We’re excited to share the news today that Skills Insight has been established as the first of ten Jobs and Skills Councils (JSC), contributing to an ambitious new program to strengthen Australia’s VET system.
Minister for Skills and Training the Hon Brendan O’Connor announced the establishment today, outlining the role we will have working alongside industry and across the skills system to improve skills and training in the agribusiness and related industries.
On behalf of Skills Impact, CEO Michael Hartman would like to thank the stakeholders who have worked with us as Skills Impact and supported our application to become Skills Insight JSC.
‘We feel privileged to be able to work with a group of industries that are crucial to Australia’s society, ecosystems and prosperity. We look forward to continuing to work with you all, in our new role as a JSC, and welcome the addition of furnishing, textiles, clothing and footwear. In our new role, we are excited to be able to take a wider view of skills issues and potential solutions to improve outcomes for industry, learners, trainers and employers. Thank you to everybody that has volunteered their time over the past six years to support the improvement of national qualifications and skills standards. When the skills of these diverse industries are supported, everyone in Australia benefits.’
– Michael Hartman, CEO Skills Impact
Our team are looking forward to many more discussions about skills and training needs as we transition to Skills Insight next week. Thank you for sharing our passion and dedication for workforce development and industry involvement in the skills system.