Seafood Post Harvest Project
Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.C
This project will review qualifications, skill sets and units of competency from the SFI11 Seafood Industry Training Package to reflect changing industry skills requirements. A focus of the project will be to determine trends and address training development needs within the aquaculture and wild catch post harvest sector, so that qualifications are relevant to the industry.This project is carried out at the same time as the Aquaculture, Fishing Operations & Biosecurity Project.The Industry Skills Committee (AISC) approved a Case for Change and issued an Activity Order for this project. The Case for Change can be downloaded via the link below. Skills Impact and the Aquaculture and Wild Catch Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will manage this project, consistent with the 2012 Standards for Training Package Development.

Project Scope
This project will review 8 qualifications, 1 skill set and approximately 49 units of competency within the SFI Seafood Industry Training Package, so that all job functions are accurately described, with appropriate current knowledge and skill needs. A focus of this project will be to incorporate skills to address changes in distribution, processing, storage, fishing and environmental management.Scroll down to view the qualifications, skill set and units that will be reviewed in this project, and the various job roles and skilled activities they cover.Changes in technology, legislative and regulatory and market demands have seen a number of changes in how seafood is processed and sold. Organisations with dual operations (processors and retails/wholesalers) have been leading the discussions to rationalise qualifications, ensuring flexibility.As part of the review process, documents will be updated to meet 2012 Standards for Training Packages and to address the Council of Australian Governments' reforms. Qualifications and units with low enrolments now need to be checked if they are meeting industry needs. These items will initially appear under the heading of low use units/qualifications that may be subject to deletion. If there is a need for these units, please provide comment explaining why and also any views you may have as to why there are so few enrolments (see below). Where gaps are identified, additional units may be developed.This project is being carried out at the same time as the Aquaculture, Fishing Operations & Biosecurity Project.
Register your interest in the projectSubscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Aquaculture & Wild Catch’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Relevant Occupations
- Seafood/fish processor
- Factory Hand
- Process worker
- Seafood/fish packer
- Seafood/fish seller
- Seafood/fish transporter
- Store person/assistant/manager
- Team leader
- Compliance manager
- Marketing manager
- New technology/automation specialist.
Key deliverables
- Functional analysis of occupations relevant to aquaculture, fishing operations, diving, biosecurity and environmental management.
- Review and improvement of 8 qualifications, 49 units of competency and skill set
- Where gaps are identified up to new units, qualifications and/or skills sets may be developed
- Review and possible deletion of identified qualifications, units of competency and skill sets
Please register you interest to be informed at each project stage and receive details of workshops and consultations.January - February 2018 Initial scopingMarch - April 2018 Workforce Functional Analysis Meetings (to identify job roles and functions within the Seafood Industry)May - June 2018 Subject Matter Expert Consultations Development of draft qualifications, skill set and unitsJuly - August 2018 National public consultation of draft qualifications, skill set and units (Including workshops around Australia)October 2018 National public validation of draft qualifications, skill set and unitsNovember 2018 Finalisation of Training Package components AISC submissionStakeholder Consultation Process
On behalf of the IRC we have identified a list of key stakeholder organisations in this project. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations during the development of this project to seek their involvement and their views on the draft qualifications, skill set and units.If you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.Of course, all and any interested industry participants are encouraged to engage in the consultation of this project, when the draft qualifications, skill sets and units are available for feedback via this webpage and workshops that take place around Australia. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list. This list simply helps us to identify those organisations that, because of their industry role, size or specialty, are likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this project.Project Team
Michelle Ingley-Smith | Industry Facilitation Manager, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Rebecca Ford | Industry Skills Standards Specialist, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Lina Robinson | Skills Development Specialist |
Subject Matter Experts
Subject Matter Experts will be drawn on throughout this project to help review and draft the revised units, skill sets and qualifications.If you are interested in applying to be a subject matter expert and are able to volunteer your time to this project, please email details of your expertise to [email protected]Documents We Are Seeking Feedback On
