Retail Baking Review Project

Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.


This project will review existing retail baking units of competency, skills sets and qualifications and align them to industry defined occupational standards.Training Package Projects are established only when a Case For Change has been approved by the Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC), in line with the National Schedule. Following this approval, Skills Impact and the IRC take the Training Package Project through a process that adheres to the 2012 Standards for Training Package Development.Download the case for change


Project Scope
The Retail Baking sector has identified a lack of alignment between current training package components and the skills required by industry. A full review of existing retail baking units of competency (UoC), skills sets and qualifications is to align components to industry defined occupational standards.The process will include:
  • defining required industry standards
  • reviewing existing training package (TP) components and editing/rewriting as required
  • development of new TP components required to address occupational standards.
All qualifications are to be considered including Certificate II, Certificate III and Certificate IV Retail Baking.

Register your interest in the project

By registering your interest, you will be informed of project updates.
Oct 2016 Initial Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) scoping meetingJan 2017 1st TAC project meetingFeb 2017 Review process commencementFeb/Mar 2017 Industry consultationMay 2017 Industry validation via skills Impact websiteJun 2017 Finalisation of Training Package components with TAC reviewJul 2017 Independent Quality Assurance and Access and Equity review of training package componentsAug 2017 IRC sign-off and submission for endorsement 
  1. Expertise input and consultation
  2. Training Package component drafting
  3. Industry validation
  4. Independent quality assurance and access and equity review
  5. IRC Sign-off
  6. Submission for endorsement to the AISC
Project Team
Colin AbbottIndustry Facilitation Manager, Skills Impact
Tom VassalloIndustry Skills Standards Manager, Skills Impact
Meka SinclairProject Administration Support, Skills Impact
Tina BerghellaSkills Development Specialist, Oggi Consulting
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Membership
Andrew O’HaraPhillippa’s
Ben ThompsonWoolworths
Brett NoyUncle Bob's Bakery
Duane NeillWorkplace Training Strategies
Janet BlythmanEllebee Exports
Mark DennienNBIA
Martin MacLennanLaucke Flour Mills
Melissa WortmanAgriFood NSW ITAB
Nathan MerrittBakers Delight
Rob SchwerdtCharles Darwin University
Tony SmithBAA


Thank you to those who provided feedback on the revised Certificate IV in Advanced Baking, three new skill sets and three new units of competency. The drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 2 - 16 June.The revised qualification, three new skill sets and three new units were developed following feedback received from the consultation period between 11 April – 7 May.The feedback received from both consultation periods will inform the work on the final drafts. The final drafts will be available for industry validation in two parts: the first round of units, skills sets and qualifications will be available for validation in mid-June; the revised Certificate IV in Advanced Baking and the related three new skill sets and three new units will be available at a later date.The draft units, skill sets and qualifications that were available for industry feedback are listed below.

Units of Competency

FDFRB1001 Finish products
FDFRB2002 Use food preparation equipment to prepare fillings
FDFRB3XXX Produce meringue products
FDFRB2004 Assist basic bread production
FDFRB2XXX Assist cake production
FDFRB2XXX Assist pastry production
FDFRB2XXX Maintain ingredient stores
FDFRB3XXX Produce basic bread products
FDFRB3XXX Produce savoury bread products
FDFRB3XXX Produce specialty flour bread products
FDFRB3XXX Produce cake and pudding products
FDFRB3XXX Produce sponge cake products
FDFRB3XXX Produce laminated pastry products
FDFRB3XXX Produce non laminated pastry products
FDFRB3XXX Produce specialist pastry products
FDFRB3XXX Produce biscuit and cookie products
FDFRB3XXX Control and order bakery stock
FDFRB3XXX Operate plant baking operations
FDFRB4XXX Produce craft bread products
FDFRB3XXX Produce meringue products
FDFRB3XXX Produce frozen dough products
FDFRB4XXX Produce artisan bread products
FDFRB3014 Produce sweet yeast products
FDFRB3XXX Produce gateaux, torte and entremets products
FDFRB3XXX Schedule and produce bakery production
FDFRB3XXX Schedule and produce bread production
FDFRB3XXX Schedule and produce cake and pastry production
FDFRB4001 Apply marketing principles to retail bakery
FDFRB4002 Control bakery operations to meet quality and production requirements
FDFRB4003 Apply baking science to work practices
FDFRB4005 Apply advanced finishing techniques for specialty cakes and desserts
FDFRB4006 Develop new bakery products
FDFRB4007 Evaluate and assess bakery product
FDFRB4008 Set up sustainable baking operations
FDFRB4009 Coordinate material supply for baking processes
FDFRB4010 Prepare plated sweets and desserts
Please note that these new units will be included in the FDF40817 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking.
FDFRB4XXX Coordinate baking operations
FDFRB4XXX Develop advanced artisan bread methods
FDFRB4XXX Develop baked products

