Artisanal cheeses, beers, spirits and fermented food and beverages are growing in popularity, and small entrepreneurial businesses are flourishing. Improvements in accessible training options across Australia are required to support the growth in these industries, and to ensure the manufacture, distribution and sale of safe, wholesome and consistently high-quality products.Artisanal cheesemaking, brewing and distilling, and, food and beverage fermentation were identified as key skill priorities in the
2018-2021 Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (see pages 61-68). In addressing these skill needs, this project will identify and fill gaps in current qualifications, skill sets and units of competency from the
FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package to address food safety and manufacturing processes in these growing niche food markets.Skills Impact and the Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will manage this project, consistent with the
2012 Standards for Training Package Development.
Download the IRC Skills Forecast (see pages 61-68)
Project Scope
This project will identify and fill gaps in current qualifications, skill sets and units of competency from the FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package to address food safety and manufacturing processes in the growing artisanal cheesemaking, brewing and distilling, and, food and beverage fermentation markets. A focus of the project will be to develop qualifications that address the complex, multi-faceted skills required to safely produce products for these growing niche markets.Scroll down to view the qualifications and skill sets proposed for development, and the units that will be developed to cover gaps in job roles and skilled activities.As part of the development process, Skills Impact will conduct a number of activities to support industry involvement, including sourcing Subject Matter Experts to form a Technical Advisory Committee, facilitating face-to-face consultation workshops and webinars, and conducting site visits.Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select âFood, Beverage & Pharmaceuticalâ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Relevant Occupations
- Cheesemakers and assistant cheesemakers
- Cheese production managers, technicians and assistants
- Brewer/distiller and assistant brewer/distiller
- Master brewer
- Packaging and bottling assistant
- Brewery/distillery production manager and assistant
- Fermented food processing technicians and operators
- Manufacturing technicians
- Biotechnologists
Key deliverables
Development of new qualifications and skill sets to support cheesemaking, food and beverage fermentation, and brewing and distilling. Specific skill needs not covered by existing units of competency from the
FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package will either be imported from other Training Packages, or, in cases where no other units are available in any other Training Package, new units will be developed.
July â August 2018Initial scoping
September 2018 â February 2019
Development of draft qualifications, skill sets and units
February â April 2019
Drafts available for broad consultation (2 rounds)
May 2019
Validation of final drafts
June 2019
Finalisation of Training Package components
July - August 2019
Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package components
August 2019
IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement
Project Team
Danni McDonald | Industry Skills Standards Manager, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Julie Stratford | National Industry Engagement Manager, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Jenni Oldfield | Industry Skills Standards Contractor |
Qualifications, skill sets and units
Below is a list of the qualifications and skill sets proposed for development, and the units that will be developed to cover gaps in job roles and skilled activities.
Qualifications that may be developed as part of this project include (but are not limited to):
- Certificate IV in Brewing
- Certificate IV in Distilling Spirits
- Certificate IV in Artisanal Cheesemaking
- Certificate III in Food and Beverage Fermentation
Skill sets that may be developed as part of this project include (but are not limited to):
- Brewing beer
- Brewing cider
- Distilling spirits
- Fermenting vegetables
- Fermenting dairy products
- Fermenting beverages
This project seeks to address the complex, multi-faceted skills required to safely produce various products for these growing niche markets. The following skills and knowledge requirements have been identified, which may provide the basis of new units of competency.
- Implementing the nature and control of fermentation processes
- Operation of technologically advanced fermenting and related tools and equipment
- Handling fermentation micro-organisms
- Cultivating micro fermentation micro-organisms
- Isolating fermentation micro-organisms
- Fermenting using yeast, bacterial and fungal processes
- Application of food safety principles to the fermentation process
- Conducting and interpreting tests of samples of fermented food and beverages
- Working with living cultures and organisms.
- Setting up and maintaining a functioning cheese factory
- Life cycle of fungi and bacteria
- Fermentation-related biological processes
- Creation of recipes and tastes
- Cheese grading
- Cleaning options (including decreasing environmental impact)
- Waste management
- Producing different types of cheese
- Working with different chemical compositions of raw milks from different species and seasons
- Pasteurisation on a small scale (batch, continuous)
- Recordkeeping and regulatory compliance
- Traceability systems and monitoring
- Diagnosing and troubleshooting problems with plant and equipment
- Pathogen management
- Recall processes
- Maintain current knowledge of industry trends and product development
- Affinage environments, tools and processes
- Milk quality control and preparation
- Microbiological processes for artisan and farmhouse cheesemakers
- Operate, maintain and clean brewing equipment, cooling systems
- Create recipes to suit specific demographics
- Alter and refine recipes
- Create tasting notes
- Brew a wide variety of styles.
