Sugar milling employs roughly 23,000 skilled workers in Australia, with expertise to work across the milling cycle. While staff are regularly receive in-house training from industry, registered training organisations (RTOs) have not been utilised for delivery or assessment in recent years.
Extensive consultation has taken place with industry about the qualifications and skills standards for sugar milling, during which industry experts have indicated that the qualifications, skill set and units of competency will not be used for the delivery of formal training in the future.
This information was provided by The Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical IRC responsible for this project to the Department of Education Skills and Employment (DESE). The DESE confirmed this project should not proceed to review and that the qualifications, skill set and units within the scope of the project should be deleted (archived) from the national training register (
The qualifications, skill set and units have now been archived and remain available on the national training register in their current form for reference only. They will not be subject to future reviews or updates or available for the delivery of nationally recognised sugar milling training by RTOs. Four units that are important to both food and beverage processing (FBP) and meat processing (AMP) qualifications have been retained.
More information, including a list of all qualifications, skill set and units involved, is available on the project page.