Culture and Intellectual Property (ICIP), so that learners working with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities have the skills to support cultural safety through shared respect, meaning and knowledge.
Skills Impact acknowledges the traditional custodians and owners of this land and all who have a connection to Country and their role in caring for and maintaining Country over thousands of years. We pay our respects to Elders, leaders past, present and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. We acknowledge and thank the many project partners including Traditional Owners, Land Councils and organisations, registered training organisations, Government and non-government organisation representatives who have collaborated with us so far in this project.
Feedback was also collected from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and representatives regarding how they want their sector referred to. While the titles of the qualifications were updated, the coding of the units still reflects previous language of Aboriginal Site Works (ASW) and Indigenous Land Management (ILM). Feedback was sought on whether the unit codes should be updated, for example: Aboriginal Sites Work (ASW) could become Cultural Sites Work (CSW) and Indigenous Land Management (ILM) could become On County Management (OCM) or other names that appropriately represent the sectors.
Feedback collected will inform the work on the final drafts which will be available for industry validation later in the year.
Unit code and name | Proposed changes or rational | Link |
AHC3X522 Certificate III in On Country Management | Updated qualification title and code Revised number of core units Revised and updated elective units | View draft qualification |
AHC3X522 Certificate III in Cultural Sites Work | Updated qualification title and code Revised qualification description and number of core units Revised and updated elective units | View draft qualification |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Skill sets have been updated to reflect changes in the units and their codes have been revised.
Unit code and name | Link |
AHCSS0XX32 Identify Plants for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Land Management Skill Set | View draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX47 Report on Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Sites Skill Set | View draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX69 Recognise Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Sites Skill Set | View draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX71 Recognise Native Fauna on Country Skill Set | View draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX81 Introduction to Carbon Farming Savanna Burning Skill Set | View draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX82 Carbon Farming Aerial Savanna Burning Skill Set | View draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX83 Carbon Farming Savanna Burning Operations Leader Skill Set | View draft skill set |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Unit code and name | Proposed changes or rational | Link |
AHCASW3X01 Safeguard places of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural significance | Updated unit code and title Reviewed Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X02 Relate Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture to sites work | Revised unit code and title Reviewed Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X03 Identify and record sites, objects and cultural landscapes on Country | Updated unit code and name Revised Application Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X04 Identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culturally significant plants | Revised code and unit name Reviewed and revised Application Reviewed Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X05 Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ceremonial and sacred materials | Changed unit code and name Updated Application Revised Elements, Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions Added Foundation Skills | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X06 Use technology in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander sites work | Revised unit code and name Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X07 Support the documentation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural landscapes | Updated unit code and title Revised Application Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X08 Apply cultural significance to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander sites and landscapes | Revised unit code and name Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X09 Interpret Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural landscape | Revised unit code and name Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence, and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X10 Move and store Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural material | Revised unit code and name Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X12 Maintain an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural site | Revised unit code and name Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW3X13 Apply knowledge of relevant legislation to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander sites work | Changed unit code and name to include cultural safety Updated Application Revised Elements and Performance Criteria to include cultural safety Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence to include cultural safety Added Foundation Skills Revised Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCASW5X01 Survey and report on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural sites | Changed unit code and name Updated Application Revised Elements and Performance Criteria Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Added Foundation Skills Revised Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Unit code and name | Proposed changes or rational | Link |
AHCILM2X01 Maintain cultural places | Revised Performance Criteria Added in Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence | View draft unit |
AHCILM2X02 Observe and report plants or animals | Revised Application Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Updated Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM2X03 Record information about Country | Foundation skills added Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence revised Assessment Conditions revised | View draft unit |