- Explain the brewing process to others
- Work autonomously
- Manage a team to achieve suitable production and quality outcomes.
- Keep records and document excise information.
- Demonstrate a good understanding of the international and domestic craft beer market
- Operate the crushing process (advanced)
- Perform must draining operation (advanced)
- Perform oak handling activities (advanced)
- Advanced fermentation (for wine)
- Prepare and make additions and finings
- Operate an automated carton packing process
- Operate automated palletising
The following units of competency may be impacted during this project. This impact may involve the units being included in new qualifications and skill sets or receiving minor updates to address skill gaps.
- FBPBEV2001 Operate a deaeration, mixing and carbonation process
- FBPCEL2002Â Perform fermentation operations
- FBPCEL2009Â Carry out transfer operations
- FBPCEL3001Â Perform second distillation (pot still brandy) operations
- FBPCEL3005Â Perform rectification (continuous still) operations
- FBPCEL3006Â Perform single column lees stripping (continuous still brandy) operations
- FBPCEL3007Â Operate clarification by separation (centrifugation) process
- FBPCEL3008Â Perform dual column distillation (continuous still brandy) operations
- FBPCEL3009Â Perform first distillation (pot still brandy) operations
- FBPCEL3011Â Handle and store spirits
- FBPCHE3001 Conduct cheesemaking operations
- FBPCHE3002 Carry out processes for a range of artisan cheeses
- FBPCHE5001 Carry out sampling and interpret tests for cheese production
- FBPCHE5002 Produce acid-coagulated soft cheese
- FBPCHE5003 Produce a range of rennet-coagulated cheeses
- FBPCHE5004 Produce acid and heat coagulated cheese
- FBPDPR2001 Operate a butter churning process
- FBPDPR2003 Operate a curd production and cutting process
- FBPDPR2004 Operate a cooling and hardening process
- FBPDPR2005 Operate a cheese pressing and moulding process
- FBPDPR2006 Operate a fermentation process
- FBPFST4021Â Carry out sampling and testing of milk at receival
- FBPFST5010Â Implement and review the preparation of milk for processing
- FBPFST5023Â Implement and review the production of milk fat products
- FBPFST5024Â Implement and review the production of fermented dairy products and dairy desserts
- FBPOPR2004 Operate a beer packaging process
- FBPOPR2005 Operate a beer filling process
- FBPOPR2010 Work with temperature controlled stock
- FBPOPR2011 Identify key stages and beer production equipment in a brewery
- FBPOPR2013 Operate a bright beer tank process
- FBPOPR2014 Participate in sensory analyses.
- FBPOPR2015 Operate a beer filtration process
- FBPOPR2016 Operate a beer maturation process
- FBPOPR2030 Operate a brewery fermentation process
- FBPOPR2043 Operate a homogenising process
- FBPOPR2061 Operate a wort production process
- FBPOPR2063 Clean equipment in place
- FBPOPR2064 Clean and sanitise equipment
- FBPOPR2066 Apply sampling procedures
Stakeholder Consultation Process
A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified for this project. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations during the development of this project to seek their involvement and their views on the draft qualifications, skill sets and units.If you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.Of course, all and any interested industry participants are encouraged to engage in the consultation of this project, when the draft qualifications, skill sets and units are available for feedback via this webpage and workshops that take place around Australia. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list. This list simply helps us to identify those organisations that, because of their industry role, size or specialty, are likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this project.
Opportunities for stakeholder input
Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. The documents will be drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback will occur when the draft materials are made available in February 2019, and again for validation of final drafts in March and April 2019. However, your feedback is welcomed at any time, and will help us in drafting the qualifications, skill set and units. It is important that training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. The qualifications, skill sets and units need to reflect real work experience. So if you work in the sector, Skills Impact would love your input and help. Please feel free to register your interest for project updates and consultation opportunities by following the newsletter subscription link below. Alternatively, please feel free to contact the project manager, Danni on 03 9321 3526 or
[email protected]. The Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will oversee this project, as part of their responsibilities to support engagement with the sector, and to ensure projects meets industry stakeholder needs.
