Thank you to those who provided feedback on projects proposed and changes to the industry environment identified as part of this year’s Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (Skills Forecast).
Your feedback was considered to finalise the document that was submitted from the IRC to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC). The information in the Annual Update will be used to update the AISC National Schedule of training package development projects.
This year’s Annual Update includes information about employers’ use of training packages and qualifications, barriers to hiring apprentices and trainees, and reasons behind non-completion rates. It also looks at alternative training being delivered, some of which draws on the training package, but is not delivered by registered training organisations.
Proposed projects for 2020-21 are summarised below. Feedback was collected between 19 March – 14 April 2020, via the online feedback hub, email and phone.
Proposed Schedule of Work
Project 1: Flour Milling
The flour and grain milling industry has been adapting its operations to meet growing consumer preferences for healthier options. Organic, gluten-free and wholemeal products are no longer a niche market. The necessary skills for the workforce are evolving beyond ‘traditional’ practices to include machinery, supply chain and traceability systems management, and food safety regulations compliance. This project proposes a review of the Certificate IV in Flour Milling, to meet the current skills requirements of technical millers in Australia.
Project 2: High Volume Production Baking
The operation of factories that produce bread, bread products, biscuits and cakes, is becoming increasingly digitalised and automated. Many of the required skills and knowledge, including enhanced quality control, traceability and supply chain systems, and managing allergens and contaminants, are similar to the skills that are reflected in the units and qualifications that are under review as part of the current Food & Beverage Processing Project. This project would include a review of the Certificate III in Plant Baking and consider whether to replace it with a specialisation within the Certificate III in Food Processing.
Project 2: Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Development of qualifications, units and skill sets to meet skills gaps and needs identified in the CSIRO Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals Roadmap.
Projects to be identified based on feedback from previously completed projects.