Below is a list of the current and existing qualifications, skill set and units that will be reviewed as part of this project. Use the links below to view the components on preparation for the review of the Seafood Post Harvest components, we invite you to provide your input on the current qualifications, skill set and units. We would like to know what changes or updates should be made to the components so that they meet the skills needs of the industry. In particular, we are seeking feedback about the units that are subject to deletion. If there is a need for these units, please provide comment explaining why and also any views you may have as to why there are so few enrolments.Your feedback will help us in drafting the revised qualifications, skill set and units.To provide feedback, please use our feedback form. Alternatively, you can email Rebecca Ford [email protected].The following units have been proposed for deletion as they have had no, or very low enrolments, over the past 3 years.If there is a need for these units, please provide comment explaining why and also any views you may have as to why there are so few enrolments.SFIAQUA212C Work with crocodilesSFIAQUA401C Develop and implement a stock health programSFIAQUA402C Coordinate construction or installation of stock culture, holding and farm structuresSFIAQUA404C Operate hatcherySFIAQUA406C Seed and harvest round pearlsSFIAQUA409B Implement, monitor and review stock productionSFIAQUA410B Implement a program to operate, maintain or upgrade a system comprising high technology water treatment componentsSFIAQUA411A Manage water quality and environmental monitoring in enclosed systemsSFIAQUA510B Select, plan or design a system or facility utilising high technology water treatment componentsSFIDIST501C Export productSFIDIST502C Import productSFIDIVE314A Perform compression chamber diving operationsSFIEMS401B Conduct an internal audit of an environmental management systemSFIFCHA301C Develop information and advice on fishing charter tripsSFIFCHA302C Operate an inshore day charterSFIFCHA501C Plan and manage extended fishing charter tripsSFIFISH205C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve drop lines and long lines to land catchSFIFISH208C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve purse seines to land catchSFIFISH211A Provide support for diving operationsSFIFISH214B Contribute to at-sea processing of seafoodSFIFISH309B Construct nets and customise designSFIFISH402C Manage and control fishing operationsSFILEAD401B Develop and promote knowledge of the industry sectorSFILEAD402B Negotiate effectively for the sectorSFILEAD403B Demonstrate commitment and professionalismSFILEAD407A Provide expert information to a resource management groupSFILEAD408A Analyse information to develop strategic seafood management optionsSFILEAD409A Negotiate collective outcomes within the resource management group processSFILEAD501C Develop and promote industry knowledgeSFILEAD502C Shape strategic thinkingSFILEAD503C Cultivate productive working relationshipsSFILEAD504C Plan and achieve change and resultsSFILEAD505C Communicate with influenceSFILEAD506C Demonstrate personal drive and integritySFILEAD507C Provide corporate leadershipSFIOBSV301B Monitor and record fishing operationsSFIOBSV303B Collect routine fishery management dataSFIOBSV304B Analyse and report onboard observationsSFIOHS501C Establish and maintain the enterprise OHS programSFIPROC201C Head and peel crustaceansSFIPROC202C Process squid cuttlefish and octopusSFIPROC304B Boil and pack crustaceansSFIPROC305B Slaughter and process crocodilesSFIPROC402C Maintain hygiene standards while servicing a food handling areaSFIPROC403C Follow basic food safety practicesSFIPROC406C Develop food safety programsSFIPROC501C Manage seafood processing production unitsSFIPROC502C Produce technical reports on seafood processing systemsSFIPROC503C Analyse seafood packaging requirementsSFIPROC601C Establish costs and or conditions for sale of seafood productSFIPROC602C Plan and manage seafood and related product concept developmentSFIPROC603C Develop and manage seafood and related product production trialsSFIPROC604C Plan and develop formulations and or specifications for new seafood productSFIPROC606C Develop and implement energy control systems in seafood processing environmentsSFIPROC607C Prepare work instructions for new seafood processing tasksSFIPROC608C Provide practical and or commercial advice to seafood usersSFIPROC609C Monitor the seafood business environment to determine threats and opportunitiesSFIPROC610C Establish and manage effective external relationshipsSFISHIP202C Contribute to safe navigationSFISHIP205C Maintain marine plantSFISHIP208C Operate low powered diesel engines
SFI10511 Certificate I in Seafood ProcessingSFI20511 Certificate II in Seafood ProcessingSFI20611 Certificate II in Seafood Industry (Sales and Distribution)SFI30511 Certificate III in Seafood ProcessingSFI30611 Certificate III in Seafood Industry (Sales and Distribution)SFI40511 Certificate IV in Seafood ProcessingSFI40611 Certificate IV in Seafood Industry Sales and DistributionSFI50511 Diploma of Seafood Processing
SFIPROC101C Clean fishSFIPROC102C Clean work areaSFIPROC105B Fillet fish and prepare portionsSFIPROC106B Work with knivesSFIPROC203C Shuck molluscsSFIPROC302C Handle and pack sashimi grade fishSFIPROC401C Evaluate a batch of seafoodSFIPROC404C Apply and monitor food safety requirementsSFIPROC405C Oversee the implementation of a food safety program in the workplaceSFIPROC407C Conduct internal food safety auditsSFIPROC504C Design and manage a product recall
Subject Matter Experts are currently being consulted to draft the revised qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. Meetings with these experts are taking place to address feedback that was received during the Workforce Functional Analysis workshops, as well as other feedback that was received in the early 'Project Plan' stage of this project.The Workforce Functional Analysis workshops were held during March and April, with people who work directly in the Seafood Industry. These hands on workshops consisted of Q&A sessions and activities to help identify the various job roles and tasks that exist within the seafood industry. Site visits were also undertaken to observe these job roles in workplaces.Please feel welcome to continue to provide feedback about the current and existing qualifications, skill set and units that will be revised in this project. Scroll down to view the qualifications, skill set and units that will be reviewed in this project, and the various job roles and skilled activities they cover.Public consultation workshops - Registrations open!Thank you to those stakeholders that have been involved and provided feedback and advice so far. The revised draft qualifications, skill sets and units will be made available on this webpage for public consideration and feedback from July – August 2018 (under the 'Drafts Available' menu above). Face-to-face consultation workshops will also take place, across states and territories, with six webinars planned for those unable to attend in person. Registrations for these workshops are now open. Please feel free to register for a workshop near you or a webinar by clicking the corresponding link.