Initial development work on this project has begun. The team is currently holding workshops with stakeholders and subject matter experts from cheesemaking, brewing, distilling and other fermented product sectors to identify job roles, current gaps in training for these sectors and future trends for the industry as a whole. Feedback from a broad range of stakeholders was also sought through surveys that were made available on this webpage from 30 October - 11 December 2018. Thank you to those who completed the surveys. Your contribution towards this project is appreciated and is important to help identify the skills and knowledge required to perform job roles in the artisanal food and beverage sectors.The information gathered will help determine where new qualifications, skill sets and units of competency may be developed, to assist with addressing training gaps within these sectors.
Consultation Workshops â Registrations Open!
Thank you to those stakeholders that have been involved in the project and provided feedback and advice so far. Draft qualifications, skill sets and units will be made available on this webpage for public consideration and feedback from February 2019 (under the âDrafts Availableâ menu above). Face-to-face consultation workshops will also take place across states and territories, with two webinars planned for those unable to attend in person. Registrations for these workshops are now open. Please feel free to register for a workshop near you by clicking the corresponding link.We would like to hear from those working in artisanal food and beverage workplaces to let us know if the identified job roles and skills have been addressed in the qualifications and units. We would also like to hear from trainers and assessors who may be interested in delivering these new qualifications and units, to get their feedback about the proposed documents and how they would be implemented in a training environment.
Face-to-face consultation workshopsTues 5 Feb 2019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Launceston âÂ
register hereWed 6 Feb 2019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Hobart âÂ
register hereTues 12 Feb 2019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Sydney âÂ
register hereWed 13 Feb 2019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Melbourne âÂ
register hereTues 19 Feb 2019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Fremantle âÂ
register hereWed 20 Feb 2019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Adelaide âÂ
register hereTues 26 Feb 2019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Brisbane âÂ
register hereWed 27 Feb2 019, 10am â 1pm âÂ
Canberra âÂ
register here Click the 'Project Plan' menu above for more information about the project scope, timeline, deliverables, project contacts, and the list of the qualifications and skill sets proposed for development, as well as the units that will be developed to cover gaps in job roles and skilled activities.
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select âFood, Beverage & Pharmaceuticalâ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Thank you to those who provided feedback on additional changes made to the
Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages, as well as two new skill sets and nine new units of competency. The documents were made available on this webpage for broad stakeholder review from 8 â 30 April 2019. Feedback was sought on whether the draft qualification and units reflect the current skills standards and practices of industry, and whether job functions are accurately described.Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts which will be available for industry validation in May 2019.
About the Additional Drafts
Feedback to date has indicated overall support for a qualification in brewing and distilling. However, the list of core and elective units in the draft of the qualification were not yet meeting industry needs. As such, nine new units were proposed for development to address key skill areas, including units to strengthen specialisations in brewing and distilling, and a unit in fermented meat products. Considerable changes were also made to the qualification, including updating the title and increasing the list of units to include the new units.Two additional skill sets around preparing and presenting artisan food and beverage products for a retail setting, and producing fermented foods were also developed.A description of how feedback was considered and applied in these drafts can be downloaded below. Please click the âDownload Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actionsâ button.
Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions 
Why is this project happening?
In a country with an abundance of high quality food products, training opportunities in artisan food production are still limited. For example, some aspiring Australian cheesemakers are travelling internationally to learn the advanced skills they need. Industry want the next generation of artisan food producers to be able to access this training in Australia with nationally recognised qualifications.Skills Impact spoke to Emma De Souza, Production ManagerÂ
Grandvewe Cheeses, about her experiences becoming a cheesemaker and why the project matters so much to her. "This project is an important first step to ensuring future cheesemakers of Australia can access training,â says Emma.
