Our Role Establishing Skills Insight JSC

Skills Impact held a Skills Service Organisation (SSO) role between 2016 and 2022. In 2023 we established one of ten Job and Skills Councils (JSCs), after a submission to move into the role was backed by over 200 letters of support from a broad range of industry stakeholders. This new JSC, Skills Insight, has a broader scope to deliver outcomes that support a responsive VET system and a skilled and resilient national workforce. The industry coverage of Skills Insight is similar to our past coverage as a Skills Service Organisation.

Visit the Skills Insight website

Rice Processing Project: Consultation Open for Draft Qualification & Units

This project is underway to transfer units of competency and qualifications currently in the ZRG05 Ricegrowers’ Co-operative Limited Enterprise Training Package to the FDF Food Processing Training Package. It follows a Government decision that all enterprise Training Packages should be reviewed and, where possible, included within Industry Training Packages. Transitioning the relevant rice processing units and qualifications to the FDF training package will ensure the rice industry has access to nationally endorsed units and qualifications, which reflect the current skills … Read More

Greyhounds Project: Finalised Units & Qualifications

Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft units of competency, skill sets and qualifications. They have now been submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) for consideration and endorsement, along with a Companion Volume Implementation Guide. Once endorsed, the final units, skill sets and qualifications will be available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs). This means that RTOs can decide to deliver training to these new standards and offer this training … Read More

Retail Baking Review Project: Validation Sought on Final Draft Qualifications & Units

Thank you to everybody who provided feedback on the draft retail baking units of competency, skill sets and qualifications. Final drafts are now available for industry validation. This does not include the final drafts relating to the Certificate IV in Advanced Baking, which will be available shortly (please see below). Validation means checking or proving that something is logically and factually accurate. We are seeking your views on whether the units and qualifications reflect the current occupational skill standards and needs of … Read More

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing IRC – Nominations Open

The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) is calling for nominations for all positions on the new time-limited Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Reference Committee (IRC). The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing IRC will have responsibility for supporting the development of all pharmaceutical units of competency, skill sets and qualifications within the FDF10 Food Processing Training Package. For the time that it exists (a minimum of 12 months), it will work closely with the existing Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical IRC, which will continue to have responsibility for supporting the development of all … Read More

Forest Harvesting Optimisation Project: Reminder to Provide Feedback

There is still time to provide feedback on the draft units of competency and skill sets for Forest Harvesting Optimisation. The draft units and skill sets will be available for stakeholder consultation until 5pm Friday 30 June. Sills Impact, on behalf of the Forest Management and Harvesting Industry Reference Committee (IRC), is seeking your feedback on the content of 10 proposed new units of competency, 12 improved existing units and the structure of 2 new skill sets. The units and skill sets … Read More

Veterinary Nursing Project: Validation Sought on Final Draft Qualifications & Units

Thank you to everybody who provided feedback on the draft of units of competency and qualifications. All feedback from industry has been collated and considered, along with input from the project’s Technical Advisory Committee. The final draft units and qualifications are now available for industry validation. Validation means checking or proving that something is logically and factually accurate. We are seeking your views on whether the content in these final drafts reflect the current occupational skill standards and needs of industry. The consultation period for … Read More

Retail Baking Project: Feedback Sought on Revised Qualification, New Units & Skill Sets

In response to feedback received during the recent consultation period, Skills Impact has worked with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to develop a revised Certificate IV in Advanced Baking, three new skill sets and three new units of competency. The draft qualification, skills sets and units are now available for your feedback on the Skills Impact website. Please follow the link below to provide feedback by COB Friday 16 June 2017. You are welcome to provide feedback on as many … Read More

Forest Harvesting Optimisation Project: Feedback Sought on Draft Units & Skill Sets

The Forest Harvesting Optimisation Project has moved to the third stage of the project process – Development – which means draft units of competency and skill sets are now available for your feedback. Feedback is being sought on the content of 10 proposed new units of competency, 12 improved existing units and the structure of 2 new skill sets. The draft units and skill sets will be available on the Skills Impact website for stakeholder consultation until COB Friday 30 June. You are welcome to provide … Read More

Greyhounds Project: Validation Sought on Final Drafts

Thank you to everybody who provided feedback on the draft of units of competency, skill sets and qualifications. All feedback from industry has been collated and considered, along with input from the project’s Technical Advisory Committee. The final draft units, skill sets and qualifications are now available for industry validation. Validation means checking or proving that something is logically and factually accurate. We are seeking your views on whether current racing integrity and animal welfare for greyhounds has been incorporated … Read More

Review of Equine Units within Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package

SkillsIQ, under the direction of the Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Reference Committee (IRC), is undertaking a thorough review of all Equine-related units of competency within the Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package. Note that this is a separate project to the Equine Safety and Training Project that Skills Impact is managing on behalf of the Racing IRC. A key and significant focus of this review work will be addressing recommendations made within the ASQA strategic review, Training in equine … Read More

Racing IRC Open for Nominations

The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) is calling for nominations for all positions on the newly revised Racing Industry Reference Committee (IRC). Please follow the link below to find out more about the nomination process. The Racing IRC will have responsibility for overseeing the development of units of competency, qualifications and skill sets within the Racing (RGR) training package. The IRC will comprise of representatives with relevant expertise across the industry and sectors. The AISC is seeking nominations up until … Read More

Equine Safety in Training Project: Validation Sought on Final Drafts

Thank you to everybody who provided feedback on the draft of units of competency. All feedback from industry has been collated and considered, along with input from the project’s Technical Advisory Committee. The final draft units, qualifications and skill sets are now available for industry validation. Validation means checking or proving that something is logically and factually accurate. We are seeking your views on whether current safe work practices have been incorporated into the following qualifications, units of competency and skill sets, where people … Read More

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Skills Impact Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation with a charitable purpose of Advancing Education. Skills Impact acknowledges the previous support of the Commonwealth which assisted in establishing this website.

Skills Impact acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have been living in and caring for Australia for tens of thousands of years, and this is respected in line with Skills Impact values. We recognise the challenges involved for people who are not related to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders to understand the importance of their connection to Country. Skills Impact seeks and relies on guidance from Indigenous people in our work.