Qualifications and Skills Sets

FDF1XX17 Certificate I in Baking
FDF20517 Certificate II in Baking Operations
FDF30517 Certificate III in Pastry Cooking
FDF30617 Certificate III in Bread Baking
FDF30717 Certificate III in Baking
FDF40817 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking
FDFSS***** Advanced baking skill set
FDFSS***** Baking product development skill set
FDFSS***** Advanced cake and pastry baking skill set

Proposed for Deletion

Code and TitleRationaleUnit/qualification/skill set where skills outcomes may be covered
FDFRB3017A Participate in Product DevelopmentThe Technical Advisory Committee recommends the removal of FDFRB3017A Participate in Product Development as the skills are covered by FDFRB4006 Develop New Baking Products.FDFRB4006 Develop New Baking Products
FDFRB4004A Produce Sourdough ProductsThe Technical Advisory Committee recommends the removal of FDFRB4004A Produce Sourdough Products as the skills are covered by FDFRB4XXX Produce Artisan Bread Products.FDFRB4XXX Produce Artisan Bread Products
 The following units are only aligned to the FDF40817 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking and not to any other qualification in the FDF10 Food Processing Training Package. Deletion of these units will result in their removal form the training package altogether.
Unit code and titleRationale
FDFRB4001A Apply marketing principles to retail bakery - view hereThe unit is currently an elective in FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking. The unit outcomes can be achieved by importing similar units from other Training Packages.
FDFRB4003A Apply baking science to work practices - view hereThe TAC considers that the outcomes are no longer appropriate for industry.
FDFRB4005A Apply advanced finishing techniques for specialty cakes and desserts - view hereThe unit no longer reflects the needs of the industry. Finishing techniques have been incorporated into a number of units and feedback suggests that a standalone finishing techniques unit is not required.
FDFRB4007A Evaluate and assess bakery product - view hereThe unit no longer reflects the needs of the industry. The unit is currently an elective in FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking.
FDFRB4008A Set up sustainable baking operations - view hereThe unit is currently an elective in FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking. BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices is now listed in the core of the proposed qualification.
FDFRB4010A Prepare plated sweets and desserts - view hereThe unit is currently an elective in FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking. The TAC considers that FDFRB4XXX Produce gateaux, tortes and entremets and SITXPAT006 Produce desserts are more appropriate for the needs of the industry.

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Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft Certificate IV in Baking and the related units of competency and skill sets. The consultation period for this validation stage of the project closed 4pm Friday 11 August.The final drafts have been forwarded to the Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry Reference Committee (IRC) for sign off. After final quality assurance of the drafts, they will be submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on means checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate. Industry views were sought on whether the Certificate IV in Baking and the related units and skill sets reflect the current occupational skill standards and needs of industry. The final draft Certificate IV in Baking and the related units and skill sets qualifications that were available for industry validation are listed below. A summary of the feedback that was received during the consultation period for these drafts (between 2 – 16 June) and a description of its consideration and application in the final drafts can viewed in the Issues and Resolutions Report, which can be downloaded below.
Please note: final drafts for this project have been made available for industry validation in two parts: the first round of units, skills sets and qualifications were available on this webpage from 30 June - 14 July and can be viewed below under 'Final Drafts From Stage 1 Validation'.