AHCILM3X02 Provide appropriate information on cultural knowledge | Revised Application Updated Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Updated Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM3X05 Work with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community or organisation | Updated Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, and Knowledge Evidence Updated Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM3X06 Develop awareness of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety and protocols | Changed unit code and name to include cultural safety Updated Application Revised Elements and Performance Criteria to include cultural safety Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence to include cultural safety Added Foundation Skills Revised Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM3X07 Implement cultural burning practices | Updated Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Updated Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM3X08 Identify traditional customs and land rights for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community | Updated unit code and title Updated Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Updated Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM4X01 Safeguard places of cultural significance | Changed unit Title Reviewed and revised Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM4X02 Report on place of potential cultural significance | Updated Performance Criteria and Assessment Conditions Added Foundation Skills Revised Application, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence | View draft unit |
AHCILM4X03 Contribute to a proposal for a negotiated outcome for a given area of Country | Changed unit code Revised Application Updated Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence | View draft unit |
AHCILM4X04 Record and document Community history | Revised Application, Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions Added Foundation Skills | View draft unit |
AHCILM4X05 Develop work practices to accommodate cultural identity | Revised Application, Elements, Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions Added Foundation Skills | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X01 Conduct field research into natural and cultural resources | Revised Application, Elements, Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Updated Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X02 Develop conservation strategies for cultural resources | Reviewed Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Updated Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X03 Manage restoration of cultural places | Reviewed Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X04 Develop strategies for on Country management | Updated unit name and code Revised Application and Assessment Conditions Reviewed Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Reviewed and revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X05 Map relationship of business enterprise to culture and Country | Revised Elements, Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Added Foundation Skills Updated Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X06 Operate within Community cultures and goals | Revised Application Updated Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X08 Propose a negotiated outcome for a given area of Country | Minor changes to Application Minor changes to Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence to express assessment in terms of frequency Revised Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions to include Assessor requirements | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X10 Plan for successful cultural practice at work | Minor changes to Application Minor changes to Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence to express assessment in terms of frequency Revised Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions to include Assessor requirements | View draft unit |
AHCILM6X01 Manage cultural processes in an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation | Updated unit code and title to include Torres Strait Islander people Minor changes to Application Minor changes to Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence to express assessment in terms of frequency Revised Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions to include Assessor requirements | View draft unit |
AHCILM3X07 Implement cultural burning practices on Country | Updated unit code and title to remove ‘Aboriginal’ and add ‘on Country’ Minor changes to Application Minor changes to Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence to express assessment in terms of frequency Revised Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions to include Assessor requirements | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X05 Map relationship of business enterprise to culture and Country | Minor changes to Application Minor changes to Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence to express assessment in terms of frequency Revised Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions to include Assessor requirements | View draft unit |
AHCILM5X06 Operate within Community cultures and goals | Minor changes to Application Minor changes to Elements and Performance Criteria Added Foundation Skills Revised Performance Evidence to express assessment in terms of frequency Revised Knowledge Evidence Revised Assessment Conditions to include Assessor requirements | View draft unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
It is a priority for Skills Ministers to ensure employers’ and learners’ needs can be met through the VET system by reducing the complexity of the training system and improving accessibility of training. One of the key considerations is whether there is a need for formal training of skills through the VET system to achieve competency in the job role.
Enrolment numbers are a key piece of evidence to indicate the need for formal VET training. There may be a number of explanations for low enrolment numbers in a unit of competency, skill set or qualification, and the AISC are asking industry to confirm whether low enrolment numbers are an indication of lack of industry need, or whether there may be reasons for keeping the relevant skill in the formal training system in spite of low enrolment numbers.
Initially, a cut-off point for specific review of units has been set at fewer than 42 enrolments in each of the last three years.
Several of the units being reviewed as part of this project have been identified as meeting this criteria.
The AISC will consider industry viewpoints for maintaining these, backed up by evidence of future enrolments as reasons for them to be retained.
To help guide the AISC decision, the Industry Reference Committee needs to provide information around the following factors:
- Whether units proposed for retention are core to qualifications being retained?
- Are there linkages with industrial and legislative arrangements?
- Are enrolments expected to increase in the near future? And if so, why?
- Is there employment growth in the skills outlined in the unit/qualifications? And if so, why?
- Is there another specialist requirement to keep the unit/qualification?
Feedback was collected around these questions for the below units. Your feedback will be considered by the project working group and the Industry Reference Committee and will assist these groups with the advice they provide to the AISC.
If these products are updated to a ‘deleted’ status, they will still be accessible on as a reference point for industry to use for non-enrolment purposes. However, registered training organisations will be unable to enrol students in deleted units. They will no longer be considered part of the VET delivery system and will not be funded for delivery, while they are in “deleted” status.
