In order to keep up with the high demand for Australian wines, large-scale wineries have become increasingly sophisticated, implementing increased automation and relying on temporary and casual workers to assist operations during harvest and vintage.
This strong industry need has been the driver for this project which captures the advanced skills needed to coordinate wine operations in what is an increasingly complex operating environment, resulting in the development of eight new units of competency.
The final draft units have been submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Council for endorsement, after which they will be made available for use. It is expected that they will be considered at their next meeting in February 2020.
“We are pleased to see the availability of the five new Coordinate Wine Operations units, as the industry relies heavily on casual workers during peak production times and these workers require training and coordination to perform to the levels required by industry. We also support the development of two new units related to high speed automated packaging processes as companies are increasing the levels of automation for their bottling and packaging lines. These new units reflect real work functions in the industry.” Henrik Wallgren, Business Services Manager, South Australian Wine Industry Association Incorporated