Face-to-Face Consultation Workshops
18 Jul 18, 9:30 - 12:30 – Melbourne, VIC – register here20 Jul 18, 10:30 - 13:30 – Adelaide, SA – register here24 Jul 18, 10:00 - 13:00 – Darwin, NT – register here26 Jul 18, 9:00 - 12:00 – Perth, WA – register here2 Aug 18, 10:00 - 13:00 – Sydney, NSW – register here3 Aug 18, 10:00 - 13:00 – Coffs Harbour, NSW – register here7 Aug 18, 9:00 - 12:00 – Brisbane, QLD – register here8 Aug 18, 9:00 - 12:00 – Townsville, QLD – register here10 Aug 18, 10:30 - 13:30 – Hobart, TAS – register hereConsultation Webinars
27 Jul 18, 11:00 AEST – Webinar – register here27 Jul 18, 14:00 AEST – Webinar – register here9 Aug 18, 11:00 AEST – Webinar – register here9 Aug 18, 14:00 AEST – Webinar – register here13 Aug 18, 11:00 AEST – Webinar – register here13 Aug 18, 14:00 AEST – Webinar – register hereProvide your feedback on existing components
Below is a list of the current and existing qualifications, skill set and units that will be reviewed as part of this project. Use the links below to view the components on preparation for the review of the Seafood Post Harvest components, we invite you to provide your input on the current qualifications, skill set and units. We would like to know what changes or updates should be made to the components so that they meet the skills needs of the industry. In particular, we are seeking feedback about the units that are subject to deletion. If there is a need for these units, please provide comment explaining why and also any views you may have as to why there are so few enrolments.Your feedback will help us in drafting the revised qualifications, skill set and units.To provide feedback, please use our feedback form. Alternatively, you can email Rebecca Ford [email protected].The following units have been proposed for deletion as they have had no, or very low enrolments, over the past 3 years.If there is a need for these units, please provide comment explaining why and also any views you may have as to why there are so few enrolments.SFIAQUA212C Work with crocodilesSFIAQUA401C Develop and implement a stock health programSFIAQUA402C Coordinate construction or installation of stock culture, holding and farm structuresSFIAQUA404C Operate hatcherySFIAQUA406C Seed and harvest round pearlsSFIAQUA409B Implement, monitor and review stock productionSFIAQUA410B Implement a program to operate, maintain or upgrade a system comprising high technology water treatment componentsSFIAQUA411A Manage water quality and environmental monitoring in enclosed systemsSFIAQUA510B Select, plan or design a system or facility utilising high technology water treatment componentsSFIDIST501C Export productSFIDIST502C Import productSFIDIVE314A Perform compression chamber diving operationsSFIEMS401B Conduct an internal audit of an environmental management systemSFIFCHA301C Develop information and advice on fishing charter tripsSFIFCHA302C Operate an inshore day charterSFIFCHA501C Plan and manage extended fishing charter tripsSFIFISH205C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve drop lines and long lines to land catchSFIFISH208C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve purse seines to land catchSFIFISH211A Provide support for diving operationsSFIFISH214B Contribute to at-sea processing of seafoodSFIFISH309B Construct nets and customise designSFIFISH402C Manage and control fishing operationsSFILEAD401B Develop and promote knowledge of the industry sectorSFILEAD402B Negotiate effectively for the sectorSFILEAD403B Demonstrate commitment and professionalismSFILEAD407A Provide expert information to a resource management groupSFILEAD408A Analyse information to develop strategic seafood