Crops, Pastures & Seed Project

Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.


The broadacre cropping, pastures and seed production sectors are undergoing a range of new challenges, which has resulted in a new work methods and skills needs. These include rapid technological advancements, changing product markets and climate ecosystems, evolving global priorities and trade opportunities, demographic movements and numerous other social and economic changes.Broadacre farmers and seed producers are adopting new production techniques with the potential for higher yields. In addition, farmers need improved capabilities to use new digital technology applications while adapting to climate ecosystems.Broadacre cropping (which includes cereals, oilseeds, rice, grain legumes, pulses, cotton, pasture, forage, hay and silage) is exposed to a range of factors that affect the productivity and profitability of crops and pastures grown in Australia. Seed quality and selection is one of these. Seed producers need skills and knowledge on biosecurity, to produce seed that is free from diseases and pests. Seed producers also need expertise to selectively breeding varieties of seed for specific characteristics, to offer more sustainable products that perform better in specific environments.The review of skills standards for broadacre cropping and seed production was identified as a key skill priority in the Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work 2019-2022 (see page 3).The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) approved this project, out of the 2020 Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast (see pages 63-65).The Agriculture and Production Horticulture Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will oversee this project as part of their responsibility to support engagement with the sector, and to ensure the project meets industry stakeholder needs.Skills Impact will manage this project, consistent with the  2012 Standards for Training Package Development.Download Project Proposal (see pages 63-65)

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Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management’ as your industry of interest.


Australian farmers contribute significantly to global food security and it all starts with the skills to produce and farm quality crops and seed. Farmers and seed producers are responding to increasing global demand for food and fibre, and challenges brought about by changing environmental conditions. They are drawing on the latest technology and science to grow crops which are drought resistant, higher yielding and more nutritious. As science evolves and new technologies are discovered, the skills to produce broadacre crops, pastures and seed are changing. This project will look at job roles in these vital industry sectors to define the unique skills and changing work methods in updated national qualifications and skills standards.
Skills to interpret, operate, and manage new technologies are needed, as digital technologies drive innovations in these sectors. Mapping technology, RADAR and stereoscopic sensors, LIDAR, GPS and satellite imagery are being used to record the volume, mass and moisture of crops, and to assess crop performance and soil characteristics. These technologies support farmers to improve decision-making and planning, boosting yields and profitability. The Agricultural Workforce Digital Capability Framework will be applied by industry experts to define and identify the digital skills requirements for job roles in these sectors.Skills are also needed to meet a range of physical and quality standards, required for Australian seed to be certified. The skills in seed processing and testing are integral to protecting Australia’s biosecurity, supplying farmers with seed that is free from disease, organisms and pests. In updating national skills standards and qualifications, this project will also focus on how to best embed skills to meet current regulatory requirements for processing and testing seeds.
Project Scope
This project will review the existing units of competency and qualifications related to broadacre  cropping, pastures and seed to define current work techniques and practices. The unit sectors will include:
  • Broad Acre Cropping (AHCBAC)
  • Seed Production (AHCSDP)
  • Seed Processing (AHCSDT)
  • Seed Testing (AHCSPO)
This project will not cover the skills standards for production cropping, which were revised as part of the Horticulture Technology Project in 2019 (read more).
Qualifications Enrolment Numbers
Enrolment numbers in the existing qualifications and skills standards for seed processing and testing will be investigated. The skills in this sector are vitality important for Australia’s biosecurity, as well as the quality of crops and seeds produced in Australia. Reasons for low enrolments will be explored to understand workforce training needs and barriers to training delivery. This issue relates to a broader investigation Skills Impact is currently undertaking as part of our Program to Support VET Reform.

Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management’ as your industry of interest.
Relevant Occupations
  • Farmer and Farm Manager
  • Crop Farmer
  • Crop Farm Worker
  • Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker
  • Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Farm Worker
  • Seed Collection Handler and/or Seed Production Worker
  • Seed Processing Operator
  • Seed Testing Technician
Industry Sectors
  • Cereal (wheat, barley, triticale, millet, corn and oats)
  • Grain legumes and pulses
  • Rice (including wild rice in Northern Aust)
  • Oilseed (canola, safflower, soya beans, sunflower)
  • Cotton
  • Forage crops (brassica, maize, sorghum)
  • Pasture and seed production (lucerne, clover, ryegrass)
  • Poppy and industrial hemp production
September/October 2020 Initial scopingNovember/December 2020 Development of draft qualifications, skill sets and unitsJanuary/February 2021 Drafts available for broad consultationApril/May 2021 Validation of final draftsJune 2021 Finalisation of Training Package componentsJuly/August 2021 Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package componentsSeptember 2021 IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement
Project Team
William HendersonIndustry Skills Standards Specialist, Skills Impact[email protected]
Andrew HorganIndustry Engagement Manager, Skills Impact[email protected]
Ron BarrowIndustry Skills Standard Contractor
Opportunities for stakeholder input
Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. The documents will be drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback will occur when the draft materials are made available in January/February 2021, and again for validation of final drafts in April/May 2021. However, your feedback is welcomed at any time, and will help us in drafting the qualifications, skill set and units.It is important that training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. The qualifications, skill sets, and units need to reflect real work experience. So, if you work in the sector, Skills Impact appreciates your input and assistance.Those working in areas of cropping and seed production and others with knowledge in these fields, are invited to engage with this project.For industry experts in seed processing and testing, Skills Impact understands that a large amount of Intellectual Property exists in the seeds themselves. This project is not about sharing this commercial information. Instead, it is about defining the skills requirements to produce, process and test seeds – to support the skills development of the future workforce and expansion of the industry.Please register your interest in project updates and consultation opportunities by following the newsletter subscription link. Alternatively, contact the project manager, Will Henderson on [email protected] or 03 9321 3526.Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Webinars will be held to replace the face-to-face consultation workshops Skills Impact would usually host around Australia.
Stakeholder Consultation Process
A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified for this project based on their industry role, size or specialty. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations to seek their involvement and views on all draft skill sets and units. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list, they have simply been identified as the most, likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this projectIf you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.


The broadacre cropping sector is drawing on the latest technology and science to grow crops and pastures that are drought resistant, higher yielding and more nutritious. A range of factors affect the productivity and profitability of crops and pastures grown in Australia. Seed quality and selection is one important factor. Seed producers are experts at selectively breeding varieties of seed for specific characteristics, to offer more sustainable products that perform better in specific environments. The skills in seed processing and testing are integral to protecting Australia’s biosecurity, supplying farmers with seed that is free from disease, organisms and pests. Digital technologies are also driving innovations in this sector and introducing the need for skills to interpret, operate and manage new technologies. Mapping technology, RADAR and stereoscopic sensors, LIDAR, GPS and satellite imagery are being used to record the volume, mass and moisture of crops, and to assess crop performance and soil characteristics. These technologies support farmers to improve decision-making and planning, boosting yields and profitability. As science evolves and new technologies are discovered, the skills to produce broadacre crops, pastures and seed are changing. This project is looking at job roles in these vital industry sectors to define the unique skills and changing work methods in updated national qualifications and skills standards.Experts in the sector are being engaged to help inform the content for the draft units of competency. A subject matter expert working group has also been identified and they will be convening at the end of November 2020. They are being consulted on ways to revise the existing existing skills standards to reflect modern practices and the skills to interpret, operate, and manage new technologies.

Development outcomes and next steps

Broad stakeholder consultation is scheduled to commence in January 2021, when draft units will be made available for feedback on this webpage. Your input is welcome, please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft materials are available for feedback by following the newsletter subscription link below.

Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management’ as your industry of interest.