FDF40817 Certificate IV in Baking

Units of Competency

Please note that these new and updated units will be included in the FDF40817 Certificate IV in Baking.Drafts of the following three units were made available during the consultation period in April and May. They were proposed for deletion after that consultation period. However, in response to feedback received in June regarding the proposed Certificate IV in Advanced Baking, the Technical Advisory Commitee has advised to significantly redesign and update these units and include them in the redesigned Certificate IV in Baking.
FDFRB4XXX Apply bread baking science
FDFRB4XXX Assess and evaluate bread products
FDFRB4005 Apply advanced finishing techniques for specialty cakes
 Drafts of the following three units were part of consultation drafts released in June. The Assessment Requirement of FDFRB4XXX Develop advanced artisan bread methods and FDFRB4XXX Develop baked products have been modified slightly to clarify the nature, volume and frequency of products required, in response stakeholder feedback. There are no changes to FDFRB4XXX Coordinate baking operations as the Technical Advisory Commitee considers the unit and its assessment requirements meet the needs of industry.
FDFRB4XXX Coordinate baking operations
FDFRB4XXX Develop advanced artisan bread methods
FDFRB4XXX Develop baked products
Currently these units are listed in the FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking and not in any other qualification in the FDF10 Food Processing Training Package. The proposal to delete these units will result in their removal from the training package altogether.
FDFRB4001A Apply marketing principles to retail bakery – view hereThe unit is currently an elective in FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking. The unit outcomes can be achieved by importing similar units from other Training Packages.
FDFRB4008A Set up sustainable baking operations – view hereThe unit is currently an elective in FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking. BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices is now listed in the core of the proposed qualification.
FDFRB4010A Prepare plated sweets and desserts – view hereThe unit is currently an elective in FDF40811 Certificate IV in Advanced Baking. The TAC considers that FDFRB4XXX Produce gateaux, tortes and entremets and SITXPAT006 Produce desserts are more appropriate for the needs of the industry.
FDFRB4009A Coordinate material supply for baking – view hereThe Technical Advisory Committee considers this unit is no longer needed as most its outcomes are now included in the new unit FDFRB3XXX Control and order bakery stock which is a core unit in the proposed FDF4XXXX Certificate IV in Baking.

Skill Sets

FDFSSXXXXX Advanced baking skill set
FDFSSXXXXX Bread baking for pastry cooks skill set
FDFSSXXXXX Cake and pastry baking for bread bakers skill set

Final Drafts From Stage 1 Validation

(Consultation completed)

Thank you to those who provided validation on the following units of competency and qualifications. The final drafts (listed in the groups below) were made available on this webpage from 30 June – 14 July.  The validation consultation period for these final drafts has now closed.
FDFRB1001 Finish products
FDFRB2002 Use food preparation equipment to prepare fillings
FDFRB2*** Maintain ingredient stores
FDFRB2004 Assist basic bread production
FDFRB2*** Assist sponge cake production
FDFRB2*** Assist non laminated pastry production
FDFRB3*** Produce basic bread products
FDFRB3*** Produce savoury bread products
FDFRB3*** Produce specialty flour bread products
FDFRB3*** Produce cake and pudding products
FDFRB3*** Produce sponge cake products
FDFRB3*** Produce laminated pastry products
FDFRB3*** Produce non laminated pastry products
FDFRB3*** Produce specialist pastry products
FDFRB3*** Produce biscuit and cookie products
FDFRB3*** Control and order bakery stock
FDFRB3*** Operate plant baking processes
FDFRB4*** Produce basic artisan products
FDFRB3*** Produce meringue products
FDFRB3*** Produce frozen dough products
FDFRB4*** Produce artisan bread products
FDFRB3014 Produce sweet yeast products
FDFRB4*** Produce gateaux, tortes and entremets
FDFRB3*** Schedule and produce cake and pastry production
FDFRB3*** Schedule and produce bread production
FDFRB3*** Schedule and produce bakery production
FDF1**17 Certificate I in Baking
FDF20517 Certificate II in Baking Operations
FDF30517 Certificate III in Cake and Pastry
FDF30617 Certificate III in Bread Baking
FDF30717 Certificate III in Baking

