Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Safety Compliance Project

Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.


“Skills in specialist paper making and pulping processes to meet compliance requirements” has been identified as a priority skill area in the 2017 Pulp and Paper Manufacturing IRC Skills Forecast (see page 20). Skills Impact and the Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will take this project through a process that adheres to the 2012 Standards for Training Package Development.Download the IRC Skills Forecast (see page 20)


Project Scope
This project will review units of competency from the PPM Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Training Package with regard to occupational health and safety, so they reflect current industry skills standards and practices and all job functions are accurately described.Scroll down to view the list of units that will be reviewed in this project, and the various skilled activities they cover.There are many and varied health and safety risks and hazards pertaining to pulp and paper manufacturing sites, including hazardous chemical use, extreme heat and steam, and use of large machinery. The project will update specific skills and aspects with the current workplace health and safety requirements for a range of specialist paper making and pulping processes.Many pulp and paper manufacturing sites are recognised by Worksafe Australia as major hazard facilities and it is crucial that the training package reflects the requirements set out to maintain that licence, and in other legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
Relevant Occupations
  • Pulp and Paper Machine Operators and Technicians
  • Production Specialists
  • Production Managers
Key Deliverables
The project aims to review and improve forty (40) units of competency from the PPM Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry Training Package to update specific skills with the current workplace health and safety requirements as guided by industry consultation. The project includes developing 10 skills sets for specialist operators. 
November 2017 Initial scopingDecember 2017 - March 2018 Development of draft materialsMay 2018 Industry consultation of draft materialsJune 2018 Industry validation of final draftsJune 2018 Finalisation of training package componentsJune - July 2018 Independent quality assurance, and edit and equity review of training package componentsJuly 2018 IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement 
Project Team
Michelle ClaytonProject Manager/Training Package Specialist, ForestWorks mclayton@forestworks.com.au
Tim ClearyProject Officer, ForestWorks tcleary@forestworks.com.au
Appointed as requiredSkills Development Specialist
Technical Experts
A Technical Advisory Committee has been established to provide technical input to the review and development of the skill sets and units.
Kaye TyterAustralian Paper
Adam WookeyFederation Training
Denise Campbell BurnsCFMEU
John HarringtonKimberley Clark Australia
Peter GuyAustralian Paper
Geoff GasperottiAsaleo Care
Melissa LiddleKimberley Clark Australia
Roger HareNorske Skog
Robert MooreVisy
 Additional subject matter experts are welcome and invited. If you would like to contribute technical expertise to the project, please contact mclayton@forestworks.com.au
Units that will be will be reviewed
Below is a list of the current units that will be reviewed as part of this project. Click on the unit name to view the existing unit on training.gov.au.Skills sets will be developed for specialist operators, as guided by industry consultation.


Work has begun on the review and development of units of competency and skills sets from within the PPM Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Training Package. Specifically:
  • 40 Units of Competency are being reviewed against jobs roles and procedures relating to Major Hazard Facility (MHF) licensing requirements.
  • The drafting of up to 10 skill sets, which will be the first skill sets to be included in the PPM Training Package.
Draft materials will be available for consultation in the near future. 
Technical Experts
A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been established and includes the following members.
Kaye TyterAustralian Paper
Adam WookeyFederation Training
Denise Campbell BurnsCFMEU
John HarringtonKimberley Clark Australia
Peter GuyAustralian Paper
Geoff GasperottiAsaleo Care
Melissa LiddleKimberley Clark Australia
Robert MooreVisy
Roger HareNorske Skog
 Additional subject matter experts are welcome and invited. If you would like to contribute technical expertise to the project, please email mclayton@forestworks.com.au


Thank you to all those who provided feedback on the draft skill sets and units of competency. The drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website for broad stakeholder review from 4 - 23 May.Feedback was sought on whether the draft skill sets and units reflect the current industry skills standards and practices and whether all job functions are accurately described. Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts which will be available for industry validation in late May 2018.
Summary of consultation
The ten new skill sets and 40 revised units were developed in consultation with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), made up of workplace experts and industry, with input from their networks also. To view the membership of the TAC, click on the ‘Development’ stage menu option above. You can view the original, current units that are being redeveloped as part of this project under the ‘Project Plan’ stage menu. Thank you also to those who also provided feedback on these documents, under these previous stages of the project. Your feedback helped to shape the content of the draft skill sets and units listed below, that were available for broad industry review and feedback.