Broadacre farmers and seed producers are drawing on the latest technology and science to respond to increasing global demand for food and fibre, and to produce crops that are drought resistant, higher yielding, and more nutritious. Australian farmers contribute significantly to global food security and the skills in seed processing and testing are integral to protecting Australia’s biosecurity, supplying farmers with seed that is free from disease, organisms and pests. The skills in this sector are changing, as science evolves and new technologies are discovered. Farmers are drawing on mapping technology, RADAR and stereoscopic sensors, LIDAR, GPS and satellite imagery to record the volume, mass and moisture of crops, and to assess crop performance and soil characteristics.The qualifications and skills standards for broadacre cropping, pastures and seed have been reviewed in consultation with subject matter experts. Several of the units of competency have been revised to reflect the skills needed to work with the latest technology and processes. Subject matter experts have also shared their insights as to why some qualifications and units may have received low enrolments in recent years. They have made recommendations for where units can be merged to better reflect current skills needs. They have also suggested that the skills for seed production, processing and testing could be better supported by adding a specialisation or stream of study for ‘Seeds’ within the Certificate III in Agriculture, and the stand alone qualifications then deleted. The Certificate III in Agriculture is not currently under review, but it is proposed for revision as part of project work in 2021-2022.An additional unit for processing planting seed was made available for feedback from 23 April –  4 June 2020. This unit is an amalgamation of a number existing units. Feedback from industry stakeholders on the draft skills standards that were available between 2 February – 21 March 2021 suggested the need to amalgamate these seed processing units into a single unit, as the original units did not reflect actual industry practice. The amalgamation of these tasks better captures how job roles are performed and will make it easier to provide training for these skills.You can still view the unit via the link below.

Seed Unit Made Available for Feedback

Unit Code and TitleUnits Being AmalgamatedLink
AHCSPO3XX Process planting seedIt is proposed that the skills within the following units are incorporated into this amalgamated unit:
  • AHCSPO301 Operate a screen cleaner for seed processing
  • AHCSPO302 Operate an indent cylinder
  • AHCSPO303 Operate a gravity table
  • AHCSPO304 Operate seed modification machinery
  • AHCSPO306 Operate specialised seed processing machinery
These units would then be removed from
View draft unit
You can download the document in Microsoft Word format by clicking here