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The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has approved the Case for Endorsement for the updated and revised qualifications, skill sets and units of competency, along with a Companion Volume Implementation Guide.The revised qualifications, skill sets and units will be released on to in early 2018, contained within the FBP Food Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package.Once published on, they will be available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs).The Companion Volume Implementation Guide contains key information to help registered training organisations (RTOs) implement the qualifications, skill sets and units, including the key work and training requirements in the industry; regulation and licensing implications for implementation; pathways advice; industry sectors and occupational outcomes of qualification; and advice on workplace health and safety implications.Please find below copies of the documents that were endorsed by the AISC.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all qualifications in this group 
FBP10217 Certificate I in BakingDownload qualification
FBP20217 Certificate II in BakingDownload qualification
FBP30517 Certificate III in BakingDownload qualification
EditFBP30317 Certificate III in Cake and PastryDownload qualification
FBP30417 Certificate III in Bread BakingDownload qualification
FBP40217 Certificate IV in BakingDownload qualification
Click here to download a zipped folder of all skill sets in this group
FBPSS000001 Advanced baking skill setDownload skill set
FBPSS000002 Bread baking for pastry cooks skill setDownload skill set
FBPSS000003 Cake and pastry baking for bread bakers skill setDownload skill set
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units of competency in this group
FBPRBK1001 Finish productsDownload unit
FBPRBK2001 Assist non laminated pastry productionDownload unit
FBPRBK2002 Use food preparation equipment to prepare fillingsDownload unit
FBPRBK2003 Assist sponge cake productionDownload unit
FBPRBK2004 Assist basic bread productionDownload unit
FBPRBK2005 Maintain ingredient storesDownload unit
FBPRBK3001 Produce laminated pastry productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3002 Produce non laminated pastry productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3003 Produce specialist pastry productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3004 Produce meringue productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3005 Produce basic bread productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3006 Produce savoury bread productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3007 Produce specialty flour bread productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3008 Produce sponge cake productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3009 Produce biscuit and cookie productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3010 Produce cake and pudding productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3011 Produce frozen dough productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3012 Schedule and produce bread productionDownload unit
FBPRBK3013 Schedule and produce cake and pastry productionDownload unit
FBPRBK3014 Produce sweet yeast productsDownload unit
FBPRBK3015 Schedule and produce bakery productionDownload unit
FBPRBK3016 Control and order bakery stockDownload unit
FBPRBK3017 Operate plant baking processesDownload unit
FBPRBK3018 Produce basic artisan productsDownload unit
FBPRBK4001 Produce artisan bread productsDownload unit
FBPRBK4002 Develop advanced artisan bread methodsDownload unit
FBPRBK4003 Produce gateaux, tortes and entremetsDownload unit
FBPRBK4004 Develop baked productsDownload unit
FBPRBK4005 Apply advanced finishing techniques for specialty cakesDownload unit
FBPRBK4006 Coordinate baking operationsDownload unit
FBPRBK4007 Assess and evaluate bread productsDownload unit
FBPRBK4008 Apply bread baking scienceDownload unit

Register your interest in the project

By registering your interest, you will be informed of project updates.


