Skill to assess and re-train horses and greyhounds in their transition from the racing sector to new environments was identified as a key priority in the 2
018-2021 Racing IRC Skills Forecast, page 52. Training package components are to be reviewed to ensure inclusion of these skills to align with Industry standards in relation to animal welfare, current retirement/re-homing programs and, as a result, provide the industry with the potential for growth and new business opportunities.Qualifications, skill sets and units of competency from the
RGR Racing and Breeding Training Package will be reviewed to include these skills, in alignment with Industry standards for animal welfare, current retirement/re-homing programs and, as a result, provide the industry with the potential for growth and new business opportunities.Skills Impact and the Racing and Breeding Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will take this project through a process that adheres to the
2012 Standards for Training Package Development.
Download the IRC Skills Forecast (see page 30-32)
Project Scope
This project will look at the skills required to assess, re-train and re-home horses and greyhounds after their racing careers have finished, and to incorporate these skills into qualifications, skill sets and units for the racing industry.To ensure a high quality of animal welfare in the transition from horse racing, the industry has developed procedures that require owners and trainers to report on the retirement of horse’s and their destination after their transition from horse racing. Skills identified for this project include assessment and re-training horses in the racing and breeding sector for use in other working environments, breeding or for personal/recreational uses.Greyhound Principal Racing Authorities aim to advance animal welfare standards of the industry through programs that facilitate rehoming of greyhounds into new environments. Skills required to support these initiatives include conducting behavioural observations of retired greyhounds and assessment of their suitability for assimilation into domestic environments.Scroll down to view the list of qualifications and skill sets proposed for revision and development as part of this project. They will be incorporated in the RGR Racing and Breeding Training Package.
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Racing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Relevant Occupations
This is an emerging specialist area/occupation in the horse industry and includes program managers and staff working within ‘Off the Track’ programs, horse behaviour specialists and other racing industry participants such as trainers and owners.For greyhounds, relevant occupations include Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) staff, dog trainers, greyhound trainers, animal foster workers, animal behaviourists, animal shelter staff, and racing industry participants such as trainers and owners.
Key Deliverables
Current qualifications will be reviewed to determine if newly developed or revised units of competency should be added to the elective banks of qualifications, and whether new skills sets need to be developed.
August 2018
Initial scoping
September 2018
Development of draft qualifications, skill sets and units
October/November 2018
Drafts available for broad consultation
February/March 2019
Validation of final drafts
April 2019
Finalisation of Training Package components
April/May 2019
Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package components
May 2019
IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement
Project Team
Ruth Geldard | Industry Skills Standards Specialist, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Michelle Ingley-Smith | National Industry Engagement Manager, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Sue Hamilton | Industry Skills Standards Contractor |
Subject Matter Experts
Subject Matter Experts will be drawn on throughout this project to help review and draft the revised qualifications and potential new skill sets.If you are interested in applying to be a Subject Matter Expert and are able to volunteer your time to this project, please email details of your expertise to
[email protected].
Qualifications and Skill Sets
Below is a list of current qualifications and potential skill sets proposed for revision and development as part of this project.In preparation for the review of these components, we invite you to provide your input on the current qualifications. We would like to know what changes or updates should be made to the components so that they meet the skills needs of the industry. Use the links below to view the current skill sets on training.gov.au.Your feedback will help us in drafting the revised qualifications and potential new skill sets.To provide feedback, please use our
feedback form. Alternatively, you can email Ruth Geldard
[email protected]Skill sets that may be developed as part of this project include (but are not limited to):
- Assess Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds for Retiring and Rehoming
- Assess Greyhounds for Rehoming
- Foster Retiring Greyhounds
Current qualifications that may be reviewed as part of this project include (but are not limited to):
Stakeholder Consultation Process
A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified for this project. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations during the development of this project to seek their involvement and their views on the draft qualifications, skill sets and units.If you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.Of course, all and any interested industry participants are encouraged to engage in the consultation of this project, when the draft skill sets and units are available for feedback via this webpage and workshops that take place around Australia. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list. This list simply helps us to identify those organisations that, because of their industry role, size or specialty, are likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this project.