Below are the units that the AISC are considering for deletion and details of the past six years of enrolments for each.
Qualification code and name | Proposed changes or rational | Link |
Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management | Based on industry feedback collected as part of the Conservation and Land Management Project in 2020, qualifications and units in conservation and land management (CLM) were re-named and re-coded to conservation and ecosystem management (CEM). In order to bring the Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management in line with these changes, it will be renamed the Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management as part of this project. It will also be recoded. This update has been considered and approved by the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation & Land Management Industry Reference Committee. | View qualification on national register |
Consultation to date
The qualifications, skill sets and units have been drafted in consultation with project partners, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and representatives. They have provided feedback on information received during working group and workforce functional analysis meetings in November and December 2021. People working directly in the Cultural Sites or On Country Management participated in the meetings and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures have a long history of caring for Country, using skills for land and water management activities developed over thousands of years. Some of these skills are described in nationally endorsed qualifications, skill sets and units that are used by registered training organisations (RTOs) to equip learners for jobs as rangers, natural resource management field officers, cultural and heritage officers, land council site officers, tourism operators, conservationists, and guides. These job roles are highly valued by communities, as they reflect work of inherent cultural importance to Traditional Owners, as well as providing economic and cultural benefit to communities.
Led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander project partners, the qualifications, skill sets and units for this work are being updated, so that culture, skills and knowledge are better reflected; so that integrity is retained in the units; and so that the unique nature of looking after Country for each community is recognised. Protection of culture and Country is paramount in applying these skills for their communities and for personal vocations.
Skills Impact acknowledges the traditional custodians and owners of this land and all who have a connection to Country and their role in caring for and maintaining Country over thousands of years. We pay our respects to Elders, leaders past, present and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. We acknowledge and thank the many project partners including Traditional Owners, Land Councils and organisations, registered training organisations, Government and non-government organisation representatives who have collaborated with us so far in this project.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units that were available on this webpage from 31 May until 27 June 2022. The documents and any comments made are still available to view below.
They were revised to accurately reflect the importance of language and cultural safety which project partners felt was essential to protect the integrity of cultural customs and knowledge and how that knowledge is shared. Feedback supported the updating of unit sector codes from Aboriginal Sites Work (ASW) to Cultural Sites Work (CSW) and Indigenous Land Management (ILM) to On County Management (OCM). Changes were also made to make the qualifications more flexible to deliver, to support adaptable career pathways and to reflect the latest technologies and equipment.
Summary of Consultation and Feedback
Thank you to those stakeholders who provided feedback on the drafts that were made available from 21 February to 4 April 2022, under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub and webinars, and via phone calls and emails. The units were drafted with guidance from Project Partners, made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation and organisations. People working directly in the Cultural Sites or On Country Management participated in the meetings and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.
Key changes include:
- Three qualifications were retitled and job outcomes clarified:
- Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Sites Work
- Certificate III in On Country Management
- Advanced Diploma in Conservation and Ecosystem Management.
- Seven skill sets were developed
- Thirty-five existing units of competency were revised to improve their relevance and clarity, cover foundation skills, and remove barriers to assessment, including:
- Unit codes were changed to reflect the updated sector codes of Cultural Sites Work (CSW) and On County Management (OCM)
- Indigenous Culture and Intellectual Property (ICIP) was incorporated into numerous units, so that learners working with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities have the skills to support cultural safety through shared respect, meaning and knowledge
- Application of Country, waterways and sea was clarified
- Relationships and physical conditions were updated along with community Elders in assessment conditions
- Knowledge evidence was updated to reflect performance criteria and build on performance evidence
- Elective groupings were updated for job roles
- Elective units were updated to reflect superseded units and deleted units removed
- Level 5 and 6 unitswere removed from the Certificate III level qualifications and placed in qualifications at an appropriate level for the skill required.
- New unit was developed AHCCSW4X22 Contribute to the development of cultural safety processes to reflect its importance and understanding when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Some units were identified for potential deletion as part of the Skills Ministers priorities, as they have had low enrolments over the past three years. However, during consultation there was no support for the deletion of these units. Therefore they were revised and retained.
A description of how feedback has been considered and applied in these final drafts will be available soon.