Following endorsement by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC), the final qualifications, skill sets and units of competency are now published on, which means they are available for consideration for use by registered training organisations (RTOs).The revised qualifications, skill sets and units are embedded within the FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package (published on 23/01/2017).This project reviewed and updated the qualifications, skill sets and units to incorporate the current occupational skill standards and needs of industry. For further details about the development of this project, please click on the green project arrows above.
What does this mean for training providers?
Registered training organisations (RTOs) have 12 months to transition to deliver the new and updated qualifications, skill sets and units, from the date of publication. For more information, visit the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) website.A Companion Volume Implementation Guide has also been produced to help training providers implement the new and revised qualifications, skill sets and units. These can be downloaded from see the case for endorsement for more information about the changes made:  Download the Case for Endorsement
Following up on Updated Baking Qualifications
In late 2019, Skills Impact surveyed RTOs on their experiences transitioning to the new baking qualifications. The information from this survey supported the next step of a teleconference to connect training providers to share their ideas and challenges. It also helped inform our submission to the Government about a nationally consistent approach to the development of delivery and assessment materials.Key findings of the survey included:
  • The greatest number of respondents’ organisations deliver baking qualifications in Victoria, followed by New South Wales and Western Australia.
  • Most of the respondents’ RTOs delivered three or four baking qualifications, but only one delivers the Certificate IV in Baking.
  • Most qualifications held on scope by respondents have already been transitioned to the new versions. Around one-quarter of the qualifications being delivered have yet to be transitioned (but the intention is mainly to do so).
  • There are a few RTOs that do not intend to transition from a superseded qualification due to ‘thin market’ viability issues.
  • Challenges for RTOs in the transition process include a lack of Credit Transfer opportunities, ‘business as usual’ being affected by increased administration, learners’ gap training and the delivery of updated content.
  • During transitions, RTOs most value the support of their Compliance Manager/Officer and peer networks.
  • Recommendations for transition process improvements include fewer units being superseded by non-equivalent units at the same time, clearer sign-posting of mapping changes, the creation of national, standardised resources and procedures, and access to a centralised source of advice and training.
  • In spite of the extensive consultation in the development process, RTOs raised general concerns, including perceived shortcomings in the applicability of updated qualifications across all bakery operations and a lack of transparency in the design of new content.
Read the full report here
Please find below links to the final qualifications, skill sets and units on
FBP10217 Certificate I in BakingView qualification on
FBP20217 Certificate II in BakingView qualification on
FBP30517 Certificate III in BakingView qualification on
FBP30317 Certificate III in Cake and PastryView qualification on
FBP30417 Certificate III in Bread BakingView qualification on
FBP40217 Certificate IV in BakingView qualification on
FBPSS00001 Advanced baking skill setView skill set on
FBPSS00002 Bread baking for pastry cooks skill setView skill set on
FBPSS00003 Cake and pastry baking for bread bakers skill setView skill set on
FBPRBK1001 Finish productsView unit on
FBPRBK2001 Assist non laminated pastry productionView unit on
FBPRBK2002 Use food preparation equipment to prepare fillingsView unit on
FBPRBK2003 Assist sponge cake productionView unit on
FBPRBK2004 Assist basic bread productionView unit on
FBPRBK2005 Maintain ingredient storesView unit on
FBPRBK3001 Produce laminated pastry productsView unit on
FBPRBK3002 Produce non laminated pastry productsView unit on
FBPRBK3003 Produce specialist pastry productsView unit on
FBPRBK3004 Produce meringue productsView unit on
FBPRBK3005 Produce basic bread productsView unit on
FBPRBK3006 Produce savoury bread productsView unit on
FBPRBK3007 Produce specialty flour bread productsView unit on
FBPRBK3008 Produce sponge cake productsView unit on
FBPRBK3009 Produce biscuit and cookie productsView unit on
FBPRBK3010 Produce cake and pudding productsView unit on
FBPRBK3011 Produce frozen dough productsView unit on
FBPRBK3012 Schedule and produce bread productionView unit on
FBPRBK3013 Schedule and produce cake and pastry productionView unit on
FBPRBK3014 Produce sweet yeast productsView unit on
FBPRBK3015 Schedule and produce bakery productionView unit on
FBPRBK3016 Control and order bakery stockView unit on
FBPRBK3017 Operate plant baking processesView unit on
FBPRBK3018 Produce basic artisan productsView unit on
FBPRBK4001 Produce artisan bread productsView unit on
FBPRBK4002 Develop advanced artisan bread methodsView unit on
FBPRBK4003 Produce gateaux, tortes and entremetsView unit on
FBPRBK4004 Develop baked productsView unit on
FBPRBK4005 Apply advanced finishing techniques for specialty cakesView unit on
FBPRBK4006 Coordinate baking operationsView unit on
FBPRBK4007 Assess and evaluate bread productsView unit on
FBPRBK4008 Apply bread baking scienceView unit on
 A companion volume has also been produced as part of this project:
  • The Companion Volume Implementation Guide contains key information to help registered training organisations (RTOs) implement the units, skill sets and qualifications, including the key work and training requirements in the industry; regulation and licensing implications for implementation; pathways advice; industry sectors and occupational outcomes of qualification; and advice on workplace health and safety implications.

Companion Volume

Download the Companion Volume Implementation Guide