New Skill Sets

These new skill sets have been drafted for specialised operators. They were developed in consultation with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
Click here to download a zipped folder of all skill sets in this group
PPMSSXXXXX Chemical Recovery Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Coated Paper Products Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Converting Paper Products Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Paper Finishing And Converting Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Papermaking Dry End Operations Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Papermaking Wet End Operations Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Pulping stock preparationDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Safety In Pulp And Paper Operations Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Warehousing Paper Products Skill SetDownload draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Waste Paper Operations Skill SetDownload draft skill set

Units of Competency

These units were revised and developed in consultation with the TAC, taking into consideration:
  • Skills and knowledge required for an event where the workplace is a Major Hazard Facility. Requirements for a learner to operate or interact with a plant that is deemed to be of high risk, under regulations, and to include licensing requirement statements. Deletion of units that directly relate to the operation of high-risk plants and equipment, and replacing them with the relevant high-risk licencing units where appropriate.
  • Skills and knowledge required for learners to participate in roles that include the use of dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals.
  • Skills and knowledge required for lock out, tag out, plant clearance, the use of permit systems and the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Knowledge Evidence requirements for Workplace Health and Safety (WHS).
  • Possible replacement of the PPM boiler units with the new Boiler High-Risk Work Licence (HRWL) units.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group
PPMCPP210 Monitor and control coated paper processesDownload draft unit
PPMCPP320 Prepare and start up coated paper processesDownload draft unit
PPMCPP330 Co-ordinate the shutdown of coated paper processesDownload draft unit
PPMCPP440 Troubleshoot and rectify coated paper processesDownload draft unit
PPMDEO210 Monitor and control dry end operationsDownload draft unit
PPMDEO320 Prepare and start up dry end operationsDownload draft unit
PPMDEO330 Co-ordinate and implement dry end shutdownDownload draft unit
PPMDEO440 Troubleshoot and rectify dry end systemsDownload draft unit
PPMEPG210 Monitor and control power generation systemDownload draft unit
PPMEPG320 Manage a power generation system startupDownload draft unit
PPMEPG330 Co-ordinate power generation system shutdownDownload draft unit
PPMEPG440 Troubleshoot and rectify power generation systemDownload draft unit
PPMFCO210 Monitor, control and shutdown finishing and converting operationsDownload draft unit
PPMFCO320 Prepare and start up finishing and converting operationsDownload draft unit
PPMFCO340 Troubleshoot and rectify finishing and converting systemsDownload draft unit
PPMPUL210 Monitor and control pulping operationsDownload draft unit
PPMPUL320 Prepare and start up pulping system operationsDownload draft unit
PPMPUL330 Co-ordinate and implement pulping plant shutdownsDownload draft unit
PPMPUL440 Troubleshoot and rectify pulping processesDownload draft unit
PPMREC210 Monitor and control chemical recovery operationsDownload draft unit
PPMREC320 Prepare and start up chemical recovery operationsDownload draft unit
PPMREC330 Co-ordinate and implement chemical recovery shutdownsDownload draft unit
PPMREC440 Troubleshoot and rectify chemical recovery operationsDownload draft unit
PPMSPR210 Monitor and control stock preparation systemsDownload draft unit
PPMSPR320 Prepare and start up stock preparation system for productionDownload draft unit
PPMSPR330 Co-ordinate and implement stock preparation system shutdownDownload draft unit
PPMSPR440 Troubleshoot and rectify stock preparation systemsDownload draft unit
PPMSTM210 Monitor and control boiler operationDownload draft unit
PPMSTM320 Manage steam boiler start upDownload draft unit
PPMSTM330 Shut down and bank steam boilerDownload draft unit
PPMSTM440 Troubleshoot and rectify boiler plant systemsDownload draft unit
PPMWAS210 Operate water systemsDownload draft unit
PPMWAS340 Troubleshoot and rectify water systemsDownload draft unit
PPMWEO210 Monitor and control wet end operationsDownload draft unit
PPMWEO320 Prepare and start up wet end operationsDownload draft unit
PPMWEO330 Co-ordinate and implement wet end shutdownDownload draft unit
PPMWPO210 Monitor and control waste paper operationsDownload draft unit
PPMWPO320 Prepare and start up waste paper operationsDownload draft unit
PPMWPO330 Co-ordinate and implement waste paper shutdownDownload draft unit
PPMWPO440 Troubleshoot and rectify waste paper operationsDownload draft unit


Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. The final drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 30 May – 22 June 2018. The final drafts will shortly progress through to the Finalisation stage of the project, which includes quality assurance of the documents and review and feedback from the State/Territory Training Authorities before, the final drafts are forwarded to the Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry Reference Committee (IRC) for consideration and sign off. They will then be submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on training.gov.au.Validation means checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate. They have been improved so that the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units accurately reflect the current industry skills standards and practices and so that all job functions are accurately described.
Summary of consultation to date
Prior to the Validation period, the draft skill sets and units of competency were made available on the Skills Impact website for broad stakeholder review, under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage from 4 – 23 May. Two items of feedback were received during this stage and were considered, alongside feedback from a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). A description of how this feedback was considered and applied in the final drafts can be downloaded via the ‘Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions’ button.Throughout the validation stage, two proposed changes were reconsidered as a result of industry feedback. These related to the workplace health and safety unit in the skill sets, and the replacement of the boiler units from the PPM Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Training Package to boiler units from the MSM Manufacturing Training Package. The feedback was that PPM units needed to be retained to meet some manufacturing sites in the industry.The ten new skill sets and 40 revised units were developed in consultation with a TAC, made up of industry experts, with input from their networks. To view the membership of the TAC, click on the ‘Development’ stage menu option above.As a result of feedback received in the ‘Drafts Available’ stage, six qualifications were made available for industry Validation. 


During the validation stage, industry stakeholders requested the retention of the PPM Boiler units. These will be reinstated into the qualification elective banks.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all qualifications in this group
PPM20116 Certificate II in Pulping Operations Download final draft qualification
PPM20216 Certificate II in Papermaking Operations Download final draft qualification
PPM30216 Certificate III in Papermaking Operations Download final draft qualification
PPM30116 Certificate III in Pulping Operations Download final draft qualification
PPM40216 Certificate IV in Papermaking Operations Download final draft qualification
PPM40116 Certificate IV in Pulping Operations Download final draft qualification

New Skill Sets

During the validation stage, industry requested a revised workplace health and safety unit within the skill sets. Feedback out of the validation process was that the skills sets should contain the unit PPMWHS210 Participate in WHS processes, rather than PPMWHS310 Contribute to WHS processes.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all skill sets in this group
PPMSSXXXXX Chemical Recovery Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Coated Paper Products Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Converting Paper Products Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Paper Finishing And Converting Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Papermaking Dry End Operations Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Papermaking Wet End Operations Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Pulping stock preparationDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Safety In Pulp And Paper Operations Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Warehousing Paper Products Skill SetDownload final draft skill set
PPMSSXXXXX Waste Paper Operations Skill SetDownload final draft skill set

Units of Competency

As a result of consultation, the knowledge evidence relating to workplace health and safety has been revised to be more detailed and to specify the requirements in this area. This includes such aspects as handling hazardous substances, plant clearance, and operating in a major hazard facility.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group
PPMCPP210 Monitor and control coated paper processesDownload final draft unit
PPMCPP320 Prepare and start up coated paper processesDownload final draft unit
PPMCPP330 Co-ordinate the shutdown of coated paper processesDownload final draft unit
PPMCPP440 Troubleshoot and rectify coated paper processes Download final draft unit
PPMDEO210 Monitor and control dry end operations Download final draft unit
PPMDEO320 Prepare and start up dry end operations Download final draft unit
PPMDEO330 Co-ordinate and implement dry end shutdown Download final draft unit
PPMDEO440 Troubleshoot and rectify dry end systems Download final draft unit
PPMEPG210 Monitor and control power generation system Download final draft unit
PPMEPG320 Manage a power generation system startup Download final draft unit
PPMEPG330 Co-ordinate power generation system shutdown Download final draft unit
PPMEPG440 Troubleshoot and rectify power generation system Download final draft unit
PPMFCO210 Monitor, control and shutdown finishing and converting operations Download final draft unit
PPMFCO320 Prepare and start up finishing and converting operations Download final draft unit
PPMFCO340 Troubleshoot and rectify finishing and converting systems Download final draft unit
PPMPUL210 Monitor and control pulping operations Download final draft unit
PPMPUL320 Prepare and start up pulping system operations Download final draft unit
PPMPUL330 Co-ordinate and implement pulping plant shutdowns Download final draft unit
PPMPUL440 Troubleshoot and rectify pulping processes Download final draft unit
PPMREC210 Monitor and control chemical recovery operations Download final draft unit
PPMREC320 Prepare and start up chemical recovery operations Download final draft unit
PPMREC330 Co-ordinate and implement chemical recovery shutdowns Download final draft unit
PPMREC440 Troubleshoot and rectify chemical recovery operations Download final draft unit
PPMSPR210 Monitor and control stock preparation systems Download final draft unit
PPMSPR320 Prepare and start up stock preparation system for production Download final draft unit
PPMSPR330 Co-ordinate and implement stock preparation system shutdown Download final draft unit
PPMSPR440 Troubleshoot and rectify stock preparation systems Download final draft unit
PPMWAS210 Operate water systems Download final draft unit
PPMWAS340 Troubleshoot and rectify water systems Download final draft unit
PPMWEO210 Monitor and control wet end operations Download final draft unit
PPMWEO320 Prepare and start up wet end operations Download final draft unit
PPMWEO330 Co-ordinate and implement wet end shutdown Download final draft unit
PPMWPO210 Monitor and control waste paper operations Download final draft unit
PPMWPO320 Prepare and start up waste paper operations Download final draft unit
PPMWPO330 Co-ordinate and implement waste paper shutdown Download final draft unit
PPMWPO440 Troubleshoot and rectify waste paper operations Download final draft unit