Drafts Available 2 February – 21 March 2021

Thank you to everybody that provided feedback on the draft qualifications and draft skills standards that were made available on this webpage from 2 February – 21 March 2021. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, consultation webinars and email. The drafts, including any comments made on the feedback hub, are still available for viewing below.Your feedback will inform further work on the final drafts, which are expected to be available for industry comment and validation in May 2021. A summary of the feedback and how it was addressed in the final drafts will also be available.
Qualifications to support the skills for seed processing, production and testing have had very few enrolments in recent years.Subject matter experts have suggested that the skills for this work could be better supported by adding a specialisation or stream of study for 'Seeds' within the Certificate III in Agriculture. This qualification is not currently under review, but it is proposed for revision as part of project work in 2021-2022. A specialisation would offer learners more flexible training pathways, as they would would have the option to select one or two specialisations. They would also have the option to gain further specialisations in the future by completing additional units, rather than having to undertake a whole additional qualification.Feedback was invited on whether the contents of the qualifications linked below would be better supported by creating a 'Seed' specialisation or stream of study within the Certificate III in Agriculture.
AHC32116 Certificate III in Commercial Seed ProcessingView on
AHC33416 Certificate III in Seed ProductionView on
AHC33516 Certificate III in Seed TestingView on
AHC41416 Certificate IV in Seed ProductionView on
AHC41516 Certificate IV in Seed TestingView on
The following units have been revised to reflect current work practices and training guidelines.
AHCBAC101 Support agricultural crop workView draft unit
AHCBAC201 Assist agricultural crop establishmentView draft unit
AHCBAC202 Assist agricultural crop maintenanceView draft unit
AHCBAC203 Assist agricultural crop harvestingView draft unit
AHCBAC204 Prepare grain storagesView draft unit
AHCBAC301 Conserve forageView draft unit
AHCBAC302 Establish pastures and crops for livestock productionView draft unit
AHCBAC303 Prepare to receive grains and seedsView draft unit
AHCBAC304 Test grains and seeds on receivalView draft unit
AHCBAC305 Undertake preparation of land for agricultural crop productionView draft unit
AHCBAC306 Establish agricultural cropsView draft unit
AHCBAC307 Maintain agricultural cropsView draft unit
AHCBAC308 Undertake agricultural crop harvestingView draft unit
AHCBAC310 Maintain pastures and crops for livestock productionView draft unit
AHCBAC401 Manage pastures for livestock productionView draft unit
AHCBAC402 Plan a pasture establishment programView draft unit
AHCBAC403 Supervise agricultural crop establishmentView draft unit
AHCBAC404 Plan and implement agricultural crop maintenanceView draft unit
AHCBAC405 Supervise agricultural crop harvestingView draft unit
AHCBAC406 Maintain grain quality in storageView draft unit
AHCBAC407 Save, prepare and store agricultural seedView draft unit
AHCBAC408 Manage agricultural crop productionView draft unit
AHCBAC502 Manage forage conservationView draft unit
AHCBAC506 Manage the harvest of cropsView draft unit
  The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
These units have been updated to align with current industry practice. If there is support for the removal of the seed qualifications, these units of competency will be included as electives in relevant agriculture qualifications, as per stakeholder and industry recommendations.
AHCSPO301 Operate a screen cleaner for seed processingView draft unit
AHCSPO302 Operate an indent cylinderView draft unit
AHCSPO303 Operate a gravity tableView draft unit
AHCSPO304 Operate seed modification machineryView draft unit
AHCSPO305 Operate seed treatment machineryView draft unit
AHCSPO306 Operate specialised seed processing machineryView draft unit
AHCSPO307 Handle, package and store commercial quantities of seedView draft unit
AHCSPO308 Sample seed before and after processingView draft unit
  The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
A thorough review of the skills outlined in existing Seed Testing (SDT) units revealed that many were a duplicate of the laboratory testing units found in the MSL Laboratory Operations bank of units.The skills that are specifically seed related and not covered by the MLS units have been identified. This has resulted in three units being revised and ten units being organised into two new units. The two new units cover the skills required of seed testing in a laboratory, at an AQF level 3, and the skills at an AQF level 4 for advanced seed testing in a laboratory. 
Unit Code and NameDescriptionLink to View and Comment
AHCSDT3XX Perform quality tests on seedsThis unit merges the following units:View draft unit
AHCSDT4XX Perform advanced tests on seedsThis unit merges the following units:View draft unit
AHCSDT301 Prepare a working sampleThe Application statement for this unit has been edited. Minor changes have been made to the Performance Criteria and foundation skills have been added. The Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions have also been updated.View draft unit
AHCSDT302 Identify seedsThe Application statement for this unit has been edited. Minor changes have been made to the Performance Criteria and foundation skills have been added. The Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions have also been updated.View draft unit
AHCSDT401 Maintain a quarantine approved laboratoryThe Application statement for this unit has been changed. Minor changes have been made to the Performance Criteria and foundation skills have been added. The Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions have also been updated.View draft unit
  The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
A thorough review of the Seed Production (SDP) units has revealed that they duplicate many of the existing Broad Acre Cropping (BAC) units.Subject matter experts have also identified that many of the skills outlined in the Seed Processing (SDT) units do not align with current job tasks, and they have had no enrolments for the past five years.For these reasons, subject matter experts have recommended that the units linked below should be deleted.
AHCSDP301 Undertake preparation of land for seed crop productionView on
AHCSDP302 Establish seed cropsView on
AHCSDP303 Maintain seed cropsView on
AHCSDP304 Harvest seed cropsView on
AHCSDP401 Plan and seed crop establishment programView on
AHCSDP402 Supervise seed crop establishmentView on
AHCSDP403 Plan and implement seed crop maintenanceView on
AHCSDP404 Supervise seed crop harvestingView on
AHCSDP405 Inspect a seed crop for quality assurance purposesView on
AHCSDT402 Prepare and maintain a seed reference collectionView on
AHCSDT404 Develop and implement laboratory policy and proceduresView on
AHCSDT406 Undertake internal audits in a seed laboratoryView on
The following unit for planning and managing long-term weed, pest and disease control in crops has been reviewed and updated recently, as part of the Ag Biosecurity & Emergency Response Project, so has not received any changes.
AHCBAC509 Plan and manage long-term weed, pest and disease control in cropsView the unit
Summary of consultation to date
The qualifications and units have been drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts. They have considered feedback that was received out of Workforce Functional Analysis workshops in November 2020. People working directly in the Crops, Pastures and Seeds sector participated and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.

Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select 'Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation & Land Management' as your industry of interest on the subscription form.