Unit code and name | Notes | Link |
AHC31X522 Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Sites Work | This qualification has been updated to reflect the new sector name of Cultural Sites Work | View final draft qualification |
AHC32X522 Certificate III in On Country Management | This qualification is designed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to meet the needs and recognise the challenges of formal training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. | View final draft qualification |
AHC6X422 Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management | The Advanced Diploma in Conservation and Ecosystem Management was included into the scope of this project during the ‘Drafts Available’ stage. Based on industry feedback collected as part of the Conservation and Land Management Project back in 2020, during which qualifications and units in conservation and land management (CLM) were re-named and re-coded to conservation and ecosystem management (CEM). To bring the Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management in line with these changes, it was reviewed and renamed the Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management as part of this round of projects. It will also be recoded and remain equivalent. | View final draft qualification |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Unit code and name | Link |
AHCSS00XX32 Identify Plants for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Land Management Skill Set | View final draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX47 Report on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Sites Skill Set | View final draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX69 Recognise Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Sites Skill Set | View final draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX71 Recognise Native Fauna on Country Skill Set | View final draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX81 Introduction to Carbon Farming Savanna Burning Skill Set | View final draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX82 Carbon Farming Aerial Savanna Burning Skill Set | View final draft skill set |
AHCSS0XX83 Carbon Farming Savanna Burning Operations Leader Skill Set | View final draft skill set |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Unit code and name | Link |
AHCCSW3X01 Protect places of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural significance | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X02 Relate Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture to sites work | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X03 Identify and record sites, objects and cultural landscapes on Country | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X04 Identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culturally significant plants | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X05 Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ceremonial and sacred materials | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X06 Use technology in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander sites work | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X07 Support the documentation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural landscapes | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X08 Apply cultural significance to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander sites and landscapes | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X09 Interpret Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural landscape | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X10 Move and store Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural material | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X12 Maintain an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural site | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW3X13 Apply knowledge of relevant legislation to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander sites work | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW4XXX Contribute to the development of cultural safety processes | View final draft unit |
AHCCSW5X01 Survey and report on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural sites | View final draft unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Unit code and name | Link |
AHCOCM2X01 Maintain cultural sites | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM2X02 Observe and report plants or animals | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM2X03 Record information about Country | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM3X02 Provide appropriate information on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultural practice | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM3X05 Work with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community or organisation | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM3X06 Follow Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM3X07 Implement cultural burning practices on Country | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM3X08 Identify traditional customs and land rights for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM4X01 Protect places of cultural significance | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM4X02 Report on place of potential cultural significance | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM4X03 Contribute to a proposal for a negotiated outcome related to Country | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM4X04 Record and document Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community history | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM4X05 Develop work practices to accommodate cultural identity | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X01 Conduct field research into natural and cultural resources | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X02 Develop conservation strategies for cultural resources | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X03 Manage restoration of cultural places | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X04 Develop strategies for on Country management | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X05 Map relationship of business organisation to culture and Country | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X06 Operate within Community cultures and goals | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X08 Propose a negotiated outcome for a given area of Country | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM5X10 Plan for successful cultural practice at work | View final draft unit |
AHCOCM6X01 Manage cultural processes in an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation | View final draft unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and communities are inherently and deeply connected to Country. Their skills and knowledge for caring for and maintaining Country have been developed over thousands of years and are critical to land and sea management activities. Some of these skills and knowledge are used today by rangers, natural resource management field officers, and cultural and heritage officers. These are described in nationally endorsed qualifications, skill sets and units that are used by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to equip learners to maintain and care for Country. These jobs roles make essential contributions to community aspirations – through connecting to Country as well as providing cultural, economic and social benefits.
Since the qualifications, skill sets and units in cultural sites work and on Country management were last reviewed, the importance of associated job roles has become more recognised, with more opportunities available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People to take up occupations in these areas.
Skills Impact acknowledges the traditional custodians and owners of this land and all who have a connection to Country and their role in caring for and maintaining Country over thousands of years. We pay our respects to Elders, leaders past, present and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. We acknowledge and thank the many project partners including Traditional Owners, Land Councils and organisations, Registered Training Organisations, Government and non-government organisation representatives who have collaborated with us so far in this project.