Opportunities for stakeholder input
Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. The documents will be drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback will occur when the draft materials are made available in October/November 2018, and again for validation of final drafts in February/March 2019. However, your feedback is welcomed at any time, and will help us in drafting the skill sets and units. It is important that training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. The skill sets and units need to reflect real work experience. So if you work in the sector, Skills Impact would appreciate your input and help. Please feel free to register your interest for project updates and consultation opportunities by following the newsletter subscription link below. Alternatively, please feel free to contact the project manager, Ruth Geldard on 03 9321 3526 or
[email protected]. The Racing and Breeding Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will oversee this project, as part of their responsibility to support engagement with the sector, and to ensure the project meets industry stakeholder needs.
Consultation has begun with Subject Matter Experts to define skills requirements specific to job roles in transitioning greyhounds from the racing sector to pets and horses from the racing sector to new purposes.Discussions at initial consultation meetings held recently in Melbourne have considered proposed new units and skill sets in the following areas.
Assess Greyhounds for Rehoming and Foster Retiring Greyhounds (Transition to pet program)
Potential new units
- Assess greyhounds for suitability to transition to a pet unit
- Develop and implement greyhound transition to pet plan unit
- Promote, match and coordinate greyhound adoption unit
- Coordinate volunteers in greyhound transition to pet programs unit
- Coordinate greyhound transition to pet program activities unit
- Interpret and manage greyhound behaviours unit
Potential new skill sets
- Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set
- Greyhound Adoption Skill Set
- Greyhound Transition to Pet Program Coordination Skill Set
Assess Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds for Retiring and Rehoming (Racehorse Transition to new Purpose)
Potential new units
- Assess racehorses for transitioning to new purpose unit
- Plan and implement racehorse transition plan unit
- Provide advice and organise racehorse transition to new purpose unit
Potential new skill set
- Racehorse Transition to New Purpose Skill Set
Face-to-Face Consultation Workshops – Registrations Open!
Broad stakeholder consultation is scheduled to commence in November, when draft units and skill sets will be made available for comment on this webpage (under the ‘Drafts Available’ menu above) and national consultation workshops will be held. Registration for these workshops are now open – dates and times are listed below.Please feel free to register for a workshop near you by clicking the corresponding link. Workshops are identified as specific to either greyhounds or horses. If you have an interest across both horse and greyhound racing codes, then register your attendance for both in your State or Territory. A webinar is also planned for those unable to attend in person.12 Nov 18, 10am to 12pm -
Sydney, NSW (Greyhounds) -
register here14 Nov 18, 10am to 1pm -
Hunter Valley (Scone), NSW (Horses) -
register here15 Nov 18, 10am to 11.30am -
Brisbane, QLD (Greyhounds) -
register here15 Nov 18, 12pm to 1.30pm -
Brisbane, QLD (Horses) -
register here19 Nov 18, 10am to 12pm –
Melbourne, VIC (Greyhounds) -
register here19 Nov 18, 12pm to 2pm –
Melbourne, VIC (Horses) -
register here20 Nov 18, 10.30am to 11.30am –
Hobart, TAS (Greyhounds) -
register here20 Nov 18, 12pm to 2pm –
Hobart, TAS (Horses) -
register here22 Nov 18, 10am to 11.30am –
Adelaide, SA - (Greyhounds) -
register here22 Nov 18, 12pm to 1.30pm –
Adelaide, SA - (Horses) -
register here28 Nov 18, 10am to 11.30am –
Perth, WA - (Greyhounds) -
register here28 Nov 18, 12pm to 1.30pm –
Perth, WA - (Horses) -
register hereConsultation Webinar
Tue 4 Dec 18, 10am to 1pm –
Webinar -
register here Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Racing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Thank you to all those who provided feedback on the 17 qualifications, four skill sets and 9 units of competency. The drafts were made available on this webpage for broad stakeholder review from 30 October – 9 December 2018. They have been revised to incorporate the skills required to assess, re-train and re-home horses and greyhounds after their racing careers have finished.Feedback was sought on whether the draft qualifications, skill sets and units reflect the current skills standards and practices of industry, and whether job functions are accurately described. Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts, which will be available for industry validation in early March 2019.