The broadacre farming and seed production sectors are harnessing the latest technology and science to meet increasing global demand for food and fibre, and the need for crops that are drought resistant, higher yielding, and more nutritious. The skills for working in this area are changing, with mapping technology, RADAR and stereoscopic sensors, LIDAR, GPS and satellite imagery being used to record the volume, mass and moisture of crops, and to assess crop performance and soil characteristics. It is important that skills in seed processing and testing are up to date, to protect Australia’s biosecurity and supply farmers with seed that is free from disease, organisms and pests.Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the final draft qualifications and skills standards that were made available for validation and comment from 31 May to 17 June 2021. You can still view the documents and any comments made below.
The documents were revised to more accurately describe the job functions and range of tasks that farmers are required to perform. The drafts were developed with advice from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and were then made available for public feedback from 2 February – 21 March 2021. Comments made during this period were in support of the proposed changes, including updates to the Broadacre Cropping (BAC) units in accordance with current industry practices and the merging of the seeds related units.
Summary of feedback and key changes
The final drafts incorporated feedback that was received on the initial drafts that were made available between 2 February and 21 March 2021, under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, webinars, and via phone call and email. The qualification, skill set and units were drafted with guidance from Subject Matter Experts, made up of workplace experts and industry. The vast amount of feedback collected online and over the phone, at a time when face to face meetings have been severely limited, is a testament to industry’s passion for skills development. The feedback is fundamental to improving the national skills standards.The following key changes have been made to the drafts:
  • Thirty three units revised or developed to reflect current industry practices, terminology and equipment.
  • Five qualifications proposed for deletion due to having no enrolments in recent years. The request to add a seeds specialisation or stream to another agriculture qualification will be proposed as part of a future project, to address the need for these skills within a qualification.
  • Twenty nine units are proposed for deletion for a variety of reasons, including due to there being no enrolments, or because they duplicate another unit, or because they will be merged with another existing unit. Examples of merged units include:
    • Creation of a proposed unit for processing planting seed, which merges the skills captured by five previous units
    • Creation of a proposed unit for performing advanced tests on seeds, which merges the skills captured by seven existing units
    • Creation of a proposed unit for performing quality tests on seeds, which merged AHCSDT303 Perform a fluorescence test on seeds and AHCSDT304 Perform a seed purity analysis.
A description of how feedback has been considered and applied in these final drafts can be downloaded below. Please click the ‘Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions’ button.Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions
The additional unit for processing planting seed, AHCSPO3XX Process planting seed was available for validation from 15 – 18 July 2021. The unit was updated to incorporate industry feedback collected from 23 April –  4 June 2020. Based on your feedback, the performance evidence and knowledge evidence were updated to better reflect job tasks, and minor spelling and grammar errors were corrected.This unit amalgamates the skills contained in the following existing units:
  • AHCSPO301 Operate a screen cleaner for seed processing
  • AHCSPO302 Operate an indent cylinder
  • AHCSPO303 Operate a gravity table
  • AHCSPO304 Operate seed modification machinery
  • AHCSPO306 Operate specialised seed processing machinery
View draft unit You can download the document in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Only small changes have been made to these units since they were first made available for broad public feedback. Further details of these changes are available in the summary of feedback document.
Unit of Competency code and nameProposed changesLink
AHCSDT3XX Perform quality tests for quality on seedsMerged unit including relevant information from all previous SDT AQF level 3 units:View draft unit
AHCSDT4XX Perform advanced tests on seedsMerged unit including relevant information from all previous SDT AQF level 4 units:  View draft unit
AHCBAC101 Support agricultural crop workMinor changes to reflect current industry practices.View draft unit
AHCBAC201 Assist agricultural crop establishmentView draft unit
AHCBAC202 Assist agricultural crop maintenanceView draft unit
AHCBAC203 Assist agricultural crop harvestingView draft unit
AHCBAC204 Prepare grain storagesView draft unit
AHCBAC301 Conserve forageView draft unit
AHCBAC302 Establish pastures and crops for livestock productionView draft unit
AHCBAC303 Prepare to receive grains and seedsView draft unit
AHCBAC304 Test and grade grains and seeds on receivalView draft unit
