Thank you to those who have already provided feedback on projects proposed and changes to the industry environment identified as part of this year’s Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (Skills Forecast).
Proposed projects for 2020-21 are summarised below. Feedback is being collected between 24 April and 8 May 2020.
Your feedback is being considered to finalise the Annual Update, which will be submitted from the IRCs to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) next week. The information will be used to update the AISC National Schedule of training package development projects.
Once submitted, the final version the Annual Update will be published on the Skills Impact Website.
View the Annual Update and provide feedback
Proposed Projects
Project 1: Review Qualifications to Attract New Entrants
In forestry regions around the country, school students should be able to access school-based vocational education or apprenticeships that provide a career path into a range of forestry roles. The forest growing, management and harvesting industry is aging, with the highest represented age group aged between 53 and 68. Employers are consistent in their message that a high priority for the industry is attracting young people. This project proposes a review of entry level qualifications to support this industry goal, so they can be delivered in a school environment.
Project 2: Review of High-Level Jobs in Forestry
Foresters continue to be an occupation in demand. Australian tertiary education has struggled to play a role in supporting future foresters, with few courses available and low uptake of the Certificate IV and Diploma. Often the gaps are filled through transfer from agricultural specialist areas and many vacancies are filled by foresters from South Africa and New Zealand who need to be trained in the Australian forests’ context. This project proposes a comprehensive analysis of skills and knowledge required by foresters to manage public and private forests. Three high level qualifications for forest management and operations and 52 units of competency would be reviewed to incorporate skills needed by the industry.
Project 3: Safety Mindsets in Remote Operations
Working in remote areas requires a different set of safety skills than operating in a manufacturing site, on a construction site or in another location where medical assistance is only a phone call away. Forest Harvesting and Haulage Contractors work in small teams, sometimes only with two-way radio contact and it is often difficult to access for emergency personnel. This project proposes the development of a skill set and up to two new units of competency for operators, relating to shaping and sustaining safety culture and practices whilst working in remote high-risk operations.
Project 4: Assessment Materials
To support safer work practices in the forest harvesting sector, this project proposes the development of assessment materials for 40 units of competency. Consistent skills standards are particularly important for job roles which are inherently dangerous. These assessment materials will be developed with industry and registered training organisations. They will incorporate, moderate and validate content relating to a broad range of forest types and jurisdictional codes of practice.
Project 5: Responding and Assisting in Bushfires
The frequency and intensity of bushfires in Australia is expected to increase, and fires often burn in plantation and hardwood areas. Harvesting and haulage contractors provide valuable assistance in fire mitigation, firefighting, clean up and clearing operations. Safety of operators is a key concern. To support this, operators need to be effectively trained and ready to respond and assist. It is important that units of competency and qualifications in this sector reflect the need to undertake operations not only in harvesting operations, but also in firefighting and recovery assistance. This project proposes an examination of the roles played by forestry operators responding to and assisting in bushfire situations, to update national qualifications and skills standards with the necessary skills.