Units Proposed for Deletion

The following units were proposed for deletion, however, in the validation stage industry stakeholders requested the retention of the units to meet the needs of some manufacturing sites in the industry.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group
PPMSTM210 Monitor and control boiler operation Download final draft unit
PPMSTM320 Manage steam boiler start up Download final draft unit
PPMSTM330 Shut down and bank steam boiler Download final draft unit
PPMSTM440 Troubleshoot and rectify boiler plant systems Download final draft unit


On the 9 October 2018, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) approved the Case for Endorsement for the updated and revised qualifications, skill sets and units of competency, along with a Companion Volume Implementation Guide.The final qualifications, skill sets and units of competency are now published on training.gov.au, which means they are available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs). They are published within the PPM Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Industry Training Package version 2 (published on 24/10/2018). Click here to view the training package.This project reviewed pulp and paper units of competency with regard to workplace health and safety requirements, including major hazard facilities. There are many and varied health and safety risks and hazards pertaining to pulp and paper manufacturing sites, including hazardous chemical use, extreme heat and steam, and use of large machinery. For further details about the development of this project, please click on the green project arrows above.
What does this mean for training providers?
Registered training organisations (RTOs) may now apply to have the updated qualifications, skill sets and units added to their scope of registration. RTOs who already have the qualifications, skill sets and units that have been updated as part of this endorsement have 12 months to transition to deliver the updated qualifications, skill sets and units, from the date of publication. For more information, visit the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) website. A Companion Volume Implementation Guide has also been produced to help training providers implement the new and revised qualifications, skill sets and units. It can be downloaded from VETNet.com. 
Summary of consultation
A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that was made up of industry experts guided, contributed to and supported the outcomes of this project. The draft qualifications, skill sets and units were developed in consultation with the TAC, with input from their networks. The drafts were then made available on the Skills Impact website for broad stakeholder review and feedback, from 4 – 23 May 2018, and again, between 30 May – 22 June 2018, when the drafts were revised for validation.
Summary of project outcomes
  • 40 reviewed units of competency
  • 10 new skill sets for specialised operators
  • 7 qualifications (6 have been revised to include the MSM Manufacturing Training Package boiler units into the elective banks)
The alignment of the boiler units to High Risk Work Licences was considered and the licensing statement was modified to clearly show where the equipment being used required a High Risk Work Licence, that the boiler unit from the MSM Manufacturing Training Package should be used. As a result, 6 of the 7 pulp and paper qualifications were also revised to include the MSM boiler units into the elective banks as imported units.
Case for Endorsement
Please see the Case for Endorsement for more information about the work that was undertaken and why:   Download PPM Version 2 Case for Endorsement
Please find below links to the final qualifications, skill sets and units on training.gov.au 