Summary of consultation to date
Feedback on the draft documents was collected via the online feedback hub, face-to-face consultation workshops and webinars. To view the draft documents, including comments that were made on them from people using the feedback hub, please click on the expandable document menus below.Consultation with industry stakeholders possessing broad experience and knowledge in health assistance services for greyhounds occurred during September and October. This has informed the revision of the qualification, skill sets and units of competency that identify skill requirements for individuals undertaking these roles, including the development of one new qualification, four new skill sets and ten new units.
Greyhound Transition to Pet
The following qualifications relate to both horse and greyhound racing and breeding sector transition.
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. This new qualification will supersede
RGR40418 Certificate IV in Racing (Greyhound Trainer). New RGR units (listed in drop down menu below) have been added as electives, with the addition of specialisations. Changes have also been made to the core and packaging rules.
RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (Trainer or Health Assistant or Transition to Pet specialisation) | View qualification |
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. Unit code and name | Proposed changes | Link to view and feedback |
RGRPSGXX1 Assess greyhounds for suitability to transition to a pet | Includes pre-requisite RGRPSGXX6 Interpret and manage greyhound behavior. To be included in RGR30117 Certificate III in Racing (Greyhound) (Release 2), RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set. | View unit |
RGRPSGXX2 Develop and implement greyhound transition to pet plan | Includes pre-requisite RGRPSGXX1 Assess greyhounds for suitability to transition to a pet. To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and RGRSSXXXXX1 Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set. | View unit |
RGRPSGXX3 Promote, match and coordinate greyhound adoption | Includes pre-requisite RGRPSGXX6 Interpret and manage greyhound behavior. To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Adoption Skill Set. | View unit |
RGRPSGXX4 Coordinate volunteers in greyhound transition to pet programs | To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Transition to Pet Program Coordination Skill Set. | View unit |
RGRPSGXX5 Coordinate operations of greyhound transition to pet program | To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Transition to Pet Program Coordination Skill Set. | View unit |
RGRPSGXX6 Interpret and manage greyhound behaviour | To be included in RGR30117 Certificate III in Racing (Greyhound) (Release 2), RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new), Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set and Greyhound Adoption Skill Set. | View unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. Racehorse Transition to new Purpose
The following qualifications relate to both horse and greyhound racing and breeding sector transition.
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. Unit code and name | Proposed changes | Link to view and feedback |
RGRPSHXX1 Assess racehorses for transitioning to new purpose | To be included in RGR30218 Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand) Release 2, RGR30318 Certificate III in Racing (Driving Stablehand) Release 2, RGR30518 Certificate III in Racing (Trackwork Rider) Release 2, RGR40118 Certificate IV in Racing (Racehorse Trainer) Release 2 and Racehorse Transition to New Purpose Skill Set. | View unit |
RGRPSHXX8 Plan and implement racehorse transition plan | Includes pre-requisite ACMPHR401 Interpret equine behavior. To be included in RGR40118 Certificate IV in Racing (Racehorse Trainer) Release 2, RGR50118 Diploma of Racing (Racehorse Trainer) Release 2 and Racehorse Transition to New Purpose Skill Set. | View unit |
RGRPSHXX3 Provide advice and organise racehorse transitioning to new purpose | To be included in RGR40118 Certificate IV in Racing (Racehorse Trainer) Release 2, RGR50118 Diploma of Racing (Racehorse Trainer) Release 2 and Racehorse Transition to New Purpose Skill Set. | View unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Racing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency relating to retraining horses and greyhounds to new purposes. The documents were made available on this webpage for validation and comment from 8 – 31 March 2019.The final drafts will shortly progress through to the Finalisation stage of the project which includes quality assurance of the documents and review and feedback from the State/Territory Training Authorities. They will then be forwarded to the Racing and Breeding Industry Reference Committee for consideration and sign off, before being submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on training.gov.au.Validation means checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate.