Read Emma's story here Please note: these draft documents have been developed in addition to the draft qualifications, skill sets and units that were made available from 29 January â 4 March 2019 (including the Diploma of Artisan Cheese Making). Further details are under the 'Initial Drafts' heading below. All draft documents will be made available once more for a Validation period, which is anticipated to be in May. Additional Qualifications and Units for Feedback
Draft Qualification | What the qualification is about | What has changed in the qualification since the first draft | Link |
FBP4XX19 Certificate IV in Artisan Fermented Food and Beverages | Designed for those producing fermented food and/or beverage products, this qualification offers specialisations in brewing, distilling and fermentation. |
- Title updated to Certificate IV in Artisan Fermented Food and Beverages
- Total number of units increased from 20 to 22 to allow more flexible packaging
- Fermentation specialisation removed (some fermentation units included in core, and fermentation aspects strengthened in other units) and replaced with new Fermentation Skill Set
- Brewing and distilling specialisations reviewed and updated
- Proposed new units added
| View qualification |
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clickingÂ
These units provide skills and knowledge relevant to multiple food and beverage sectors, including artisanal food and beverage production.Draft Unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPTEC4XX11 Apply regulatory requirements to the production of alcoholic beverages | Applying regulatory requirements to the production of alcoholic beverages, including ATO excise. | View unit |
FBPTEC4XXX16 Manage and propagate yeast | Selecting, propagating and storing yeast for the production of fermented beverages. | View unit |
FBPFST5XX1 Identify the microbiological and chemical properties of fermented foods | Identifying the microbiological and chemical properties of fermented food and/or beverages including the identification of food spoilage. | View unit |
FBPPPL4XX1 Prepare and present artisanal food or beverages | Preparing and presenting artisanal food and beverages to a customer in a retail environment. | View unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clickingÂ
These units are proposed for inclusion in the new Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages as part of the Brewing specialisation available in the qualification. The units provide skills and knowledge relevant to the brewing of artisan beverages.Draft Unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPTEC3XX15 Filter fermented beverages | Preparing and operating filtration equipment using lenticular, plate and frame and/or centrifugal systems, to filter fermented beverages. | View unit |
FBPBPG4XX2 Manage filling and packaging of fermented beverages | Overseeing the set up and operation of a manual filling and packaging process of fermented and carbonated beverages, such as beer or kombucha, into cans, bottles, or kegs. | View unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clickingÂ
These units are proposed for inclusion in the new Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages as part of the Distilling specialisation available in the qualification. The units provide skills and knowledge relevant to the distilling of artisan beverages.Draft Unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPTEC4XX12 Manage wort production for distilling | Managing the production of wort that will be used to distil spirits. | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX13 Manage still operations | Overseeing the operations of a still, to produce batches of spirit. | View unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clickingÂ
These units are proposed for inclusion in the new Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages as part of the Fermentation specialisation available in the qualification. The units provide skills and knowledge relevant to the fermentation of artisan foods.Draft Unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPTEC4XX14 Produce fermented meat products | Producing fermented meat products, such as caccitora, chorizo, mettwurst, salami and cabanossi. | View unit |
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clickingÂ
Draft Skill Set | What the skill set is about | Link |
FBPSSXXXX8 Present Artisan Food and Beverages Skill Set | Preparing and presenting artisanal food and beverages to a customer in a retail environment. | View skill set |
FBPSSXXXX9 Produce Artisan Fermented Food Skill Set | Producing fermented food, including fermented meat products. | View skill set |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clickingÂ
Initial Drafts
Thank you to those who provided feedback on the initial draft qualifications, units of competency and skill sets made available on this webpage for stakeholder review from 29 January â 4 March 2019. These documents will be made available for Validation and further comment once the additional units have been reviewed, which is anticipated to be in May.
Summary of Consultation to Date
Feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, face-to-face consultation workshops and webinars. To view the draft documents, including comments that were made on them from people using the feedback hub, please click on the expandable document menus below.Face to face meetings and webinars were held with subject matter experts in November and December to identify job roles, current gaps in training for artisanal food and beverage production, and future trends for the industry as a whole. Site visits were undertaken at a number of facilities to get an up close account of the processes covered by this project. Subject matter experts have continued to be consulted throughout the development of the draft materials.