management optionsSFILEAD409A Negotiate collective outcomes within the resource management group processSFILEAD501C Develop and promote industry knowledgeSFILEAD502C Shape strategic thinkingSFILEAD503C Cultivate productive working relationshipsSFILEAD504C Plan and achieve change and resultsSFILEAD505C Communicate with influenceSFILEAD506C Demonstrate personal drive and integritySFILEAD507C Provide corporate leadershipSFIOBSV301B Monitor and record fishing operationsSFIOBSV303B Collect routine fishery management dataSFIOBSV304B Analyse and report onboard observationsSFIOHS501C Establish and maintain the enterprise OHS programSFIPROC201C Head and peel crustaceansSFIPROC202C Process squid cuttlefish and octopusSFIPROC304B Boil and pack crustaceansSFIPROC305B Slaughter and process crocodilesSFIPROC402C Maintain hygiene standards while servicing a food handling areaSFIPROC403C Follow basic food safety practicesSFIPROC406C Develop food safety programsSFIPROC501C Manage seafood processing production unitsSFIPROC502C Produce technical reports on seafood processing systemsSFIPROC503C Analyse seafood packaging requirementsSFIPROC601C Establish costs and or conditions for sale of seafood productSFIPROC602C Plan and manage seafood and related product concept developmentSFIPROC603C Develop and manage seafood and related product production trialsSFIPROC604C Plan and develop formulations and or specifications for new seafood productSFIPROC606C Develop and implement energy control systems in seafood processing environmentsSFIPROC607C Prepare work instructions for new seafood processing tasksSFIPROC608C Provide practical and or commercial advice to seafood usersSFIPROC609C Monitor the seafood business environment to determine threats and opportunitiesSFIPROC610C Establish and manage effective external relationshipsSFISHIP202C Contribute to safe navigationSFISHIP205C Maintain marine plantSFISHIP208C Operate low powered diesel engines
SFI10511 Certificate I in Seafood ProcessingSFI20511 Certificate II in Seafood ProcessingSFI20611 Certificate II in Seafood Industry (Sales and Distribution)SFI30511 Certificate III in Seafood ProcessingSFI30611 Certificate III in Seafood Industry (Sales and Distribution)SFI40511 Certificate IV in Seafood ProcessingSFI40611 Certificate IV in Seafood Industry Sales and DistributionSFI50511 Diploma of Seafood Processing
SFIPROC101C Clean fishSFIPROC102C Clean work areaSFIPROC105B Fillet fish and prepare portionsSFIPROC106B Work with knivesSFIPROC203C Shuck molluscsSFIPROC302C Handle and pack sashimi grade fishSFIPROC401C Evaluate a batch of seafoodSFIPROC404C Apply and monitor food safety requirementsSFIPROC405C Oversee the implementation of a food safety program in the workplaceSFIPROC407C Conduct internal food safety auditsSFIPROC504C Design and manage a product recall
Register your interest in the projectSubscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Aquaculture & Wild Catch’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Thank you to all those who provided feedback on the revised qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. The drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website for broad stakeholder review from 20 July – 19 August 2018.Feedback was sought on whether the draft documents reflect current industry skills standards, knowledge and practices and whether all job functions are accurately described. Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts which will be available for industry validation in September 2018.They have been reviewed and updated to incorporate skills to address changes in distribution, processing, storage, fishing and environmental management.