Led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander project partners, the qualifications, skill sets and units for this work were updated, so that culture, skills and knowledge are better reflected; so that integrity is retained in the units; and so that the unique nature of looking after Country for each community is recognised. It was crucial that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders led this project as the cultural knowledge and skills involved could not be shared or assessed by any other stakeholder group. This was also important in describing the skills required to work respectfully alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and organisations according to appropriate cultural protocols.
The units, skill sets and qualifications have been endorsed and are published on the national training register (
Language and cultural safety were a key focus of this project, with updates to terminology and language throughout the qualifications, skill sets and units. This included the renaming of unit sector codes from Aboriginal Sites Work (ASW) to Cultural Sites Work (CSW) and Indigenous Land Management (ILM) to On County Management (OCM).
Two qualifications, in Cultural Sites Work and On Country Management, were revised to be more flexible to deliver, to support adaptable career pathways and to reflect the latest technologies and equipment.
Thirty five existing units were revised to improve their relevance and clarity, cover foundation skills and remove barriers to assessment. A number of units were updated to incorporate Indigenous Culture and Intellectual Property (ICIP), so that learners working with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities have the skills to support cultural safety through shared respect, meaning and knowledge. A new unit was developed to reflect skills required for contributing to the development of culturally safe processes for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Seven skill sets were updated to reflect changes in the units they contain.
Key Changes
- Industry sector codes were updated to reflect appropriate language and consistent terminology, including:
- industry sector code ASW Aboriginal Sites Work has been updated to CSW Cultural Sites Work
- industry sector code ILM Indigenous Land Management has been updated to OCM On Country Management.
- Two qualifications – the Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Sites Work and the Certificate III in On Country Management – were revised to clarify job roles and retitled to be in line with the updated terminology used in the new sector codes. They have also had their elective groups checked and strengthened to ensure job role flexibility and integrity. They were also updated to support flexible delivery and the latest technology and equipment. The Certificate III of On Country Management was updated to clarify the target cohort is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander workers.
- The Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management was renamed the Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management in line with changes made as part of the Conservation and Land Management Project in 2020.
- Seven skill sets were updated to reflect changes in the units and their codes have been revised.
- Thirty five units were reviewed and updated including:
- Updates to support awareness and understanding of different legislation, regulations, local laws and Community Lore.
- Updates to support protection of Indigenous Culture and Intellectual Property (ICIP) in numerous units, so that learners working with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities have the skills to support cultural safety through shared respect, meaning and knowledge.
- Revision of units to improve relevance and clarity, support foundation skills, and remove barriers to assessment.
- A new unit CSW401 Contribute to the development of cultural safety processes was developed to reflect important skills required for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
Summary of Consultation
A group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and representatives was brought together as ‘project partners’ to lead and guide the review of national skills standards for Indigenous Land Management and Aboriginal Sites Work. Project partners were Traditional Owners, Elders / Leaders, experienced practitioners, training providers, project managers, cultural and heritage officers and on-Country Rangers across small to large organisations. Project partners either identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or worked with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities across various Prescribed Body Corporates (PBC’s), Land Councils, state and federal government departments, Registered Training Organisations, peak bodies, employers and educational faculties.
The broader industry was consulted on the draft documents at two different stages – the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages – with participants providing input via the Skills Impact feedback hub, webinars, email, and phone.
Skills Impact adapted its project methodology at each stage of the project to support stakeholders’ active contributions. Skills Impact is deeply thankful for the expertise and time offered by project partners and all participants in this project.
A description of how feedback has been considered and applied at the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages can be downloaded below.
The final draft units of competency, skill sets and qualifications were endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) on 29 November 2023 (read the communique). They were then forwarded to the state and territory skills ministers. They have undergone an edit and equity and independent quality assurance process, including support from the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management IRC. They have also been considered by the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs). The units, skill sets and qualifications have been published on the national training register (
A Companion Volume Implementation Guide was also produced to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the units, qualifications and skill sets. It contains key information to help trainers adapt to any new changes, as well as additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.
Download the Case for Endorsement
Download the Companion Volume Implementation guide Part 1
Download the Companion Volume Implementation guide Part 2