Draft qualification | What the qualification is about | Link |
FBP4XX19 Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages | Designed for those producing fermented food and/or beverage products, this qualification offers specialisations in brewing, distilling and fermentation. | View qualification |
FBP5XX19 Diploma of Artisan Cheese Making | This qualification has been designed for those making premium high-value artisan cheeses. | View qualification |
Skill Sets
These skill sets address targeted skills areas within artisan food and/or beverage production, and provide pathways to a number of FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical
qualifications. Draft skill set | What the skill set is about | Link |
FBPSSXXXX1 Cheesemonger Skill Set | Preparing and storing cheese and conveying knowledge of cheese to customers in a retail environment. | View skill set |
FBPSSXXXX2 Artisan Cheese Maker Skill Set | Working as an artisan cheesemaker to produce various types of cheese for a retail market. | View skill set |
FBPSSXXXX3 Artisan Brewer Skill Set | Working as an artisan brewer to produce various types of beer or fermented beverages for a retail market. | View skill set |
FBPSSXXXX4 Artisan Food and Beverage Fermenter Skill Set | Working in an artisan fermented food and/or beverage business. | View skill set |
FBPSSXXXX5 Artisan Olive Producer Skill Set | Harvesting and producing fermented olives for a retail market | View skill set |
FBPSSXXXX6 Artisan Distiller Skill Set | Working as an artisan distiller to produce various types of fermented and distilled beverages using a pot still, for a retail market. | View skill set |
FBPSSXXXX7 Establish an Artisan Food or Beverage Business Skill Set | Establishing an artisan food or beverage processing business. | View skill set |
Cross-sector units
These units are suitable for use in both of the proposed new qualifications. They provide skills and knowledge relevant to multiple food and beverage sectors, including artisanal food and beverage production.These new units have been developed to address gaps in skills common across multiple sectors within artisanal food and beverage production.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPBPG4XX1 Manage bottling and packaging processes | Overseeing the set up and operation of a bottling and packaging process. | View unit |
FBPFST4XX1 Interpret and respond to test results | Interpreting test results and making decisions about to manage/change the production process in response to the test results, including identifying causes for atypical results. | View unit |
FBPFST4XX2 Apply sensory analysis in food and beverage production | Carrying out sensory evaluations of foods and/or beverages, and using appropriate terminology to describe the properties, including preparing samples and taking action as a result of the evaluation. | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX1 Manage raw materials | Receiving, handling and storing of raw materials that are used in the production of food and/or beverages, including conducting quality checks on raw materials. | View unit |
FBPTEC5XX11 Design an artisan food production facility | Designing the layout of an artisan food and/or beverage production facility, including its location, required workspaces, work flow and regulatory requirements. | View unit |
Revised unitsThese units have had minor updates to make them more flexible for inclusion in the proposed new qualifications.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | What has changed in the unit | Link |
FBPCEL2009 Carry out transfer operations | Using equipment to undertake transfer procedures for various types of input and finished products | Assessment Conditions updated to include 'beverage production'. | View unit |
FBPFST4009X Label food and/or beverages according to legislative requirements | Labelling foods according to legislative requirements such as nutritional information, allergen advice and alcoholic content. | Included reference to âbeveragesâ in unit Application, Performance Criteria, Foundation Skills, Performance Evidence and Assessment Conditions. Title changes to reflect these changes. | View unit |
FBPFSY4001 Supervise and maintain a food safety plan | Maintaining and implementing a critical control point based food safety plan, including monitoring the planâs implementation and making updates to improve food safety. | âCCP planâ changed to âfood safety planâ throughout unit for broader coverage. | View unit |
FBPTEC4003X Control food and/or beverage contamination and spoilage | Using cleaning and sanitation programs to control food contamination and spoilage, including identifying causes of food poisoning and contamination. | Included reference to âbeveragesâ in unit Application, Performance Criteria, Foundation Skills, Performance Evidence and Assessment Conditions. | View unit |
FBPTEC4009 Identify the physical and chemical properties of materials, food and related products | Identifying the physical and chemical properties of materials, foods and related products within a production environment. | Included âbeveragesâ in Element 1. Removed âMalliardâ tests in KE. | View unit |
Note: the following units have been identified as possibly being suitable for inclusion in the proposed new qualifications
Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages and
Diploma of Cheese Making.These units have
not had any changes made to them. Rather, Skills Impact is seeking feedback as to whether these any changes are required to the units to ensure they address skills needs in artisanal food and beverage production.