Summary of consultation
Feedback on the draft documents was collected via the online feedback hub, face-to-face consultation workshops and webinars. To view the draft documents, including comments that were made on them from people using the feedback hub, please click on the expandable document menus below.The draft qualifications, skill sets and units have been drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts. They have considered feedback that was received out of Workforce Functional Analysis workshops in March and April. People working directly in the Seafood Industry participated and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Site visits were undertaken to observe these job roles in workplaces. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.Qualifications
The total number of units for each qualification has been reduced by removing the same core units (or ‘nesting’ of units) that appeared across all qualifications.The number of imported units from other training packages has increased to allow greater flexibility in qualifications, to enable application in different contexts and to meet the diversity of individuals and organisational needs.The Diploma of Seafood Processing is proposed for deletion due to the lack of job outcomes at this level. There has also been a lack of enrolments in the last three years or more.Content from the SFI20611 Certificate II in Seafood Industry (Sales and Distribution) is proposed to be covered under the following revised qualifications:
Alternatively, you can provide validation by emailing your feedback to [email protected]The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
- SFI20518 Certificate II in Seafood processing
- SFI30518 Certificate III in Seafood processing
SFI20518 Certificate II in Seafood processing | View qualification |
SFI30518 Certificate III in Seafood processing | View qualification |
SFI40518 Certificate IV in Seafood Processing | View qualification |
Skill Sets
SFISSOXXX Fish Processor Induction Skill Set | View skill set |
SFISSOXXX Aquatic Biosecurity Skill Set *New* | View skill set |
Units of Competency
All units have been reviewed to ensure current practice and terminology, and that skill complexity is appropriately aligned to its qualification’s Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level.All units have transitioned to comply with the Standards for Training Packages:- Simplified to only include what is essential and required
- Delivery advice now appears in an implementation guide
- Description of essential foundation skills
- Assessments strengthened to state frequency, volume and type of evidence required
- Language reviewed for clarity
- Biosecurity control
- Specialist skills addressing advanced aquaculture practices and technologies
SFISAD201 Prepare, cook and retail seafood products | View unit |
SFISAD202 Retail seafood | View unit |
SFISAD301 Wholesale product | View unit |
SFISAD401 Buy seafood product | View unit |
SFISAD402 Analyse domestic seafood market opportunities *New* | View unit |
SFISAD403 Analyse international seafood market opportunities *New* | View unit |
SFISAD404 Develop and provide information about seafood product *New* | View unit |
SFIPRO101 Clean fish | View unit |
SFIPRO102 Clean work area | View unit |
SFIPRO105 Fillet fish and prepare portions | View unit |
SFIPRO106 Work with knives | View unit |
SFIPRO203 Shuck molluscs | View unit |
SFIPRO301 Monitor hygiene and sanitation requirements *New* | View unit |
SFIPRO302 Handle and pack sashimi-grade fish | View unit |
SFIPRO401 Evaluate a batch of seafood | View unit |
SFIPRO404 Manage a product recall | View unit |
SFIPRO505 Develop and implement a seafood waste utilisation strategy *New* | View unit |
SFISTR202 Receive and distribute product | View unit |
SFISTR203 Assemble and load refrigerated product | View unit |
SFISTR204 Prepare, pack and dispatch stock for live transport | View unit |
SFISTR205 Prepare, pack and dispatch non-live product | View unit |
SFISTR301 Operate refrigerated storerooms | View unit |
SFISTR302 Supervise storage of temperature controlled stock *New* | View unit |
SFIXSI101 Apply basic seafood handling and safety practices | View unit |
SFIXSI205 Work effectively in the seafood industry | View unit |
SFIXSI209 Maintain the temperature of seafood | View unit |
SFIXSI402 Act to prevent interaction with protected species | View unit |
SFIXSI611 Participate in a media interview or presentation | View unit |
Units proposed for deletion due to duplication
After review of the units, the following units of competency are being proposed for deletion due to duplication of content that can be delivered with existing units from other Training Packages.Click here to read more.Units proposed for deletion due to low enrolments
The following units of competency are being proposed for deletion due to no or very low enrolments, over the past 3 years.To read more, click here.CrocodilesSFIAQUA212C Work with crocodilesSFIPROC305B Slaughter and process crocodilesSeafood Industry (Sales and Distribution) SFIDIST501C Export productSFIDIST502C Import productSeafood Processing SFIPROC201C Head and peel crustaceansSFIPROC202C Process squid cuttlefish and octopusSFIPROC304B Boil and pack crustaceansSFIPROC402C Maintain hygiene standards while servicing a food handling areaSFIPROC403C Follow basic food safety practicesSFIPROC406C Develop food safety programsSFIPROC501C Manage seafood processing production unitsSFIPROC502C Produce technical reports on seafood processing systemsSFIPROC503C Analyse seafood packaging requirementsSFIPROC601C Establish costs and or conditions for sale of seafood productSFIPROC602C Plan and manage seafood and related product concept developmentSFIPROC603C Develop and manage seafood and related product production trialsSFIPROC604C Plan and develop formulations and or specifications for new seafood productSFIPROC606C Develop and implement energy control systems in seafood processing environmentsSFIPROC607C Prepare work instructions for new seafood processing tasksSFIPROC608C Provide practical and or commercial advice to seafood usersSFIPROC609C Monitor the seafood business environment to determine threats and opportunitiesSFIPROC610C Establish and manage effective external relationshipsAquaculture