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Updates to Aquaculture and Wild Catch Industry Skills Forecast

We are seeking your feedback on a project that has been proposed for 2020 – 2021 and specific changes to the industry environment that have been identified in this year’s Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (Skills Forecast).

This year’s Annual Update includes information about employers’ use of training packages and qualifications, barriers to hiring apprentices and trainees, and reasons behind non-completion rates. It also looks at alternative training being delivered, some of which draws on the training package, but is not delivered by registered training organisations.

The proposed project is summarised below. Feedback is being collected up until 24 April 2020. 

The draft Annual Update will be submitted from the Aquaculture and Wild Catch Industry Reference Committee to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) at the end of April, for their consideration.


Proposed Schedule of Work 2019 – 2022


Project 1: Indigenous Consultation for Annual Updates & Future Projects

A research and development project is proposed to improve long-term skills outcomes for Indigenous participants in the Australian workforce and the vocational education and training (VET) system. The aim is to uncover future projects that could expand productivity, employment and economic development opportunities, open new and emerging markets, improve training and job outcomes and upgrade industry skills in negotiations and partnerships with Indigenous business and community organisations. This will be a joint project, overseen by both the Aquaculture and Wild Catch IRC and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, and Conservation and Land management IRC. Both IRCs acknowledge the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander involvement in the development of all aspects of their industries.