During the validation stage, industry stakeholders requested the retention of the PPM Boiler units. These were reinstated into the qualification elective banks.
PPM20116 Certificate II in Pulping OperationsView qualification on training.gov.au
PPM20216 Certificate II in Papermaking OperationsView qualification on training.gov.au
PPM30116 Certificate III in Pulping OperationsView qualification on training.gov.au
PPM30216 Certificate III in Papermaking OperationsView qualification on training.gov.au
PPM40116 Certificate IV in Pulping OperationsView qualification on training.gov.au
PPM40216 Certificate IV in Papermaking OperationsView qualification on training.gov.au
PPM50116 Diploma in Pulp and Paper Process ManagementView qualification on training.gov.au

Skill Sets

During the validation stage, industry requested a revised workplace health and safety unit within the skill sets. Feedback out of the validation process was that the skills sets should contain the unit PPMWHS210 Participate in WHS processes, rather than PPMWHS310 Contribute to WHS processes.
PPMSS00001 Chemical Recovery Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00002 Coated Paper Products Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00003 Converting Paper Products Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00004 Paper Finishing And Converting Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00005 Papermaking Dry End Operations Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00006 Papermaking Wet End Operations Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00007 Pulping Stock Preparation Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00008 Safety In Pulp And Paper Operations Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00009 Warehousing Paper Products Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au
PPMSS00010 Waste Paper Operations Skill SetView skill set on training.gov.au

Units of Competency

As a result of consultation, the knowledge evidence relating to workplace health and safety has been revised to be more detailed and to specify the requirements in this area. This includes such aspects as handling hazardous substances, plant clearance, and operating in a major hazard facility.
PPMCPP210 Monitor and control coated paper processesView unit on training.gov.au
PPMCPP320 Prepare and start up coated paper processesView unit on training.gov.au
PPMCPP330 Coordinate the shutdown of coated paper processesView unit on training.gov.au
PPMCPP440 Troubleshoot and rectify coated paper processesView unit on training.gov.au
PPMDEO210 Monitor and control dry end operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMDEO320 Prepare and start up dry end operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMDEO330 Coordinate and implement dry end shutdownView unit on training.gov.au
PPMDEO440 Troubleshoot and rectify dry end systemsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMEPG210 Monitor and control power generation systemView unit on training.gov.au
PPMEPG320 Manage a power generation system startupView unit on training.gov.au
PPMEPG330 Coordinate power generation system shutdownView unit on training.gov.au
PPMEPG440 Troubleshoot and rectify power generation systemView unit on training.gov.au
PPMFCO210 Monitor, control and shutdown finishing and converting operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMFCO320 Prepare and start up finishing and converting operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMFCO340 Troubleshoot and rectify finishing and converting systemsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMPUL210 Monitor and control pulping operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMPUL320 Prepare and start up pulping system operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMPUL330 Coordinate and implement pulping plant shutdownsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMPUL440 Troubleshoot and rectify pulping processesView unit on training.gov.au
PPMREC210 Monitor and control chemical recovery operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMREC320 Prepare and start up chemical recovery operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMREC330 Coordinate and implement chemical recovery shutdownsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMREC440 Troubleshoot and rectify chemical recovery operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSPR210 Monitor and control stock preparation systemsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSPR320 Prepare and start up stock preparation system for productionView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSPR330 Coordinate and implement stock preparation system shutdownView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSPR440 Troubleshoot and rectify stock preparation systemsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSTM210 Monitor and control boiler operationView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSTM320 Manage steam boiler start upView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSTM330 Shut down and bank steam boilerView unit on training.gov.au
PPMSTM440 Troubleshoot and rectify boiler plant systemsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWAS210 Operate water systemsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWAS340 Troubleshoot and rectify water systemsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWEO210 Monitor and control wet end operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWEO320 Prepare and start up wet end operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWEO330 Coordinate and implement wet end shutdownView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWPO210 Monitor and control waste paper operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWPO320 Prepare and start up waste paper operationsView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWPO330 Coordinate and implement waste paper shutdownView unit on training.gov.au
PPMWPO440 Troubleshoot and rectify waste paper operationsView unit on training.gov.au

Companion Volume

The Companion Volume Implementation Guide contains key information to help registered training organisations (RTOs) implement the units, skill sets and qualifications, including the key work and training requirements in the industry; regulation and licensing implications for implementation; pathways advice; industry sectors and occupational outcomes of qualification; and advice on workplace health and safety implications.    Download PPM Version 2 Companion Volume Implementation Guide