OperationsSFIAQUA401C Develop and implement a stock health programSFIAQUA402C Coordinate construction or installation of stock culture, holding and farm structuresSFIAQUA404C Operate hatcherySFIAQUA406C Seed and harvest round pearlsSFIAQUA409B Implement, monitor and review stock productionSFIAQUA410B Implement a program to operate, maintain or upgrade a system comprising high technology water treatment componentsSFIAQUA411A Manage water quality and environmental monitoring in enclosed systemsSFIAQUA510B Select, plan or design a system or facility utilising high technology water treatment componentsDivingSFIDIVE314A Perform compression chamber diving operationsFishing OperationsSFIFISH205C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve drop lines and long lines to land catchSFIFISH208C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve purse seines to land catchSFIFISH211A Provide support for diving operationsSFIFISH214B Contribute to at-sea processing of seafoodSFIFISH309B Construct nets and customise designSFIFISH402C Manage and control fishing operationsVessel OperationsSFIFCHA301C Develop information and advice on fishing charter tripsSFIFCHA302C Operate an inshore day charterSFIFCHA501C Plan and manage extended fishing charter tripsSFISHIP202C Contribute to safe navigationSFISHIP205C Maintain marine plantSFISHIP208C Operate low powered diesel enginesManagementSFIEMS401B Conduct an internal audit of an environmental management systemSFILEAD401B Develop and promote knowledge of the industry sectorSFILEAD402B Negotiate effectively for the sectorSFILEAD403B Demonstrate commitment and professionalismSFILEAD407A Provide expert information to a resource management groupSFILEAD408A Analyse information to develop strategic seafood management optionsSFILEAD409A Negotiate collective outcomes within the resource management group processSFILEAD501C Develop and promote industry knowledgeSFILEAD502C Shape strategic thinkingSFILEAD503C Cultivate productive working relationshipsSFILEAD504C Plan and achieve change and resultsSFILEAD505C Communicate with influenceSFILEAD506C Demonstrate personal drive and integritySFILEAD507C Provide corporate leadershipObservationSFIOBSV301B Monitor and record fishing operationsSFIOBSV303B Collect routine fishery management dataSFIOBSV304B Analyse and report onboard observationsHealth and safetySFIOHS501C Establish and maintain the enterprise OHS programRegister your interest in the projectSubscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select 'Aquaculture & Wild Catch' as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. The final drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 27 September – 30 November 2018, after the Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) granted an extension to the initial 10 October deadline. The final drafts will shortly progress through to the Finalisation stage of the project which includes quality assurance of the documents and review and feedback from the State/Territory Training Authorities. They will then be forwarded to the Aquaculture & Wild Catch Industry Reference Committee (IRC) for consideration and sign off, before being submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on means checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate. They have been improved so that the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units accurately reflect the current industry skills standards and practices and so that all job functions are accurately described.

Summary of consultation to date
Prior to the Validation period, the draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency were made available on the Skills Impact website under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage from 20 July – 19 August 2018. At this time, three qualifications, two skill sets and 28 units were revised. As part of the process six new units were also developed to address skill gaps in biosecurity control and advanced aquaculture and technologies. In addition, industry supported the deletion of 19 units, in order to streamline the qualifications and remove duplications. Some units have also had a code and title change to reflect current industry terminology. Due to the crossover of many of the skills being reviewed, consultation activities for this project have taken place concurrently with the Aquaculture, Fishing Operations & Biosecurity Project. A description of how feedback has been considered and applied in the "drafts available" stage can be downloaded below.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.Based on industry consultation and stakeholder feedback, six new Post Harvest units have been developed.
SFISAD402 Analyse domestic seafood market opportunities | View unit |
SFISAD403 Analyse international seafood market opportunities | View unit |
SFISAD404 Develop and provide information about seafood product | View unit |
SFIPRO301 Monitor hygiene and sanitation requirements | View unit |
SFIPRO505 Develop and implement a seafood waste utilisation strategy | View unit |
SFISTR302 Supervise storage of temperature controlled stock | View unit |
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.These units were originally proposed for deletion (due to low or no enrolments over the past three years according to NCVER data), but stakeholder feedback has indicated some support to keep them. The units have been redeveloped and include:
SFIPRO305 Slaughter and process crocodiles (previously SFIPROC305B) | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO304 Boil and pack crustaceans (previously SFIPROC304B) | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO201 Head and peel crustaceans (previously SFIPROC201C) | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO202 Process squid cuttlefish and octopus (previously SFIPROC202C) | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO404 Plan and develop formulations and or specifications for new seafood product (previously SFIPROC604C, but has been rewritten to meet Australian Qualification framework level 4) | Download final draft unit |
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.Cross sector units have been reviewed and redeveloped to meet skill and knowledge requirements relevant to all industry sectors.