AHCBAC305 Undertake preparation of land for agricultural crop productionView draft unit
AHCBAC306 Establish agricultural cropsView draft unit
AHCBAC307 Maintain agricultural cropsView draft unit
AHCBAC308 Undertake agricultural crop harvesting activitiesView draft unit
AHCBAC401 Manage pastures for livestock productionView draft unit
AHCBAC402 Plan a pasture establishment programView draft unit
AHCBAC403 Supervise agricultural crop establishmentView draft unit
AHCBAC404 Plan and implement agricultural crop maintenanceView draft unit
AHCBAC405 Supervise agricultural crop harvestingView draft unit
AHCBAC406 Maintain grain quality in storageView draft unit
AHCBAC407 Save, prepare and store agricultural seedLicensing statement amended.View draft unit
AHCBAC408 Manage agricultural crop productionMinor changes to reflect current industry practices.View draft unit
AHCBAC502 Manage forage conservationView draft unit
AHCBAC506 Manage the harvest of cropsView draft unit
AHCSDT301 Prepare a working sampleView draft unit
AHCSDT302 Identify seedsView draft unit
AHCSDT401 Maintain a quarantine approved laboratoryMinor changes to reflect current industry practices.View draft unit
AHCSDT405 Handle and store seed subject to quarantine regulationsView draft unit
AHCSPO305 Operate seed treatment machineryView draft unit
AHCSPO307 Handle, package and store commercial quantities of seedView draft unit
AHCSPO308 Sample seed before and after processingView draft unit
  The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
Due to no enrolments these qualifications are proposed for deletion. A new seeds stream of study in another agriculture qualification will be proposed to address these skills as part of a future project.
Qualification and Code NameLink
AHC32116 Certificate III in Commercial Seed ProcessingView on
AHC33416 Certificate III in Seed ProductionView on
AHC33516 Certificate III in Seed TestingView on
AHC41416 Certificate IV in Seed ProductionView on
AHC41516 Certificate IV in Seed TestingView on
Unit of Competency code and nameProposed changesLink
AHCBAC310 Maintain pastures and crops for livestock productionThis unit has been deemed the duplicate of an existing unit AHCBAC307 Maintain agricultural crops, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback aboveView on
AHCSDP301 Undertake preparation of land for seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC305 Undertake preparation of land for agricultural crop production, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP302 Establish seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC306 Establish agricultural crops, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP303 Maintain seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC307 Maintain agricultural crops, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP304 Harvest seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC308 Undertake agricultural crop harvesting activities, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP401 Plan and seed crop establishment programThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of both AHCBAC408 Manage agricultural crop production and AHCBAC403 Supervise agricultural crop establishment, which are currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP402 Supervise seed crop establishmentThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC403 Supervise agricultural crop establishment, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP403 Plan and implement seed crop maintenanceThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC404 Plan and implement agricultural crop maintenance, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP404 Supervise seed crop harvestingThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC405 Supervise agricultural crop harvesting, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP405 Inspect a seed crop for quality assurance purposesUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT303 Perform a fluorescence test on seedsUnits merged into AHCSDT3XX Perform quality tests for quality on seeds.View on
AHCSDT304 Perform a seed purity analysisView on
AHCSDT305 Perform a seed moisture testUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT306 Perform a seed germination testUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT307 Perform a 'Determination of other Seeds by Number' test This unit has been superseded by AHCSDT3XX Perform quality tests for quality on seeds, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDT404 Develop and implement laboratory policy and proceduresUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT406 Undertake internal audits in a seed laboratoryUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT402 Prepare and maintain a seed reference collectionUnits merged into AHCSDT4XX Perform advanced tests on seeds.View on
AHCSDT403 Perform an Anguina test on annual ryegrass seedView on
AHCSDT407 Perform an endophytic seed testView on
AHCSDT408 Perform an electrophoresis test on a seed sampleView on
AHCSDT409 Perform a tetrazolium testView on
AHCSDT410 Perform a seed vigour testView on
AHCSDT411 Perform a 1000 seed weight testView on
AHCSPO301 Operate a screen cleaner for seed processingUnits to be merged into AHCSPO3XX Process planting seed.View on
AHCSPO302 Operate an indent cylinderView on
AHCSPO303 Operate a gravity tableView on
AHCSPO304 Operate seed modification machineryView on
AHCSPO306 Operate specialised seed processing machineryView on

Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select 'Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation & Land Management' as your industry of interest on the subscription form.


The success of Australia's broadacre cropping and animal production industry is underpinned by skills to produce crops and pastures from high quality seed. With increasing global demand for food and fibre, and challenges brought about by changing environmental conditions, the broadacre farming and seed production sectors are turning to the latest technology and science, hoping to create crops that are drought resistant, higher yielding, and more nutritious. As a result, the skills for working in the sector are changing, with mapping technology, RADAR and stereoscopic sensors, LIDAR, satellite positioning and satellite imagery being used to record the volume, mass and moisture of crops, and to assess crop performance and soil characteristics. These skills are essential to supporting biosecurity and supplying farmers with seed that is free from disease, organisms and pests.As a result of this project and consultation with industry throughout Australia, units across the seeds, crops and pastures sectors were updated and developed so that they accurately capture current industry practices and technologies. Concepts surrounding precision agriculture were also embedded in units relating to broadacre cropping. In consultation with industry, five qualifications and 14 units for seed processing, production and processing have been deleted as they describe skills no longer required by industry or that are duplicated by another unit. Fourteen units were merged into three units, as they had similar learning outcomes. The seven AQF level 3 and three level 4 seed units (AHCSTD and AHCSPO) were added as elective units into the Certificate III in Agriculture and Certificate IV in Agriculture as appropriate. New units were developed where necessary to reflect up to date industry practice and include an array of the new technology being implemented in the field, from satellite positioning guidance of farming equipment to laser tech designed to detect pests and disease.
The updated qualification and units were published on the national training register ( within the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package on 15 February 2022.
Summary of feedback and key changes
A Subject Matter Expert (SME) working group containing recognised industry experts from around the country helped develop the draft documents. They were then made available on this website for broad industry feedback in two stages, the 'Drafts Available' stage from 2 February - 21 March 2021 and the 'Validation' stage from 31 May - 17 June 2021. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, webinars, and via phone call and email.COVID-19 restrictions meant that the usual methods of face-to-face consultation were hampered, with only one face-to-face meeting possible throughout the project. The 'Drafts Available' phase was extended by two weeks to compensate for restrictions, and during Validation one on one meetings were arranged for those who could not attend the two Zoom Validation Meetings.The draft unit AHCSPO309 Process planting seed was developed following industry feedback on the initial drafts. It was made available for feedback as part of its own 'Drafts Available' stage from 23 April - 4 June 2020 and again for 'Validation' from 15 June - 18 July 2021. The unit amalgamates skills contained in five previously existing seed units.Special thanks to all experts from both the seeds and broadacre fields of expertise for taking the time to assist with the project.The following key changes have been made to the draft units:
  • Thirty-three units revised or developed to reflect current industry practices, terminology and equipment.
  • Five qualifications proposed for deletion due to having no enrolments in recent years. The request to add a seeds specialisation or stream to the Certificate III in Agriculture will be proposed as part of a future project, to address the need for these skills within a qualification.
  • Fourteen units are proposed for deletion because they include skills that are no longer required by industry or they are duplicated by another unit.
  • Fourteen units that have similar learning outcomes have been merged. Examples of merged units include:
    • creation of a unit for processing planting seed, which merges the skills captured by five previous units
    • creation of a unit for performing advanced tests on seeds, which merges the skills captured by seven existing units
    • creation of a unit for performing quality tests on seeds, which merged AHCSDT303 Perform a fluorescence test on seeds and AHCSDT304 Perform a seed purity analysis.
A description of how feedback has been considered and applied after the 'Drafts Available' stage can be downloaded below. Please click the ‘Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions’ button. A summary of feedback and responses from the 'Validation' stage will be made available soon.The final draft units were approved for endorsement by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (read the communique) and State and Territory Ministers. All documents have undergone an edit, equity and independent quality assurance process, to ensure they are of high quality and comply with the Standards for Training Packages 2012, the Training Package Products Policy and the Training Package Development and Endorsement Process Policy. They have also been considered by the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs). A Case for Endorsement was submitted alongside the draft units, including a rationale of why these changes are needed and evidence of industry support.Please find below links to the final documents that are published on the national training register. Download the Case for EndorsementCompanion Volume Implementation GuideA Companion Volume Implementation Guide was also produced to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the qualifications and units. It contains key information to help trainers adapt to any new changes, as well as additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training. Download Part 1: Overview and Implementation Download Part 2: Component Details 
