As a result of the efforts of everyone involved in this project, qualifications, skill sets and units have been updated to reflect the skills required to care for horses across a range of environments and scenarios. They have now been published on the national training register (
The units, skill sets and qualifications have been updated to focus on safety across all environments in which people interact with horses and to capture the varied roles involved in caring for horses. They have also been revised to promote flexible delivery and career pathways.
In total, six qualifications, three skill sets and 41 units were updated and restructured to reflect current industry practices and terminology. Three skill sets and nine units were also developed to address skills needs for specific expertise across the horse care sector. Six units were deleted, as feedback indicated they were no longer needed by industry.
The qualifications and skills standards have been endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) and State and Territory Ministers. They have also undergone an edit, equity and independent quality assurance process and consideration by the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs). A Case for Endorsement was submitted alongside the draft units, including a rationale of why these changes are needed and evidence of industry support.
For more information and to view the published documents, visit the project page