We are seeking your feedback on the skills needs that are shared by multiple industry sectors in relation to environmental sustainability.
Skills Impact commissioned Ithaca Group to identify these shared environmental sustainability skills. The resulting draft report draws on an investigation and analysis of current training package content to identify:
- potential areas of duplication across industries, sectors and occupational groupings
- existing competencies with potential for modification to allow use across industries
- gaps where there might be opportunities to develop new units of competency, skill sets or qualifications.
Provide Feedback
To provide feedback, please first download the draft paper and then complete the short online survey linked below.
Step 1: download the draft report
Step 2: access the survey
Your feedback and responses to the draft paper will inform the development of a Case for Change, which will help us to identify units of competency, skill sets and qualifications that may need to be developed, modified, adapted or removed.
We are seeking your feedback via this survey during October however we will continue to receive your views during the life of this project.
The projects we manage on behalf of IRCs and industry are time-limited, under government contract. Please keep in mind that our ability to consider your feedback reduces as the project proceeds towards conclusion, so your early response will increase your contribution to this project and to industry. The Project Reference Group will be considering stakeholder feedback at their next meeting on 13 November.