SFIXSI101 Apply basic seafood handling and safety practices | Download final draft unit |
SFIXSI205 Work effectively in the seafood industry | Download final draft unit |
SFIXSI209 Maintain the temperature of seafood | Download final draft unit |
SFIXSI402 Act to prevent interaction with protected species | Download final draft unit |
SFIXSI611 Participate in a media interview or presentation | Download final draft unit |
SFIXSI103 Communicate in the seafood industry | Download final draft unit |
SFIWHS201 Meet workplace health and safety requirements | Download final draft unit |
Stakeholder feedback has supported the deletion of the following units.Seafood Industry (Sales and Distribution) SFIDIST501C Export productSFIDIST502C Import productSeafood Processing SFIPROC402C Maintain hygiene standards while servicing a food handling areaSFIPROC403C Follow basic food safety practicesSFIPROC406C Develop food safety programsSFIPROC501C Manage seafood processing production unitsSFIPROC502C Produce technical reports on seafood processing systemsSFIPROC503C Analyse seafood packaging requirementsSFIPROC601C Establish costs and or conditions for sale of seafood productSFIPROC602C Plan and manage seafood and related product concept developmentSFIPROC603C Develop and manage seafood and related product production trialsSFIPROC606C Develop and implement energy control systems in seafood processing environmentsSFIPROC607C Prepare work instructions for new seafood processing tasksSFIPROC608C Provide practical and or commercial advice to seafood usersSFIPROC609C Monitor the seafood business environment to determine threats and opportunitiesSFIPROC610C Establish and manage effective external relationshipsUnits proposed for deletion due to duplicationThe following units of competency are being proposed for deletion due to duplication of content that can be delivered with existing units from other Training Packages.
Unit proposed for deletion | Proposed replacement unit |
SFIPROC404C Apply and monitor food safety requirements | FBPFSY4001 Supervise and maintain a food safety plan (pending AISC endorsement as part of the Food Science and Technology Project) |
SFIPROC405C Oversee the implementation of a food safety program in the workplace | |
SFIPROC407C Conduct internal food safety audits | HLTFSE008 Conduct internal food safety audits |
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.
SFIPRO101 Clean fish | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO102 Clean work area | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO105 Fillet fish and prepare portions | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO106 Work with knives | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO203 Shuck molluscs | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO302 Handle and pack sashimi-grade fish | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO401 Evaluate a batch of seafood | Download final draft unit |
SFIPRO404 Manage a product recall | Download final draft unit |
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.
SFISAD201 Prepare, cook and retail seafood products | Download final draft unit |
SFISAD202 Retail seafood | Download final draft unit |
SFISAD301 Wholesale product | Download final draft unit |
SFISAD401 Buy seafood product | Download final draft unit |
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.
SFISTR202 Receive and distribute product | Download final draft unit |
SFISTR203 Assemble and load refrigerated product | Download final draft unit |
SFISTR204 Prepare, pack and dispatch stock for live transport | Download final draft unit |
SFISTR205 Prepare, pack and dispatch non-live product | Download final draft unit |
SFISTR301 Operate refrigerated storerooms | Download final draft unit |
Skill set
SFISSO0XX Fish Processor Induction Skill Set | Download final draft skill set |
SFI20518 Certificate II in Seafood Post Harvest Operations | Download final draft qualification |
SFI30518 Certificate III in Seafood Post Harvest Operations | Download final draft qualification |
SFI40518 Certificate IV in Seafood Post Harvest Operations | Download final draft qualification |
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The time between when seafood is caught or harvested and when it is received by the customer is crucial to the quality and safety of the product. Those involved in the processing, packing, transport and selling of seafood are expected to uphold strict food handling, hygiene and biosecurity standards, and are subject to regulatory and legislative requirements.The skills needed to perform these job roles are constantly adapting to changes in technology, laws and market demands. For example, the white spot virus outbreak in Australian prawns in recent years has shed light on the need for more thorough biosecurity measures, particularly detection during post harvest operations. (ABC News)
"The problem is, once you have a pest or disease no one wants your product, and therefore it affects both the fishers and the processors alike." Dr Ben Diggles, marine biologist, Digfish Services

Key changes
Qualifications:- Merging of three qualifications (Certificate I in Aquaculture, Certificate I in Fishing Operations and Certificate I in Seafood Processing) to create one qualification - Certificate I in Seafood Industry.
- Include skills standards for environmental management in the Certificate III in Aquaculture, Certificate III in Fishing Operations and Certificate IV in Aquaculture, removing the need for separate Certificate III and IV in Seafood Industry (Environmental Management Support).