Unit of Competency code and name
AHCBAC102 Support agricultural crop work
AHCBAC205 Assist agricultural crop establishment
AHCBAC206 Assist agricultural crop maintenance
AHCBAC207 Assist agricultural crop harvesting
AHCBAC208 Prepare grain storages
AHCBAC309 Undertake preparation of land for agricultural crop production
AHCBAC311 Conserve forage
AHCBAC312 Test grains and seeds on receival
AHCBAC313 Establish pastures and crops for livestock production
AHCBAC314 Prepare to receive grains and seeds
AHCBAC315 Establish agricultural crops
AHCBAC316 Maintain agricultural crops
AHCBAC317 Undertake agricultural crop harvesting activities
AHCBAC410 Plan and implement a pasture establishment program
AHCBAC411 Manage pastures for livestock production
AHCBAC412 Supervise agricultural crop establishment
AHCBAC413 Plan and implement agricultural crop maintenance
AHCBAC414 Supervise agricultural crop harvesting
AHCBAC415 Maintain grain quality in storage
AHCBAC416 Save, prepare and store agricultural seed
AHCBAC417 Manage agricultural crop production
AHCBAC515 Manage forage conservation
AHCBAC516 Manage the harvest of crops
AHCSDT308 Perform tests for quality on seeds
AHCSDT309 Prepare a working sample
AHCSDT310 Identify seeds
AHCSDT412 Perform advanced tests on seeds
AHCSDT413 Handle and store seed subject to quarantine regulations
AHCSDT414 Maintain a quarantine approved laboratory
AHCSPO309 Process planting seed
AHCSPO310 Treat planting seed
AHCSPO311 Handle, package and store commercial quantities of seed
AHCSPO312 Sample seed before and after processing
Unit of Competency code and nameProposed changesLink
AHCBAC310 Maintain pastures and crops for livestock productionThis unit has been deemed the duplicate of an existing unit AHCBAC307 Maintain agricultural crops, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback aboveView on
AHCSDP301 Undertake preparation of land for seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC305 Undertake preparation of land for agricultural crop production, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP302 Establish seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC306 Establish agricultural crops, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP303 Maintain seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC307 Maintain agricultural crops, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP304 Harvest seed cropsThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC308 Undertake agricultural crop harvesting activities, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP401 Plan and seed crop establishment programThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of both AHCBAC408 Manage agricultural crop production and AHCBAC403 Supervise agricultural crop establishment, which are currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP402 Supervise seed crop establishmentThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC403 Supervise agricultural crop establishment, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP403 Plan and implement seed crop maintenanceThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC404 Plan and implement agricultural crop maintenance, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP404 Supervise seed crop harvestingThis unit has been deemed a duplicate of AHCBAC405 Supervise agricultural crop harvesting, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDP405 Inspect a seed crop for quality assurance purposesUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT303 Perform a fluorescence test on seedsUnits merged into AHCSDT3XX Perform quality tests for quality on seeds.View on
AHCSDT304 Perform a seed purity analysisView on
AHCSDT305 Perform a seed moisture testUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT306 Perform a seed germination testUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT307 Perform a 'Determination of other Seeds by Number' test This unit has been superseded by AHCSDT3XX Perform quality tests for quality on seeds, which is currently being revised as part of this project and available for feedback above.View on
AHCSDT404 Develop and implement laboratory policy and proceduresUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT406 Undertake internal audits in a seed laboratoryUnit proposed for deletion due to lack of enrolments.View on
AHCSDT402 Prepare and maintain a seed reference collectionUnits merged into AHCSDT4XX Perform advanced tests on seeds.View on
AHCSDT403 Perform an Anguina test on annual ryegrass seedView on
AHCSDT407 Perform an endophytic seed testView on
AHCSDT408 Perform an electrophoresis test on a seed sampleView on
AHCSDT409 Perform a tetrazolium testView on
AHCSDT410 Perform a seed vigour testView on
AHCSDT411 Perform a 1000 seed weight testView on
AHCSPO301 Operate a screen cleaner for seed processingUnits to be merged into AHCSPO3XX Process planting seed.View on
AHCSPO302 Operate an indent cylinderView on
AHCSPO303 Operate a gravity tableView on
AHCSPO304 Operate seed modification machineryView on
AHCSPO306 Operate specialised seed processing machineryView on

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