Unit code and title | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPOPR3004 Set up a production or packaging line for operation | Setting up a production or packaging line for operation, including monitoring the process and addressing faults and inconsistencies. | View unit |
FBPPPL4002 Plan and coordinate production equipment maintenance | Planning and coordinating maintenance activities for production equipment, including developing maintenance schedules and taking action to improve equipment reliability. | View unit |
FBPPPL4003 Schedule and manage production | Planning, monitoring and adjusting schedules to meet operation requirements. | View unit |
FBPPPL4007 Manage internal audits | Supporting the management of internal audit processes across a range of programs, including planning and preparing for audits and following up on audit outcomes. (note: this unit does not cover food safety audits - FBPAUD4003 should be used for food safety audits). | View unit |
FBPTEC3001 Apply raw materials, ingredient and process knowledge to production problems | Using an understanding of ingredients and processes to solve problems that typically occur during the preparation, processing or packaging of products. | View unit |
FBPTEC4002 Apply principles of food packaging | Overseeing packing operations in a food and beverage processing environment, including assessing the nature, and likely causes, of packaging problems. | View unit |
FBPTEC4006 Apply an understanding of legal requirements of food production | Ensuring that food production operations comply with legal requirements that apply to food processing activities and facilities (note: not environmental management/work health and safety or food safety â these are covered by other units). | View unit |
FBPTEC4008 Participate in product recalls | Identifying and preparing for product recall situations, and initiating and participating in recall processes, including reviewing processes to minimize the risk of recurrence. | View unit |
FBPTEC4011 Establish process capability | Analysing process data to determine process capability using statistical process control techniques, including conducting a capability study. | View unit |
Brewing units
These units are proposed for inclusion in the new Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages
as part of the Brewing
specialisation available in the qualification. The units provide skills and knowledge relevant to the brewing of artisan beverages.These new units have been developed to address gaps in skills in artisan brewing production.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPTEC4XX2 Manage wort production | Managing the production of wort for fermented beverages. Also refers to recording requirements for traceability and ATO requirements. | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX3 Manage cellar operations | Managing cellar operations for the production of fermented beverages, including fermenting wort, and maturing and filtering fermented beverages. Also refers to recording requirements for traceability and ATO requirements. | View unit |
These units have had minor updates to make them more flexible for inclusion in the proposed new qualifications.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | What has changed in the unit | Link |
FBPCEL3005 Operate the pressing process | Preparing and operating pressing equipment used in fermented beverage production. | Unit Application and Assessment Conditions updated to include 'beverage production'. | View unit |
FBPCEL3006 Operate the fine filtration process | Preparing and operating a fine filtration process and related equipment to achieve pre-set specifications for the production of fermented beverages. | Assessment Conditions updated to include 'beverage production'. | View unit |
FBPCEL3007 Operate clarification by separation (centrifugation) process | Preparing and operating the clarification by separation (centrifugation) process in fermented beverage production. | Assessment Conditions updated to include 'beverage production'. | View unit |
FBPCEL3008 Operate the rotary vacuum filtration process | Preparing and operating the rotary vacuum filtration process in fermented beverage production. | âWine operationsâ expanded to include âbeveragesâ in Application and Assessment Conditions. | View unit |
FBPCEL3009 Operate the crossflow filtration process | Preparing and operating the crossflow filtration process in fermented beverage production. | âWine operationsâ expanded to include âbeveragesâ in Application and Assessment Conditions. | View unit |
FBPCEL3011 Operate the reverse osmosis process | Preparing and operating the reverse osmosis process in fermented beverage production. | âWine operationsâ expanded to include âbeveragesâ in Application and Assessment Conditions. | View unit |
Distilling units
These units are proposed for inclusion in the new Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages
as part of the Distilling
specialisation available in the qualification. The units provide skills and knowledge relevant to the distilling of artisan beverages.These new units have been developed to address gaps in skills in artisan distilling production.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPTEC3XX8 Prepare, fill and store barrels for aging spirits | Preparing barrels for aging spirits (such as whisky) | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX4 Manage continuous still operations | Overseeing the operations of a continuous still and collecting spirits to specification. Also refers to recording requirements for traceability and ATO requirements. | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX5 Manage pot still operations | Overseeing the operations of a pot still to produce batches of spirit. Also refers to recording requirements for traceability and ATO requirements. | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX6 Produce wash for distillation | Preparing and fermenting a wash for the distillation of spirit. Also refers to recording requirements for traceability and ATO requirements. | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX7 Blend spirits | Blending spirits (such as whisky) to ensure quality requirements are met. Also refers to recording requirements for traceability and ATO requirements. | View unit |
Cheese units
These units are proposed for inclusion in the new Diploma of Cheese Making
. The units provide skills and knowledge relevant to the producing artisan cheeses.These new units have been developed to address gaps in skills in artisan cheese making.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPCHE4XX1 Prepare and present cheese | Preparing and presenting cheese to customers in a retail environment, including preparing a specified tasting theme and providing information about various types of cheeses. | View unit |
FBPCHE5XX1 Produce lactic acid coagulated artisan cheese | Producing lactic acid soft cheeses (such as cottage cheese and chèvre) in an artisan cheese making environment | View unit |
FBPCHE5XX2 Produce rennet coagulated artisan cheese | Producing lactic acid soft cheeses (such as cheddar and gouda) in an artisan cheese making environment | View unit |
FBPCHE5XX3 Produce acid and heat coagulated artisan cheese | Producing lactic acid soft cheeses  (such as ricotta and mascarpone) in an artisan cheese making environment | View unit |
FBPCHE5XX4 Ripen artisan cheese | Ripening different types of artisan cheeses (also referred to as cheese maturation or affinage). | View unit |
These units have had minor updates to make them more flexible for inclusion in the proposed new qualifications.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | What has changed in the unit | Link |
FBPCHE5001 Carry out sampling and interpret tests for cheese production | Carrying out sampling and basic testing, and interpreting results for cheese production. | Deleted two performance criteria. Added one performance criteria. Minor changes to knowledge evidence. | View unit |
FBPFST5010 Implement and review the preparation of milk for processing | Implementing and reviewing the standards and procedures for receiving and preparing milk for product manufacture, including testing, blending and storing milk for specific outcomes. | âHomogenisationâ removed from elements and PCs so that the unit can be applied in an artisan setting. | View unit |
Fermenting units
These units are proposed for inclusion in the new Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages
as part of the Fermentation
specialisation available in the qualification. The units provide skills and knowledge relevant to the brewing of artisan beverages.These new units have been developed to address gaps in skills in artisan brewing production.
Draft unit | What the unit is about | Link |
FBPTEC4XX9 Prepare for fermentation | Preparing for fermentation, including producing a starter culture (such as koji) | View unit |
FBPTEC4XX10 Control and monitor fermentation | Fermenting foods or beverages, including monitoring and adjusting processes to ensure quality. | View unit |
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Thank you to those who provided feedback on the two new qualifications that have been developed for artisan food and beverage production. The final drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 16 May â 2 June 2019. They have been revised to reflect current practices and job roles in cheesemaking, fermenting, brewing and distilling.The final drafts will shortly progress through to the Finalisation stage of the project which includes quality assurance of the documents and review and support from the State/Territory Training Authorities. They will then be forwarded to the Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry Reference Committee for consideration and sign off, before being submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on training.gov.au.ValidationâŻmeans checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate.
Summary of Consultation to Date
Prior to the Validation stage, draft qualifications, units of competency and skill sets were available on this webpage from 29 January â 4 March 2019. As a result of feedback at this stage, theÂ
Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages and associated units and skill sets were made available for further feedback from 8 â 30 April 2019. Feedback was received from a variety of stakeholders around the country via email, the Skills Impact Feedback Hub, at face-to-face workshops and webinars, via phone and email. See the âDrafts Availableâ menu above for further information.A full description of how feedback was considered and applied in these final drafts can be downloaded below. Please click the âDownload Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actionsâ button.
Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions 
Why is this project happening?
In a country with an abundance of high quality food products, training opportunities in artisan food production are still limited. For example, some aspiring Australian cheesemakers are travelling internationally to learn the advanced skills they need. Industry wants the next generation of artisan food producers to be able to access this training in Australia, with nationally recognised qualifications.Skills Impact spoke to Emma De Souza, Production ManagerÂ
Grandvewe Cheeses, about her experiences becoming a cheesemaker and why the project matters so much to her. "This project is an important first step to ensuring future cheesemakers of Australia can access training,â says Emma.
Read Emma's story hereKey Changes
- Distilling units redesigned and new units developed to address various methods and equipment used to distil beverages
- Core units updated in the FBP5XX19 Diploma of Artisan Cheese Making
- Proposed new skill set FBPSSXXXX9 Produce Artisan Fermented Food Skill Set has been abandoned due to similarities with another proposed skill set, FBPXXXX4 Artisan Food and Beverage Fermented Skill Set, the latter being the more flexible and suitable
- Specific content identified for inclusion in the Companion Volume Implementation Guide to support delivery and assessment of these new qualifications, skill sets and units
- Units identified as not being suitable for inclusion in artisan qualifications have been removed from the project
- Units that were identified in early stages as being suitable for inclusion in the new qualifications that did not receive feedback or require changes have been removed from the project
From additional feedback on the Certificate IV qualification:
- The fermentation specialisation reinstated and renamed to âfood and non-alcoholic beveragesâ
- Title of the qualification changed to reflect the breadth of coverage, now titled Certificate IV in Artisan Fermented Products
- The unit FBPFST5XX1 Identify the microbiological and chemical properties of fermented foods has been moved to the elective bank, to ensure all units in the core of the qualification are relevant to each of the specialisations covered (i.e. brewing, distilling, and fermenting food and non-alcoholic beverages)
For more details on any of these changes see the summary document above.
To download the documents click the expandable menus below. If you have difficulty expanding any of the menus, try refreshing the page.
Skill Sets
Click here to download a zipped folder of all skill sets in this group. Cross-sector units
These units cover skills and knowledge across multiple artisan production sectors, including brewing, distilling, cheese making and other fermented products.
Note: please also see the sector-specific units lists.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.Â
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group. Brewing units
These units cover skills and knowledge in making artisan brewing products.
Note: Please also see the Cross-sector units list that contains units relevant to the brewing process. Distilling units
These units cover skills and knowledge in making artisan distilling products.
Note: Please also see the Cross-sector units list that contains units relevant to the distilling process.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group. Cheese units
These units cover skills and knowledge in artisan cheese making.
Note: Please also see the Cross-sector units list that contains units relevant relevant to the cheese making process.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group. Fermenting units
These units cover skills and knowledge in making artisan fermented products.
Note: Please also see the Cross-sector units list that contains units relevant to the fermentation process.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group. Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select 'Food, Beverage & Pharmaceutical' as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
The popularity of artisanal cheeses, beers, spirits and fermented foods and beverages in Australia has created opportunities for small entrepreneurial businesses to flourish. These businesses are often located in regional areas, bringing much needed growth and employment opportunities to their communities.It takes specialist skills and knowledge to produce such premium small-batch products. Thanks to the industry representatives who volunteered their time and expertise to this project, two new qualifications in fermented food and beverages and cheesemaking became available for use on 4 February 2020. This supports access to training in the nuanced skills needed to perform this work across Australia.
The final draft qualifications, units and skill sets were endorsed by the
Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) and State and Territory Ministers. They are published on the training.gov.au website, within the
FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceitical Training Package. RTOs can find information to help them adopt to the new changes in the Companion Volumes, which provides additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.
Why did this project happen?In a country with an abundance of high quality food products, training opportunities in artisan food production are still limited. In contributing to this project, industry around the country have shown a passion for their craft, sharing their stories and inviting us into their businesses and lives. Read more about the new diploma of cheese making and why so many people were keen to be involved
here. âWithout industry being involved and without looking at what industry is asking for, perhaps the Diploma of Artisan Cheesemaking would not have eventuated. The decision to create a qualification with âcheeseâ in the title is a first for Australia and I am extremely pleased to be involved with the decision-making.â
Gina Dal Santo, The Artisan Cheese Making Academy AustraliaThe two new qualifications have been designed specifically for the hands-on approach of artisanal fermented food and beverage production, in which methods are adapted based on the products being made, and the variation of conditions, raw materials and equipment. This means areas like Tasmania that are known for artisanal products will be better equipped to maintain the high quality of their products. âIt raises that standard to keep ensuring Tassie products get premium prices and attracts brand recognition.â
Pip Dawson, CEO, Fermentasmania.
Key Outcomes
- Two new qualifications, FBP40619 Certificate IV in Artisan Fermented Products and FBP50319 Diploma of Artisan Cheesemaking have been created
- The Certificate IV in Artisan Fermented Products offers three specialisations, with new units developed for brewing, distilling, and food and non-alcoholic beverages
- The Diploma of Artisan Cheesemaking was developed to meet the current job outcomes of those making premium, high-value cheeses on a small scale, where the provenance of the milk is known, and where specialised techniques are used
- Nine new skill sets developed. Five aim to develop specialist artisanal skills and knowledge for artisanal âmakerâ roles covering cheese, olives, brewing, distilling and fermenting. Two address the presentation of artisanal food in a retail context. Two address setting up an artisanal food or beverage production business.
- 27 new units developed to cover the more hands-on and adaptable approach of artisanal production, covering skills relevant to brewing, distilling, fermenting and cheese making, as well as in food technology, food science, bottling and packaging, and people management
- Seven existing units reviewed to ensure they are suitable for use in all areas of artisanal food and beverage production
Summary of consultationConsultation took place with 247 members of industry across the country. A small group of Subject Matter Experts (SME) covering each of the sectors was identified to provide advice throughout the project. Site visits to artisan production facilities for each of the sector areas were held to get real hands-on insight into the processes and equipment used and were a valuable part of this project.The broader industry was consulted on the draft documents from 29 January â 4 March 2019. As a result of feedback at this stage, the
Certificate IV in Fermented Food and Beverages and associated units and skill sets were made available for further feedback from 8 â 30 April 2019. This made up the âDrafts Availableâ stage. Once this feedback had been considered and applied to the drafts, all of the documents were made available for further comment as part of the âValidationâ stage.A summary of feedback and how it has been considered and applied at each stage can be downloaded below.
QualificationsSkill SetsUnits of Competency