- The Certificate IV in Fishing Operations, Diploma of Fishing Operations and Diploma of Seafood Processing have been deleted, based on advice from industry that there are no job outcomes for these qualifications. Training required by managers can be adequately met by the BSB Business Services Training Package.
- Skills standards for sales and distribution have been incorporated into the Certificate II, III and IV in Seafood Post Harvest Operations, removing the need for separate Certificate II, III and IV in Seafood Industry (Sales and Distribution).
- New units developed to incorporate skills related to biosecurity.
Summary of consultation
Consultation with industry has taken place across Australia. The qualifications, skill sets and units were drafted in consultation with 21 Subject Matter Experts. The broader industry was consulted on the draft documents at two different stages - the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages.The ‘Finalisation’ stage includes the development and publishing of a validation summary for each project. A summary of feedback and how it has been considered and applied at each stage can be downloaded below.A third project within the Seafood Industry Training Package was undertaken to improve training opportunities for fisheries officers. To view the outcomes of this project see the Fisheries Compliance Project page.Please find below links to the final materials are published on the website.Qualifications
This qualification was developed by merging the existing SFI10111 Certificate I in Aquaculture, SFI10211 Certificate I in Fishing Operations and SFI10511 Certificate I in Seafood Processing. The Core units and packaging rules were revised, and total number of units reduced by 2. This new, rationalised Certificate is a preparatory qualification suitable for all sectors. It has no real job outcomes but is suitable for delivery as a VETiS program for secondary school students.
SFI10119 Certificate I in Seafood Industry |
Skill Sets
- SFISS00002 Extended Fishing Charter Operator Skill Set
- SFISS00003 Fisheries Resource Management Observer Skill Set
- SFISS00005 Industry Leadership - Resource Management Group Membership Skill Set
- SFISS00006 Industry Leadership - Sector Representation Skill Set
- SFISS00007 Industry Leadership - Strategic Development Skill Set
- SFISS00008 Limited Fishing Charter Operator Skill Set
- SFISS00013 Senior Deckhand Skill Set
- SFISS00014 Skipper Skill Set
Units of Competency
New units
Revised units - level 1 & 2
SFIAQU406 Implement low water exchange microbial floc technologies |
SFIAQU506 Manage an aquaculture research trial |
SFIAQU511 Culture new aquaculture species |
SFIPRO301 Monitor hygiene and sanitation requirements |
SFIPRO403 Develop and implement a seafood waste utilisation strategy |
SFISAD402 Analyse domestic seafood market opportunities |
SFISAD403 Analyse international seafood market opportunities |
SFISAD404 Develop and provide information about seafood product |
SFISAD201 Prepare, cook and retail seafood products |
SFISAD202 Retail seafood |
SFISAD301 Wholesale product |
SFISAD401 Buy seafood product |
SFISTR302 Supervise storage of temperature controlled stock |
Aquaculture OperationsSFIAQUA406C Seed and harvest round pearlsDivingSFIDIVE314A Perform compression chamber diving operationsFishing OperationsSFIFISH205C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve drop lines and long lines to land catchSFIFISH208C Maintain, prepare, deploy and retrieve purse seines to land catchSFIFISH211A Provide support for diving operationsSFIFISH214B Contribute to at-sea processing of seafoodManagementSFIEMS401B Conduct an internal audit of an environmental management systemSFILEAD401B Develop and promote knowledge of the industry sectorSFILEAD402B Negotiate effectively for the sectorSFILEAD403B Demonstrate commitment and professionalismSFILEAD407A Provide expert information to a resource management groupSFILEAD408A Analyse information to develop strategic seafood management optionsSFILEAD409A Negotiate collective outcomes within the resource management group processSFILEAD501C Develop and promote industry knowledgeSFILEAD502C Shape strategic thinkingSFILEAD503C Cultivate productive working relationshipsSFILEAD504C Plan and achieve change and resultsSFILEAD505C Communicate with influenceSFILEAD506C Demonstrate personal drive and integritySFILEAD507C Provide corporate leadershipHealth and safetySFIOHS501C Establish and maintain the enterprise OHS programSFIOHS301C Implement OHS policies and guidelinesVessel OperationsSFIFCHA301C Develop information and advice on fishing charter tripsSFIFCHA302C Operate an inshore day charterSFIFCHA501C Plan and manage extended fishing charter tripsSFISHIP205C Maintain marine plantSFISHIP208C Operate low powered diesel enginesUnits deletion due to duplicationThe following unit has been deletion due to duplication of content that can be delivered with an existing unit from another training package.SFIEMS501B Develop workplace policy for sustainability to be replaced with BSBSUS501 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices