This project will review relevant Veterinary Nursing skills standards and qualifications within the ACM10 Animal Care and Management Training Package to ensure they reflect the current skill needs of industry.Training Package Projects are established only when a Case For Change has been approved by the Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC), in line with the
National Schedule. Following this approval, Skills Impact and the IRC take the Training Package Project through a process that adheres to the
2012 Standards for Training Package Development.
Download the case for changeP
Project Scope
Meetings with VNCA, NIAG and AVA identified changes to Veterinary Nursing qualifications is required and should incorporate a functional analysis of the industry and possible structural changes to the qualifications as follows:
- Identify areas in the assessment requirements that are vague and do not meet the specific needs identified by the VNCA, NIAG, AVA.
- Ensure that educationally sound assessment requirements are put into place so as to identify evidence of required skills.
- Explore prerequisite requirements, such as Certificate II in Animal Studies or equivalent to become a prerequisite for Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing.
- Review the duplication of units of competency in Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing that are already in the Certificate II of Animal Studies.
- Develop new units that addresses animal anatomy and physiology that will be included as a core unit in the Certificate IV of Veterinary Nursing.
The proposed components that require review to ensure the training package can be used to benchmark participant occupational performance comprise of the following:
- 6 qualifications
- 52 units of competency
- 1 - 12 new units of competency

February 2017
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting – Functional Analysis
Training Package component drafting
Second TAC meeting (23 February)
March 2017
First draft of Training Package Components completed
Third TAC meeting (20 March)
April 2017
First public consultation of relevant units via Skills Impact Website
National face-to-face workshops
May 2017
Fourth TAC meeting (3 May)
Second draft of Training Package Components completed
Second public consultation of relevant units via Skills Impact Website
June 2017
Final draft of Training Package Components completed
Fifth TAC meeting (21 June)
July 2017
Industry Reference Committee (IRC) Sign-off
Training Package components independently Quality Assured and Editing and Equity Reports completed
August 2017
Submission for endorsement to the AISC
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
- Expertise input and consultation
- Training Package component drafting
- Industry validation
- Independent quality assurance and access and equity review
- Industry Reference Committee (IRC) Sign-off
- Submission for endorsement to the AISC
Project Team
Sam Papasidero | Industry Facilitation Manager, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Wayne Jones | Industry Skills Standards Specialist, Skills Impact |
Jenni Oldfied | Industry Skills Standards Developer, JOConsultancy |
Inci Sapmazturk | Administrative Support, Skills Impact |
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Membership
Andrew Donnan | Veterinary Nurse |
Benjamin Rochester | National Industry Advisory Group for Veterinary Nursing |
Bill Harkin | Australian Veterinary Association |
Helen Power | Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia |
Jo Powell | Australia Veterinary Association and TAFE SA |
Merrilyn Fitzgerald | Equine Veterinarian |
Patricia Clarke | Australian Veterinary Association |
Sheridan Martin | Veterinary Surgeon’s board of WA |
Thank you to those who provided feedback on the draft units of competency, qualifications and skill sets.The feedback will inform the work on the final draft of units and qualifications which will be available for industry validation early June.The draft units and qualifications that are under review are listed below.
ACMGAS3XX Identify animal anatomy and physiology for animal care work |
ACMGAS3XX Communicate effectively in a veterinary practice |
ACMVET4XX Provide nutritional advice and support for animals |
ACMVET4XX Assist with preparation of pharmaceutical products for animals |
ACMVET4XX Prepare for anaesthesia and monitor animal anaesthesia and analgesia |
*Please contact us if you have any problems accessing the zipped files.ACMGAS202 Participate in workplace communications |
ACMGAS204 Feed and water animals |
ACMGAS205 Assist in health care of animals (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMGAS208 Source information for animal care needs |
ACMSPE301 Provide basic care of amphibians (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE302 Provide basic care of birds (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE303 Provide basic care of common native mammals (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE304 Provide basic care of dogs (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE305 Provide basic care of domestic cats (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE306 Provide basic care of marine fish (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE307 Provide basic care of freshwater fish (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE308 Provide basic care of marine aquatic invertebrates (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE309 Provide basic care of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE310 Provide basic care of mammals (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMSPE311 Provide basic care of non-venomous reptiles |
ACMSPE312 Provide basic care of rodents and rabbits (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMVET201 Assist with veterinary nursing reception duties |
ACMVET202 Carry out daily clinic routines (note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMVET203 Assist with surgery preparation |
*Please contact us if you have any problems accessing the zipped files.ACMGAS205 Assist in health care of animals (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMGAS301 Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing |
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal work |
ACMMIC401 Implant microchip in cats and dogs |
ACMSPE301 Provide basic care of amphibians (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE302 Provide basic care of birds (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE303 Provide basic care of common native mammals (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE304 Provide basic care of dogs (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE305 Provide basic care of domestic cats (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE306 Provide basic care of marine fish (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE307 Provide basic care of freshwater fish (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE308 Provide basic care of marine aquatic invertebrates (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE309 Provide basic care of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE310 Provide basic care of mammals (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE311 Provide basic care of non-venomous reptiles (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSPE312 Provide basic care of rodents and rabbits (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices |
ACMVET202 Carry out daily clinic routines (note that this unit is also in Certificate II) |
ACMVET401 Coordinate veterinary reception |
ACMVET402 Apply imaging routines |
ACMVET403 Perform clinical pathology procedures |
ACMVET404 Perform practice office procedures |
ACMVET405 Coordinate and perform surgical nursing routines |
ACMVET406 Nurse animals |
ACMVET407 Carry out medical nursing routines |
ACMVET409 Provide specific animal care advice |
ACMVET410 Carry out veterinary dental nursing procedures |
ACMVET411 Prepare, deliver and review animal care education programs |
ACMVET412 Coordinate clinic promotional activities |
ACMVET414 Nurse foals |
ACMVET415 Provide intensive foal care and nursing |
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes |
ACMVET5XX Develop and implement specific clinic policies (note that this unit has been recoded from level four to level 5) |
*Please contact us if you have any problems accessing the zipped files.ACMSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
(note that this unit is also in Certificate IV) |
ACMVET501 Manage nursing requirements for specialised surgical procedures |
ACMVET502 Carry out post-operative nursing routines |
ACMVET503 Produce veterinary dental oral cavity images |
ACMVET504 Provide veterinary dental nursing support for advanced veterinary dental surgery |
ACMVET505 Prepare for emergency response |
ACMVET506 Perform emergency procedures to sustain life |
ACMVET507 Provide nursing support for critical care surgery |
ACMVET508 Support veterinary practice communication and professional development |
ACMVET509 Manage veterinary nursing procedures |
ACMVET510 Apply veterinary nursing pathophysiology |
ACMVET511 Apply principles of animal behaviour |
ACMWHS501 Manage work health and safety processes |
*Please contact us if you have any problems accessing the zipped files.ACM2_17 Certificate II in Animal Studies |
ACM4_17 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing |
ACM5 _ 17 Diploma Veterinary Nursing |
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Feedback on the content of 52 existing units of competency, 5 proposed new units, and the structure of 3 qualifications was sought to ensure the draft units and qualifications reflect the current occupational skills needs of industry.The following Diplomas of Veterinary Nursing have been merged into one single qualification, with embedded specialty streams, based off recommendations by the National Industry Advisory Group for Veterinary Nursing (NIAG) and the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA).ACM50312 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Dental)
ACM50412 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Emergency and Critical Care)
ACM50512 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (General Practice)
ACM50212 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Surgical)The revised Diploma is one of 3 draft qualifications that has been available for review and feedback. The other two qualifications are the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing and Certificate II in Animal Studies.The five proposed new units are being developed to address skills gaps in the training package around animal physiology and analgesics.
Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft units of competency and qualifications. The consultation period for this Validation stage of the project is now closed.The final drafts have been forwarded to the relevant Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) for sign off. After final quality assurance of the drafts, they will be submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on training.gov.au.Validation means checking or proving that something is logically and factually accurate. Industry views were sought on whether the final draft documents accurately reflected the current occupational skill standards and needs of industry. The final draft units and qualifications that were available for industry validation are listed below.
The following Diplomas of Veterinary Nursing have been merged into one single qualification, with embedded specialty streams, based off recommendations by the National Industry Advisory Group for Veterinary Nursing (NIAG) and the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and feedback form industry during the consultation period between 3 - 30 April.
- ACM50312 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Dental)
- ACM50412 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Emergency and Critical Care)
- ACM50512 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (General Practice)
- ACM50212 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Surgical)
ACM2XX17 Certificate II in Animal Studies |
ACM4XX17 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing |
ACM5XX17 Diploma Veterinary Nursing |
Units of Competency
The last two units listed below are proposed new units. They have been developed to address skills gaps in the training package around animal physiology and analgesics.
ACMGAS202 Participate in workplace communications |
ACMGAS204 Feed and water animals |
ACMGAS205 Assist in health care of animals |
ACMGAS208 Source information for animal care needs |
ACMGAS3__ Communicate effectively with clients and team members |
ACMGAS3__ Identify animal anatomy and physiology for animal care work |
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work |
ACMMIC401 Implant microchip in cats and dogs |
ACMSPE307 Provide basic care of freshwater fish |
ACMSPE308 Provide basic care of marine invertebrates |
ACMSPE309 Provide basic care of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates |
ACMSPE310 Provide basic care of mammals |
ACMSPE311 Provide basic care of non-venomous reptiles |
ACMSPE312 Provide basic care of rodents and rabbits |
ACMSPE301 Provide basic care of amphibians |
ACMSPE302 Provide basic care of birds |
ACMSPE303 Provide basic care of common native mammals |
ACMSPE304 Provide basic care of domestic dogs |
ACMSPE305 Provide basic care of domestic cats |
ACMSPE306 Provide basic care of marine fish |
ACMSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices |
The last three units listed below are proposed new units. They have been developed to address skills gaps in the training package around animal physiology and analgesics.ACMVET413A Develop and implement specific clinic policies has been recoded to AQF level 5 and is now ACMVET5__ Develop and implement specific practice policies. On review it was found the content was above an AQF level 4 unit of competency. As part of the project, this unit was also updated to meet the 2012 Standards for Training Packages, with minor changes to clarify the content, and the assessment requirements were also revised
ACMVET406 Nurse animals |
ACMVET407 Carry out medical nursing routines |
ACMVET409 Provide specific animal care advice |
ACMVET410 Carry out veterinary dental nursing procedures |
ACMVET411 Prepare, deliver and review animal care education programs |
ACMVET412 Coordinate practice promotional activities |
ACMVET414 Nurse foals |
ACMVET415 Provide intensive foal care and nursing |
ACMVET501 Manage nursing requirements for specialised surgical procedures |
ACMVET502 Carry out post-operative nursing routines |
ACMVET503 Produce veterinary dental oral cavity images |
ACMVET504 Provide veterinary dental nursing support for advanced veterinary dental surgery |
ACMVET505 Prepare for veterinary emergency response |
ACMVET506 Perform emergency procedures to sustain life |
ACMVET507 Provide nursing support for critical care surgery |
ACMVET508 Support veterinary practice communication and professional development |
ACMVET509 Manage veterinary nursing procedures |
ACMVET510 Apply veterinary nursing pathophysiology |
ACMVET511 Apply principles of animal behaviour |
ACMVET201 Assist with veterinary nursing reception duties |
ACMVET202 Carry out daily clinic routines |
ACMVET203 Assist with surgery preparation |
ACMVET401 Coordinate veterinary reception duties |
ACMVET402 Apply imaging routines |
ACMVET403 Perform clinical pathology procedures |
ACMVET404 Perform practice office procedures |
ACMVET405 Coordinate and perform surgical nursing routines |
ACMVET5__ Develop and implement specific practice policies |
ACMVET4__ Provide nutritional advice and support for animals |
ACMVET4__ Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons |
ACMVET4__ Prepare for anaesthesia and monitor animal anaesthesia and analgesia |
ACMWHS301 Contribute to work health and safety processes |
ACMWHS501 Manage work health and safety processes |
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
The final draft units of competency and qualifications along with two Companion Volumes, which include the ACM Implementation Guide and a Veterinary Nursing User Guide, have been submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) as part of a Case for Endorsement.The Animal Care and Management IRC members considered the wording around the entry requirements for Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing and Diploma of Veterinary Nursing during the early part of September 2018 to ensure that they correctly articulate what is deemed as “demonstrated experience”, as an entry requirement into these qualifications. This information has been defined within the Companion Volume. As part of this work, the proposed wording of the Diploma of Veterinary Nursing entry requirement has been updated to ensure it is inclusive of all veterinary nursing qualifications, robust as a pathway and learners have sufficient knowledge and skills for successful completion of the Diploma. The AISC will consider the Case for Endorsement at their meeting on 9 October 2018.The Case for Endorsement provides the AISC with a case for approving the final draft units, and qualifications. It provides information about what changes have been made to the training package including, where relevant, information on new or updated units, skill sets and qualifications. It also outlines who has been consulted and provided feedback throughout the project, why the changes were made, and what the implications of the changes are. Once endorsed, the units and qualifications will be published on training.gov.au and available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs).

Two companion volumes have been produced as part of this project:
- The companion volume ACM Implementation Guide contains key information to help registered training organisations (RTOs) implement the units and qualifications including the key work and training requirements in the industry; regulation and licensing implications for implementation; pathways advice; industry sectors and occupational outcomes of qualification; and advice on workplace health and safety implications.
- The companion volume User Guide: Veterinary Nursing provides detailed information on assessment of veterinary nursing units; resources and equipment required for assessment of the Certificate IV and Diploma of Veterinary Nursing; unit descriptors; work placement and work placement details in assessment requirements; opportunities and challenges for RTOs, students and employers; organising work placements; insurance and responsibilities and assessments in the workplace.
Please find below copies of the final draft documents that were submitted to the AISC. Qualifications
The following Diplomas of Veterinary Nursing have been merged into one single qualification, with embedded specialty streams, based off recommendations by the National Industry Advisory Group for Veterinary Nursing (NIAG) and the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and feedback form industry during the consultation period between 3 - 30 April.
- ACM50312 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Dental)
- ACM50412 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Emergency and Critical Care)
- ACM50512 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (General Practice)
- ACM50212 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Surgical)
Units of Competency
The last two units listed below are proposed new units. They have been developed to address skills gaps in the training package around animal physiology and analgesics.
The last three units listed below are proposed new units. They have been developed to address skills gaps in the training package around animal physiology and analgesics.ACMVET413A Develop and implement specific clinic policies has been recoded to AQF level 5 and is now ACMVET5__ Develop and implement specific practice policies. On review it was found the content was above an AQF level 4 unit of competency. As part of the project, this unit was also updated to meet the 2012 Standards for Training Packages, with minor changes to clarify the content, and the assessment requirements were also revised
Case for Endorsement
Download the ACM Case for Endorsement (part 1 of 2)
Download the ACM Case for Endorsement (part 2 of 2) Companion Volumes
Download the ACM Implementation Guide
Download the User Guide: Veterinary Nursing
Download the User Guide: Equine Dentistry Remaining Units, Skills Sets and Qualifications in ACM10 Animal Care and Management Training Package
The following units of competency, skill sets and qualifications have been reviewed so that they comply with the requirements of the
Standards for Training Packages, 2012. They have also been submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) as part of the
ACM Case for Endorsement, Part 1 of 2.This work is part of a separate requirement by the AISC to ensure that the documents that were not being covered under the Veterinary Nursing Project met the
Standards for Training Packages 2012. This work did not require a full review of the content of components. The work completed included:
- Units of competency: foundation skills mapping has been completed and performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment conditions have been reviewed.
- Qualifications: all units of competency, including imported units, have been checked and elective banks have been updated where required.
- A check of the Certificate IV in Animal Control and Regulation identified that an imported core unit of competency, PSPREG404C Investigate non-compliance, had been deleted from the Public Services Training Package. The deleted unit has been replaced under the guidance of industry experts by three units of competency (PSPINV001 Plan and initiate an investigation, PSPINV002 Conduct an investigation and PSPINV003 Finalise an investigation)
- Industry experts reviewed ACMACR405A Euthanase sick, injured or unwanted pound animals and the updated content and amended the title to ACMACR405 Assist with the euthanasia of sick, injured or unwanted pound animals to reflect the work of an individual who can assist with euthanasia of an animal under the direct supervision of a qualified veterinarian.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft qualifications in this group
- ACM10117 Certificate I in Animal Studies
- ACM30117 Certificate III in Animal Studies
- ACM30217 Certificate III in Animal Technology
- ACM30317 Certificate III in Captive Animals
- ACM30417 Certificate III in Companion Animal Services
- ACM30517 Certificate III in Farriery
- ACM30617 Certificate III in Pet Grooming
- ACM30717 Certificate III in Horse Breeding
- ACM30817 Certificate III in Performance Horse
- ACM40117 Certificate IV in Animal Control and Regulation
- ACM40217 Certificate IV in Captive Animals
- ACM40317 Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services
- ACM40517 Certificate IV in Equine Dentistry
- ACM40617 Certificate IV in Pet Styling
- ACM40717 Certificate IV in Horse Breeding
- ACM50117 Diploma of Animal Technology
- ACM50317 Diploma of Horse Stud Management
- ACM50417 Diploma of Performance Horse Management
Skill Sets
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft qualifications in this group
- ACMSS000007 Microchip Implantation for Dogs and Cats Skill Set
- ACMSS000008 Native Amphibian Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000009 Native Bird Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000010 Native Mammal Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000011 Native Reptile Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000012 Preventative Biosecurity Skill Set
- ACMSS000013 Incorporate safety when instructing beginners in horse handling
- ACMSS000014 Beginners horse handling safety
Units of Competency
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft units in this group
- ACMACR401 Comply with animal control and regulation requirements
- ACMACR402 Assess and impound animals
- ACMACR403 Identify and respond to animal behaviour
- ACMACR404 Manage conflict situations within an animal control and regulation environment
- ACMACR405 Assist with the euthanasia of sick, injured or unwanted pound animals
- ACMACR406 Carry out pound procedures
- ACMACR407 Conduct community awareness programs
- ACMACR408 Coordinate seizure of animals
- ACMACR409 Prepare and present animal control and regulation case
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft units in this group
- ACMATE301 Work within an animal technology facility
- ACMATE302 Carry out institution containment and exclusion procedures
- ACMATE303 Prepare for and monitor anaesthesia in animals
- ACMATE304 Conduct non-surgical procedures on animals
- ACMATE305 Conduct euthanasia of research animals
- ACMATE501 Manage compliance in animal technology
- ACMATE502 Manage and maintain the health of research animals
- ACMATE503 Carry out post-mortem examination of a research animal
- ACMATE504 Administer anaesthesia and perform surgery on animals for scientific purposes
- ACMATE505 Carry out advanced breeding procedures
- ACMATE506 Assist to collect and transfer embryos of mice
- ACMATE507 Manage the parturition of transgenic mice or rats
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft units in this group
- ACMCAN301 Work within a captive animal facility
- ACMCAN302 Prepare and present information to the public
- ACMCAN303 Support collection management
- ACMCAN304 Prepare and maintain animal housing
- ACMCAN305 Assist with capturing, restraining and moving animals
- ACMCAN306 Monitor animal reproduction
- ACMCAN307 Rehabilitate native wildlife
- ACMCAN308 Release native animals to natural environment
- ACMCAN309 Develop institutional husbandry guidelines
- ACMCAN310 Assist with exhibit design and renovation planning
- ACMCAN311 Care for young animals
- ACMCAN401 Implement collection management
- ACMCAN402 Manage enclosures and exhibits
- ACMCAN403 Develop animal diets
- ACMCAN404 Develop, monitor and review behavioural management strategies
- ACMCAN405 Design and evaluate interpretive and learning programs
- ACMCAN406 Assist in establishing and maintaining a plantation
- ACMCAN501 Contribute to enclosure and exhibit design or renovation projects
- ACMCAN502 Develop and monitor collection management
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft units in this group
- ACMCAS301 Work effectively in the companion animal industry
- ACMCAS302 Provide advice on companion animal selection and general care
- ACMCAS303 Provide advice on selection and care of aquatic animals
- ACMCAS304 Capture, handle and transport companion animals
- ACMCAS305 Maintain aquascapes and aquatic animals
- ACMCAS306 Provide grooming services for companion animal comfort
- ACMCAS307 Provide companion animal hydro-bathing services
- ACMCAS401 Manage compliance in the companion animal industry
- ACMCAS402 Manage and maintain aviaries and bird rooms
- ACMCAS403 Design, construct and maintain aquascapes
- ACMCAS404 Develop enrichment strategies for companion animals
- ACMCAS405 Purchase companion animal livestock
- ACMCAS406 Manage companion animal breeding
- ACMCAS407 Provide professional companion animal grooming services
- ACMCAS408 Manage the operation of a mobile hydro-bathing facility
- ACMCAS409 Provide training advice to companion animal owners
- ACMCAS410 Conduct companion animal training classes
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft units in this group
- ACMGAS101 Investigate job opportunities in animal care and related industries
- ACMGAS102 Catch and handle a range of quiet animals
- ACMGAS103 Assist in the care of animals
- ACMGAS201 Work in the animal care industry
- ACMGAS203 Complete animal care hygiene routines
- ACMGAS206 Provide basic first aid for animals
- ACMGAS207 Provide reception services for an animal care facility
- ACMGAS209 Provide information on companion animals, products and services
- ACMGAS210 Prepare for and conduct a tour or presentation
- ACMGAS302 Provide enrichment for animals
- ACMGAS303 Plan for and provide nutritional requirements for animals
- ACMGAS304 Carry out simple breeding procedures
- ACMGAS305 Rescue animals and apply basic first aid
- ACMGAS306 Assist with conditioning animals
Click here to download a zipped folder of all final draft units in this group
- ACMGRM301 Perform dog grooms on different coat types
- ACMGRM302 Perform a cross breed clip
- ACMGRM404 Provide creative styling for dogs
- ACMGRM405 Carry out styling on cats of different breeds and coat types
- ACMGRM406 Carry out breed standard styling on breed groups
Case for Endorsement
Download the ACM Case for Endorsement Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) considered the
Case for Endorsement (part 2 of 2) at their meeting on the 4 December 2018 and endorsed the
Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing. They considered and endorsed the
Diploma of Veterinary Nursing on 13 August 2019.Following endorsement by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC), the
Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, Diploma of Veterinary Nursing and the associated units of competency are now published on training.gov.au, which means they are available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs). They are published within the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package.
Click here to view the training package.The
Case for Endorsement (part 1 of 2) was endorsed by the AISC in 2017. It was for the units relating to general animal studies, infection control, microchipping, species specific, environmental sustainability, and work health and safety.This project reviewed relevant Veterinary Nursing qualifications and units of competency to ensure they reflect the current skill needs of industry. For further details about the development of this project, please click on the green project arrows above.

What does this mean for training providers?
Registered training organisations (RTOs) may now apply to have the updated qualifications and units added to their scope of registration. RTOs who already have the qualifications and units that have been updated as part of this endorsement have 12 months to transition to delivering the updated qualifications, skill sets and units, from the date of publish. For more information, visit the
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) website.
Companion Volume Implementation Guide and a
User Guide: Veterinary Nursing have also been produced to help training providers implement the new and revised qualification and units. These can be downloaded from
Summary of consultation
The project was guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) made up of industry representatives. The qualifications and units were drafted in consultation with the TAC. Feedback was collected on the draft documents via eight public consultation workshops in Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Hobart, Darwin, Brisbane and Coffs Harbour. Broad consultation also took place through the Skills Impact website, where the draft documents were made available for download and feedback for a four week period and again, for an additional two weeks, when the drafts were revised for validation.
Summary of project outcomes
Qualification entry requirements were reviewed and updated, in line with industry requirements. New units were developed to address animal anatomy and physiology. The duplication of units between the
Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing and the
Certificate II of Animal Studies were also reviewed.Industry advice received during the project has resulted in the following:
- 2 qualifications
- ACM50217 Diploma Veterinary Nursing (Combined four Veterinary Nursing Diploma qualifications into one qualification with a common core and optional specialisations).
- ACM40417 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing.
- 28 units of competency
Case for Endorsement
Please see the
Cases for Endorsement for more information about the work that was undertaken and why:
Download the ACM Case for Endorsement (part 1 of 2)
Download the ACM Case for Endorsement (part 2 of 2) Provided below are links to the the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, Diploma of Veterinary Nursing and the associated units of competency on training.gov.au. Qualifications
The following Diplomas of Veterinary Nursing have been merged into one single qualification, with embedded specialty streams, based off recommendations by the National Industry Advisory Group for Veterinary Nursing (NIAG) and the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and feedback form industry during the project life cycle.
- ACM50312 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Dental)
- ACM50412 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Emergency and Critical Care)
- ACM50512 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (General Practice)
- ACM50212 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Surgical)
The Animal Care and Management IRC members considered the wording around the entry requirements for
Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing and
Diploma of Veterinary Nursing during the early part of September 2018 to ensure that they correctly articulate what is deemed as “demonstrated experience”, as an entry requirement into these qualifications. This information has been defined within the Companion Volume. As part of this work, the proposed wording of the
Diploma of Veterinary Nursing entry requirement has been updated to ensure it is inclusive of all veterinary nursing qualifications, robust as a pathway and learners have sufficient knowledge and skills for successful completion of the Diploma.
Units of Competency
ACMVET408 Provide nutritional advice and support for animals, ACMVET413 Prepare and monitor anaesthetics and analgesics in animals and ACMVET416 Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons are new units. They have been developed to address skills gaps in the training package around animal physiology and analgesics.ACMVET413A Develop and implement specific clinic policies has been recoded to AQF level 5 and is now ACMVET512 Develop and implement specific practice policies. On review it was found the content was above an AQF level 4 unit of competency. As part of the project, this unit was also updated to meet the 2012 Standards for Training Packages, with minor changes to clarify the content, and the assessment requirements were also revised.
The last two units listed below are new units. They have been developed to address skills gaps in the training package around animal physiology and analgesics.
Remaining Units, Skills Sets and Qualifications in ACM10 Animal Care and Management Training Package
The following units of competency, skill sets and qualifications have been reviewed so that they comply with the requirements of the
Standards for Training Packages, 2012. They were submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) as part of the
ACM Case for Endorsement, Part 1 of 2 and were endorsed and released onto training.gov.au in 2017.This work is part of a separate requirement by the AISC to ensure that the documents that were not being covered under the Veterinary Nursing Project met the
Standards for Training Packages 2012. This work did not require a full review of the content of components. The work completed included:
- Units of competency: foundation skills mapping has been completed and performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment conditions have been reviewed.
- Qualifications: all units of competency, including imported units, have been checked and elective banks have been updated where required.
- A check of the Certificate IV in Animal Control and Regulation identified that an imported core unit of competency, PSPREG404C Investigate non-compliance, had been deleted from the Public Services Training Package. The deleted unit has been replaced under the guidance of industry experts by three units of competency (PSPINV001 Plan and initiate an investigation, PSPINV002 Conduct an investigation and PSPINV003 Finalise an investigation)
- Industry experts reviewed ACMACR405A Euthanase sick, injured or unwanted pound animals and the updated content and amended the title to ACMACR405 Assist with the euthanasia of sick, injured or unwanted pound animals to reflect the work of an individual who can assist with euthanasia of an animal under the direct supervision of a qualified veterinarian.
- ACM10117 Certificate I in Animal Studies
- ACM30117 Certificate III in Animal Studies
- ACM30217 Certificate III in Animal Technology
- ACM30317 Certificate III in Captive Animals
- ACM30417 Certificate III in Companion Animal Services
- ACM30517 Certificate III in Farriery
- ACM30617 Certificate III in Pet Grooming
- ACM30717 Certificate III in Horse Breeding
- ACM30817 Certificate III in Performance Horse
- ACM40117 Certificate IV in Animal Control and Regulation
- ACM40217 Certificate IV in Captive Animals
- ACM40317 Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services
- ACM40517 Certificate IV in Equine Dentistry
- ACM40617 Certificate IV in Pet Styling
- ACM40717 Certificate IV in Horse Breeding
- ACM50117 Diploma of Animal Technology
- ACM50317 Diploma of Horse Stud Management
- ACM50417 Diploma of Performance Horse Management
Skill Sets
- ACMSS000007 Microchip Implantation for Dogs and Cats Skill Set
- ACMSS000008 Native Amphibian Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000009 Native Bird Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000010 Native Mammal Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000011 Native Reptile Rehabilitation Skill Set
- ACMSS000012 Preventative Biosecurity Skill Set
- ACMSS000013 Incorporate safety when instructing beginners in horse handling
- ACMSS000014 Beginners horse handling safety
Units of Competency
- ACMACR401 Comply with animal control and regulation requirements
- ACMACR402 Assess and impound animals
- ACMACR403 Identify and respond to animal behaviour
- ACMACR404 Manage conflict situations within an animal control and regulation environment
- ACMACR405 Assist with the euthanasia of sick, injured or unwanted pound animals
- ACMACR406 Carry out pound procedures
- ACMACR407 Conduct community awareness programs
- ACMACR408 Coordinate seizure of animals
- ACMACR409 Prepare and present animal control and regulation case
- ACMATE301 Work within an animal technology facility
- ACMATE302 Carry out institution containment and exclusion procedures
- ACMATE303 Prepare for and monitor anaesthesia in animals
- ACMATE304 Conduct non-surgical procedures on animals
- ACMATE305 Conduct euthanasia of research animals
- ACMATE501 Manage compliance in animal technology
- ACMATE502 Manage and maintain the health of research animals
- ACMATE503 Carry out post-mortem examination of a research animal
- ACMATE504 Administer anaesthesia and perform surgery on animals for scientific purposes
- ACMATE505 Carry out advanced breeding procedures
- ACMATE506 Assist to collect and transfer embryos of mice
- ACMATE507 Manage the parturition of transgenic mice or rats
- ACMCAN301 Work within a captive animal facility
- ACMCAN302 Prepare and present information to the public
- ACMCAN303 Support collection management
- ACMCAN304 Prepare and maintain animal housing
- ACMCAN305 Assist with capturing, restraining and moving animals
- ACMCAN306 Monitor animal reproduction
- ACMCAN307 Rehabilitate native wildlife
- ACMCAN308 Release native animals to natural environment
- ACMCAN309 Develop institutional husbandry guidelines
- ACMCAN310 Assist with exhibit design and renovation planning
- ACMCAN311 Care for young animals
- ACMCAN401 Implement collection management
- ACMCAN402 Manage enclosures and exhibits
- ACMCAN403 Develop animal diets
- ACMCAN404 Develop, monitor and review behavioural management strategies
- ACMCAN405 Design and evaluate interpretive and learning programs
- ACMCAN406 Assist in establishing and maintaining a plantation
- ACMCAN501 Contribute to enclosure and exhibit design or renovation projects
- ACMCAN502 Develop and monitor collection management
- ACMCAS301 Work effectively in the companion animal industry
- ACMCAS302 Provide advice on companion animal selection and general care
- ACMCAS303 Provide advice on selection and care of aquatic animals
- ACMCAS304 Capture, handle and transport companion animals
- ACMCAS305 Maintain aquascapes and aquatic animals
- ACMCAS306 Provide grooming services for companion animal comfort
- ACMCAS307 Provide companion animal hydro-bathing services
- ACMCAS401 Manage compliance in the companion animal industry
- ACMCAS402 Manage and maintain aviaries and bird rooms
- ACMCAS403 Design, construct and maintain aquascapes
- ACMCAS404 Develop enrichment strategies for companion animals
- ACMCAS405 Purchase companion animal livestock
- ACMCAS406 Manage companion animal breeding
- ACMCAS407 Provide professional companion animal grooming services
- ACMCAS408 Manage the operation of a mobile hydro-bathing facility
- ACMCAS409 Provide training advice to companion animal owners
- ACMCAS410 Conduct companion animal training classes
- ACMGAS101 Investigate job opportunities in animal care and related industries
- ACMGAS102 Catch and handle a range of quiet animals
- ACMGAS103 Assist in the care of animals
- ACMGAS201 Work in the animal care industry
- ACMGAS203 Complete animal care hygiene routines
- ACMGAS206 Provide basic first aid for animals
- ACMGAS207 Provide reception services for an animal care facility
- ACMGAS209 Provide information on companion animals, products and services
- ACMGAS210 Prepare for and conduct a tour or presentation
- ACMGAS302 Provide enrichment for animals
- ACMGAS303 Plan for and provide nutritional requirements for animals
- ACMGAS304 Carry out simple breeding procedures
- ACMGAS305 Rescue animals and apply basic first aid
- ACMGAS306 Assist with conditioning animals
- ACMGRM301 Perform dog grooms on different coat types
- ACMGRM302 Perform a cross breed clip
- ACMGRM404 Provide creative styling for dogs
- ACMGRM405 Carry out styling on cats of different breeds and coat types
- ACMGRM406 Carry out breed standard styling on breed groups
- ACMSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
- ACMWHS401 Maintain workplace health and safety processes
- ACMWHS201 Participate in workplace health and safety processes
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