Summary of consultation
Prior to the Validation period, the draft units of competency were made available on this webpage for broad stakeholder review, from 30 October – 9 December 2018, under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage menu above. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, national face-to-face consultation workshops and webinars. A description of how this feedback has been consideration and applied in these final drafts can be downloaded below.Components related to horses were reviewed and updated to incorporate skills for interpreting equine behaviour, evaluation of training needs and methodologies, re-education and the provision of advice on transitioning and rehoming horses. Industry consultation and feedback has determined synergies between the ACM Animal Care and Management
Horse Education Project and RGR Racing and Breeding
Retraining Horses & Greyhounds to New Environments Project. As such, those involved in the retraining horses element of this project are encouraged to review the
Horse Education Project, in particular the suite of new units in development.Components related to greyhounds were reviewed and updated to include conducting behavioural observations of retired greyhounds and assessment of their suitability for assimilation into domestic environments.
Greyhound Transition to Pet
The following qualifications relate to both horse and greyhound racing and breeding sector transition.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.
The new
Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry includes options for specialisation in three sectors. Two specialisations address the new units for health assistance and transition to pets developed for Release 3.0This new qualification will supersede
RGR40418 Certificate IV in Racing (Greyhound Trainer). New RGR units (listed in drop down menu below) have been added as electives, with the addition of specialisations. Changes have also been made to the Core and Packaging Rules.
The following skill sets were developed to target roles and activities within the greyhound racing industry. The skill sets are linked to the specialisations within the
Certificate IV in Greyhound Industry, namely health assistants and those involved in transitioning greyhounds to pets.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.
Unit code and name | Proposed changes | Link to view and feedback |
RGRPSG402 Assess greyhounds for suitability to transition to a pet | Includes pre-requisite RGRPSGXX6 Interpret and manage greyhound behavior. To be included in RGR30117 Certificate III in Racing (Greyhound) (Release 2), RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set. | View final draft unit |
RGRPSG403 Develop and implement greyhound transition to pet plan | Includes pre-requisite RGRPSGXX1 Assess greyhounds for suitability to transition to a pet. To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and RGRSSXXXXX1 Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set. | View final draft unit |
RGRPSG404 Carry out greyhound adoptions | Includes pre-requisite RGRPSGXX6 Interpret and manage greyhound behavior. To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Adoption Skill Set. | View final draft unit |
RGRPSG405 Coordinate volunteers in greyhound transition to pet programs | To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Transition to Pet Program Coordination Skill Set. The unit can be adapted to apply to 'support staff' where organisational employment arrangements do not include volunteers. | View final draft unit |
RGRPSG406 Coordinate greyhound transition to pet program activities | To be included in RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new) and Greyhound Transition to Pet Program Coordination Skill Set. | View final draft unit |
RGRPSG411 Interpret and manage greyhound behaviours | To be included in RGR30117 Certificate III in Racing (Greyhound) (Release 2), RGR40419 Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry (new), Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set and Greyhound Adoption Skill Set. | View final draft unit |
Racehorse Transition to new Purpose
The following qualifications relate to both horse and greyhound racing and breeding sector transition.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.
This skill set has been developed to focus on the work of individuals who re-educate and transition horses to new purposes or homes. It covers knowledge and skills relating to handling, assessing suitability, and re-educating and managing horse behaviour. It applies to all breeds of horses and disciplines and has particular relevance to racehorses and performance horses.
The two new units developed for this sector have involved considerable cross industry consultation undertaken in conjunction with the ACM Animal Care and Management
Horse Education Project. The re-education and transitioning of horses to new purposes units, while of particular interest to the racing industry, have been written to be applicable to all horses (not just racehorses as was originally proposed). It is anticipated that these units will be imported into qualifications and skill sets in other training packages.
Unit code and name | Proposed changes | Link to view and feedback |
RGRPSHXX4 Re-educate horses to manage behaviours and/or transition to new purposes | This unit focuses on safely and humanely conducting re-education activities within the cognitive and physical limitations of the individual horse. The unit applies to all breeds of horses and disciplines and has particular relevance to racehorses and performance horses. | View final draft unit |
RGRPSHXX5 Advise on transitioning and rehoming horses | This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to provide advice on horses to be transitioned for new purposes or new environments. The unit applies to all breeds of horses and disciplines but has particular relevance to thoroughbred horses trained to race, and other performance horses. | View final draft unit |
New Horse Education Units
Four units of competency relevant to the transition of racehorses to new purposes are currently under development as part of the
Horse Education Project. To review the drafts for those units
visit the project page.
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Racing’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
When horses and greyhounds leave the racing industry they may be given a new purpose in a domestic, equestrian, recreational or farm environment. The re-training process requires specific skills and knowledge in handling, assessing suitability and horse or greyhound behaviour. It involves a transition from one lifestyle to another and so it is important that horses and greyhounds are assessed and trained to suit their new environments.Although bred for racing, many end up as fantastic pets or even champion horses. Olympian Rebel Morrow who was part of Australia’s 2004 Athens Eventing Team, purchased her Olympic mount Oaklea Groover for $300 after he was no longer able to race. Morrow took him on as a four year old and from the moment she pointed him at a fence, Morrow said she knew she had something special - so from unwanted racehorse to Olympic mount, Oaklea Groover has proven his worth! (
Horse Zone)
The industry has developed programs to help racing animals adapt to new environments. This project has focused on identifying the skills people in these programs need and use. In close consultation with industry experts, national vocational qualifications have been developed to support the job roles of those that specialise in this line of work. They will offer the racing industry access to training that more thoroughly addresses the skills needed to retrain horses and greyhounds for new environments, opening up new opportunities for workers and the industry as a whole.The new and revised qualifications and skills standards were approved by the Racing and Breeding Industry Reference Committee (IRC) and endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC), at their meeting on 13 August 2019 (
see here).The new materials are published on the training.gov.au website, within the RGR Racing and Breeding Training Package. They are available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs). RTOs can find information to help them adopt to the new changes in the Companion Volume, which provides additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.
Key Changes
Greyhound Transition to Pet program:
- Four new units of competency developed, including RGRPSG402 Assess greyhounds for suitability to transition to a pet, RGRPSG403 Develop and implement greyhound transition to pet plan, RGRPSG404 Carry out greyhound adoptions, and RGRPSG411 Interpret and manage greyhound behaviors.
- Certificate IV in Greyhound Racing Industry qualification reviewed to include trainer, health assistant, transition to pet specialisations.
- Two new skills sets, RGRSS00068 Greyhound Preparation for Transitioning to a Pet Skill Set and RGRSS00069 Greyhound Adoption Skill Set, created for job roles relevant to transitioning greyhounds from the racing and breeding sector to pets.
Racehorse Transition to new Purpose
- Two new RGR units of competency, RGRPSH424 Re-educate horses to manage behaviours and/or transition to new purposes and RGRPSH425 Advise on transitioning and rehoming horses developed, involving considerable cross-industry consultation undertaken in conjunction with the ACM Horse Education project. The re-education and transitioning of horses to new purposes units, while of particular interest to the racing industry, have been written to be applicable to all horses (not just racehorses as was originally proposed). It is anticipated that these units will be imported into qualifications and skill sets in other training packages.
- One new skill set, RGR00070 Horse Re-education and Transitioning Skill Set, developed to cover knowledge and skills relating to handling, assessing, re-educating and managing horse behaviour. It applies to all breeds of horses and disciplines and has particular relevance to racehorses and performance horses.
Summary of consultation to date
Consultation with industry has taken place across Australia. Two Subject Matter Expert Working Groups (specific to the needs of both horses and greyhounds) were established to identify the skills and knowledge required for transitioning horses and greyhounds from the racing and breeding sector to new environments. Consultation took place via public face-to-face consultation workshops, webinar, site visits, email and phone.The broader industry was consulted on the draft documents at two different stages – the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages. The 'Finalisation' stage includes the development and publishing of a validation summary for each project.A summary of feedback and how it has been considered and applied at each stage can be downloaded below.
Please find below links to the final documents, that are published on the training.gov.au website.
Click here to download the Case for Endorsement Greyhound Transition to Pet
Racehorse Transition to new Purpose
New Horse Education Units
Five new units of competency relevant to the transition of racehorses to new purposes were developed as part of the
Horse Education Project. To review those units
visit the project page.