Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on the following projects.
Ag & Horticulture Core Skills Project
Thank you to those who provided feedback on the core skills underpinning Australia’s agriculture and horticulture industries. Your input has supported important skills in work health and safety, environmental practices, quality assurance procedures, and workplace recording, as well as skills to support infrastructure and to coordinate and facilitate community groups.
Your feedback is now being reviewed and used to inform further updates to the drafts. They will then move into the finalisation stage for final checks and endorsement.
For more information visit the project page.
Permaculture, Organic Production & Composting Projects
Thank you to those who provided feedback on national skills standards for permaculture, organic production and composting. Your input will support future learners to be equipped with the skills to provide for human needs in a way that works with natural processes and ecology.
Feedback collected at the Validation stage is now being reviewed and used to inform further updates to the drafts. They will then move into the finalisation stage for final checks and endorsement.
For more information, visit the project page.
Pig and Poultry Farming Project
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the review of qualifications, skill sets and units of competency for pig and poultry farming. Your input will support key skills in biosecurity, work health and safety, and animal welfare practices, which are crucial in producing quality meat and egg products.
Your feedback is now being reviewed and used to inform further updates to the drafts. They will then move into the finalisation stage for final checks and endorsement.
For more information, visit the project page.
Respect for Country Job Skills Project
Thank you to those who provided input into draft qualifications, skill sets and units for cultural sites work and on Country management. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander project partners are leading and guiding this review of national qualifications and skills standards, so that they reflect current skill needs and terminology.
Comments made at the validation stage of the project are now being reviewed and used to inform further updates, before the project moves into the finalisation stage for final checks.
For more information, visit the project page.